27 min

Work Jerks by Louise Carnachan / Non-Fiction Tell Me About Your Book

    • Books

Welcome to the 2nd Non-Fiction Week!Author Louise Carnachan definitely knows plenty about work bosses and working conditions. With this clever and intuitive book, Work Jerks explores the types of bosses we all deal with and how to well, deal with them. We discuss her approach to her writing style along with some future plans. About the book:If you’re stressed and unhappy because of problems with a boss or colleague, you pay a price. Not only can your mental and physical health suffer, yo...

Welcome to the 2nd Non-Fiction Week!Author Louise Carnachan definitely knows plenty about work bosses and working conditions. With this clever and intuitive book, Work Jerks explores the types of bosses we all deal with and how to well, deal with them. We discuss her approach to her writing style along with some future plans. About the book:If you’re stressed and unhappy because of problems with a boss or colleague, you pay a price. Not only can your mental and physical health suffer, yo...

27 min