1 hr 9 min

Tools For Finding & Maintaining Aligned Friendships with Nicole Garfunkel Whole, Full, & Alive

    • Nutrition

Things We Dive Into In This Episode:
1. Q&A - friendship breakups & body comparison
2. Why our friendship has lasted the test of time
3. Qualities we want the each other to celebrate more and show the world more
▪️Nutrition & Intuition Retreat - Book a Commitment Free Discovery Call!
▪️Tools to Step Out of Body Avoidance And Access Self-Confidence & Intuition podcast episode
Nicole Garfunkel is a personal stylist and body image consultant who works specifically with people who are recovering from disordered eating and navigating changes in their body and inevitable changes in their closets. And she's also my Director of Operations at Full Soul Nutrition. You can learn more about Nicole on her website & instagram.
Thanks for listening! 💖 Stay tuned to Caitie's website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources.

Things We Dive Into In This Episode:
1. Q&A - friendship breakups & body comparison
2. Why our friendship has lasted the test of time
3. Qualities we want the each other to celebrate more and show the world more
▪️Nutrition & Intuition Retreat - Book a Commitment Free Discovery Call!
▪️Tools to Step Out of Body Avoidance And Access Self-Confidence & Intuition podcast episode
Nicole Garfunkel is a personal stylist and body image consultant who works specifically with people who are recovering from disordered eating and navigating changes in their body and inevitable changes in their closets. And she's also my Director of Operations at Full Soul Nutrition. You can learn more about Nicole on her website & instagram.
Thanks for listening! 💖 Stay tuned to Caitie's website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources.

1 hr 9 min