10 episodes

Join the JollyCellarMaster on a journey to understand why we love what we love: Conversations and great stuff from the World of Wine

The Jolly Cellar Master - Great Stuff from the World of Wine The Jolly Cellar Master

    • Arts

Join the JollyCellarMaster on a journey to understand why we love what we love: Conversations and great stuff from the World of Wine

    #11: Una Famiglia Italiana in Transilvania – Michela Scrollini e la Lechburg Winery

    #11: Una Famiglia Italiana in Transilvania – Michela Scrollini e la Lechburg Winery

    Shownotes Un’altra conversazione interessante e sorprendente nata al Merano Wine Festival, questa volta con Michela Scrollini della Lechburg Winery in Romania. Michela e la sua famiglia sono originalmente del Nord Italia e hanno dato vita ad un’avventura culminata nell’impianto di nuovi vigneti nella zona viticola di Lechinta, territorio incantato nel cuore della Transilvania. Durante la […]

    • 29 min
    #10: Bruno Trapan and the Wines of Istria

    #10: Bruno Trapan and the Wines of Istria

    Shownotes   Following a lengthy abstinence from wine fair because of the Covid crisis, I was absolutely thrilled to be back in the midst of things, this time at the Merano Wine Festival in the north of Italy. The first interview I did was with Bruno Trapan of Trapan Wines in Croatia, producer and distributor […]

    • 24 min
    #9: Isole e Olena di Paolo De Marchi e la storia del Chianti

    #9: Isole e Olena di Paolo De Marchi e la storia del Chianti

    Paolo De Marchi è uno dei produttori più noti e stimati in centro Italia e la sua Isole e Olena è senza dubbio una delle più famose e pregiate cantine della zona del Chianti Classico. L’azienda fu fondata nel 1956 dalla famiglia De Marchi. Si trova a San Donato in Poggio ed è uno dei […]

    • 58 min
    #8: Andreas Kofler über Bordeaux-Rebsorten in Südtirol und den Wert von Lagenbezeichnungen

    #8: Andreas Kofler über Bordeaux-Rebsorten in Südtirol und den Wert von Lagenbezeichnungen

    Andreas Kofler ist Obst- und Weinbauer in Kurtatsch. Er ist Obmann der Kellerei Kurtatsch, einer der ältesten Kellereigenossenschaften Südtirols. Gleichzeitig ist er auch noch Präsident des Südtiroler Weinkonsortiums. Alles eine Frage der Einteilung, wie er mir in unserem Gespräch zu Beginn erzählt, denn er findet nicht nur Zeit für ein Gespräch mit mir, sondern auch […]

    • 24 min
    #7: Jeanene Kennedy on Winederlust and Wine Tours with Children

    #7: Jeanene Kennedy on Winederlust and Wine Tours with Children

    No single event has changed my life as the birth of my daughter. No matter how much you want kids, how well prepared you think you are – it’s the end of life as we knew it, though in mostly positive ways 😉 On this episode, I talk to Jeanene Kennedy who used to travel […]

    • 28 min
    #6: Keith Grainger on Wine Faults and Flaws: Friend or Foe?

    #6: Keith Grainger on Wine Faults and Flaws: Friend or Foe?

    Keith Grainger is one of those wine personalities I simply could talk to for hours given his wealth of knowledge and expertise. He is an esteemed wine educator and founding member of the The Association of Wine Educators, a wine consultant and author of several books. Wine Production and Quality is an amazing guide that […]

    • 1 hr 3 min

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