Entering the Golden Timeline with Marie Fleming Grant
Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. Today I'm joined once again by Ascension Guide, Direct Channel, Activator and author the wonderful Marie Fleming Grant. In this episode we talk about the wave of activations and awakenings that people are experiencing globally, as humanity engages with a huge planetary shift which first began in 2020. Marie also explains the timeline shift which has set the planet on an ascended course, and offers advice on how to navigate this evolutionary transit. So please join me as look at life through a different lens. KEY TAKEAWAYS Marie reveals that humanity has shifted onto what she calls "the golden timeline," moving away from a potentially dystopian future toward an inevitably positive outcome, despite current global challenges. She shares that the chaos and upheaval we're currently witnessing is actually a necessary part of the awakening process, like a wrecking ball clearing space for something beautiful to be built. Right now people are experiencing waves of activation and awakening, particularly in recent months, as more individuals begin to question mainstream narratives and think critically. According to Marie, everyone is making an impact on the planet's evolution, even during sleep, and viral social media success isn't a measure of one's contribution to the collective awakening. She discusses how the programming we've received since birth is being challenged and dismantled, allowing people to rediscover their authentic selves and true potential. Marie shares that 2025 will bring continued awakenings, with different people awakening at different paces and through various catalysts. She describes channelling as a natural process that everyone does to some degree, whether through artistic expression or intuitive guidance. While more light is entering the planet, this creates a push-pull dynamic with heavy energies, which explains the current global tensions. BEST MOMENTS "We've shifted onto a different alternate timeline... we're on a golden timeline. The golden timeline means that we are headed for a very wonderful future for humanity. We are set on course. It's inevitable." "You're doing a lot on the planet, even when you're asleep... just by breathing, just by how you think, how you're operating in the world, it's so impactful." "Sometimes the thing that you're really holding at bay, you're very fearful of, could be the very thing you're actually here to do." "For some people it will be more traumatic... like everything's being ripped open. And for other people it'll be more of a soft kind of general awakening." ABOUT THE GUEST Marie is a Direct Channel, Ascension Guide & Activator, who works with Leaders, Healers, Impact Makers, Conscious Business Owners, Visionary CEO's & Entrepreneurs, and those here on their Mission to assist the collective shift. Marie is also an Author, Founder of 'The Awake Revolution' and creator of 'High Level Channel International Training Academy.' She guides and activates people to drop the old paradigms in life, business & mission, wake up to who they really are, and revolutionise how they think, feel, live and create, to be all of who they came here to be. Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B8H967LS Socials & Contact: Facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/MarieFlemingGrant https://www.facebook.com/TheAwakeRevolutionMFG/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theawakerevolution YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjD2cjhw5yjoEEkm_RUCidA?view_as=subscriber LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/the-awake-revolution111 Website: https://theawakerevolution.com Ways of working together: The Awake Revolution CONTACT METHOD FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/caropartridge LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroline-partridge-03131520 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/partridge_caroline