137 episodes

Tri ffrind yn rhannu diod a thrafod technoleg, teli, ffilm a phopeth arall unwaith y mis. Podlediad hyna’r Gymraeg ™

Yr Haclediad Haclediad

    • Technology
    • 4.4 • 14 Ratings

Tri ffrind yn rhannu diod a thrafod technoleg, teli, ffilm a phopeth arall unwaith y mis. Podlediad hyna’r Gymraeg ™

    Hac the Planet!!

    Hac the Planet!!

    "I am a Haclediad, and this is my manifesto. You may stop this podcast, but you can't stop us all... "

    Y flwyddyn yw 1995, mae sbectols bychan a rollerblades yn bla ar ein strydoedd, a mae 'Hackers' yn dy siop video leol... ochenaid dyddiau da.

    Yn y bennod yma o'r Haclediad (sy'n brysur troi mewn i Milennial hiraeth cast) bydd Iest, Sions a Bryn yn trafod:

    👉cariad Llywodraeth Cymru tuag at AI
    👉Sylwadau Mira Murati o Open AI am sut bo rhai swyddi creadigol "ddim angen bodoli"
    👉y blockchain yn amddiffyn gwaith artistiaid
    👉 ac wrth gwrs - y Ffilmdiddim AmDdim - Hackers (1995) ar Freevee

    Diolch eto i bob un ohonoch sy'n gwrando, tanysgrifio a chefnogi - chi werth y byd 🥹
    Support Yr Haclediad
    Tsarathustra on X: "OpenAI's Mira Murati: "some creative jobs maybe will go away, but maybe they shouldn't have been there in the first place" https://t.co/wi9wAKStgj" / XSheryl Crow: 'Resurrecting Tupac with AI is hateful' - BBC NewsChatGPT yn dysgu Cymraeg | LLYW.CYMRUBeth yw rôl deallusrwydd artiffisial yn nyfodol y Gymraeg? - BBC Cymru FywTechnoleg a’r Gymraeg [HTML] | LLYW.CYMRUDyfan Lewis on X: "Goblygiadau hyn ar y byd gwaith a'r Gymraeg fel sgil oddi fewn iddo yn y byr dymor yn bellgyrhaeddol. Fydd e ond yn iselhau gwerth siaradwyr Cymraeg o fewn y farchnad swyddi, ac yn dwysáu natur allanol yr iaith o fewn sefydliadau "Cymreig", "dwyieithog"." / XWacom's found a use for blockchain - and it will protect your art from AI | Creative BloqCara | Artist Social & Portfolio PlatformInstagram is training AI on your data. It's nearly impossible to opt out - Fast CompanyHow to keep your art out of AI generators - The VergeSurface Laptop 7th Edition review: Microsoft’s best MacBook Air competitor yet - The Verge18 things from WWDC24 | Apple - YouTubeHackers (1995) Fallout (TV Series 2024- ) The Acolyte (TV Series 2024- ) Tokyo Vice (TV Series 2022-2024) Unfortunately, bridgerton fumbled season 3 - YouTubeBorrowBox – Your library in one appUn Nos Ola Leuad – Sain

    • 2 hrs 51 min
    Paned with the Apes

    Paned with the Apes

    Yn parhau'r run o benodau melltigedig, trïwch sbotio lle wnaeth Sioned ddiffodd switch trydan ei set up cyfan ynghanol y sioe yma ⚡😅

    Bydd Iest, Bryn a Sions yn taclo Cymru/Wales yn y Metaverse, hysbyseb yr ipad Crush ac enshittifiation cynnyrch Apple. Gwyliwch allan am ddial Cupertino ar Iest yn ail hanner y sioe wrth i Face Time crasho bob 5 munud 😖

    Ffilm ofnadwy y mis yma ydy campwaith Marky Mark Planet of the Apes (2001) - pwy wyddau pa mor horni allai mygydau rwber fod?

    Diolch i bawb sy'n gwrando a chefnogi 🙏❤️

    (Recordiwyd y bennod yma cyn implosion Cwis Bob Dydd, neu base ni di cyfro hwna hefyd!)
    Support Yr Haclediad
    Land of dragons and jank: I took a trip to Wales in the metaverse | PC GamerApple apologizes for iPad ‘Crush’ ad that ‘missed the mark’ - The VergeMath problems with GPT-4o - YouTubeScarlett Johansson says Altman insinuated that AI soundalike was intentional | Ars TechnicaLawyers say OpenAI could be in real trouble with Scarlett Johansson - The VergeGoogle I/O 2024 keynote in 17 minutes - YouTubeMicrosoft vs. Apple: Satya Nadella Says AI-Focused Copilot+ PCs Beat Macs | WSJ - YouTubeMicrosoft Surface Copilot + PC Event: Everything Revealed in 13 Minutes - YouTubeApple iOS 18, macOS 15 AI Features: Project Greymatter, Privacy, OpenAI Deal - BloombergGoogle scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search - The Verge‎Planet of the Apes (2001) directed by Tim Burton‎The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)‎War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) ‎My Man Godfrey (1936) ‎11.22.63 (2016) ‎I Miss Golden Age Hip-Hop ‎The Big Lebowski (1998) The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel - YouTubeDriftBridgerton (TV Series 2020- ) Gwynedd i arwain prosiect cenedlaethol ar gyfer llyfrgelloedd‎Love Lies Bleeding (2024)

    • 3 hrs 15 min
    Mae 'na ffilms gwell Argylle...

    Mae 'na ffilms gwell Argylle...

    Shhhh, peidiwch gadael y gath o'r cŵd am gynnwys Haclediad mis Ebrill... y cyfan allwn ni ddeud ydy bod yr Humane AI pin yn siomedigaeth a mai Argylle ydy o bosib y Ffilmdiddim GWAETHAF hyd yn hyn (yup, waeth na Diana the Musical😨).

    Ymunwch â Bryn, Iestyn a Sions i leddfu'ch unigrwydd gyda 2+ awr o tech talk, trafod obsesiwn plant Sioned efo "Death in Paradise" ac awgrymiadau beth DYLE chi wylio (hint: Deffinetli ddim Argylle)

    Diolch o galon i bawb sy'n gwrando a chyfrannu - chi wirioneddol yn lejys bob un 🥹
    Support Yr Haclediad
    Humane AI Pin review: the post-smartphone future isn’t here yet - The VergeThe Humane AI Pin is the solution to none of technology's problemsThe Agony and Ecstasy of Reviewing Humane's Ai PinLimitless AI: a new wearable gadget, and app, for remembering your meetings - The VergeIntroducing Limitless: a personalized AI powered by what you’ve seen, said, or heard - YouTubeThe Worst Product I've Ever Reviewed... For Now - YouTube‎Argylle (2024) directed by Matthew Vaughn Brief Encounter (1945) — The Movie Database (TMDB)The Godfather (1972) — The Movie Database (TMDB)Anatomy of a Fall (2023) — The Movie Database (TMDB)The Lavender Hill Mob (1951) — The Movie Database (TMDB)Royal Opera HouseThe Adventure Zone | Maximum Fun▶︎ Neon yn y Nen | Y Nos

    • 2 hrs 40 min
    Dune i’m, ‘de

    Dune i’m, ‘de

    Pasg hapus... neu ffŵl Ebrill? Penderfynwch chi!

    OK, mae 'na newyddion tech i’w gael, ond mae pennod Mis Mawrth yn un Ffilm Di Ddim ffest go iawn... diolch i ffrind y sioe Ross McFarlane, mae Bryn, Sions ac Iest wedi gwylio DUNE (1984). Dy’n ni ddim yn rhy siŵr os ydyn ni’r un bobl ar ei ôl o, ond tiwniwch mewn i glywed

    Diolch i bob un ohonoch chi sy’n gwrando, cyfrannu a chefnogi ni bob mis - a diolch arbennig i Iest am waith arwrol golygu a chynhyrchu’r sioe mis yma

    🔥"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only Yr Haclediad will remain."🔥

    Support Yr Haclediad
    A Masterpiece in Disarray (David Lynch's Dune – An Oral History) — 1984 PUBLISHINGMusashi : Eiji Yoshikawa : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveYes, TikTok sucks. But the rules for tech giants must be better than ‘it’s only bad if China does it’ | Samantha Floreani | The GuardianDesperate TikTok lobbying effort backfires on Capitol Hill - BBC NewsApple’s AI ambitions could include Google or OpenAI - The VergeUK surgeons used VR goggles during an operation for the first time | Tech News | Metro NewsMy experiment in phonelessness was a failure. It also changed my life | Mobile phones | The GuardianMedics design AI tool to predict side-effects in breast cancer patients | Medical research | The GuardianSF group placing traffic cones on self-driving cars to disable them - YouTubeLiving with Self-Driving Cars (with Bike Curious) - YouTubeFigure Status Update - OpenAI Speech-to-Speech Reasoning - YouTubeThe Barber of Seville - WikipediaLast Bus to Woodstock - WikipediaOnly Murders in the Building (TV Series 2021- ) — The Movie Database (TMDB)One Day (TV Series 2024-2024) — The Movie Database (TMDB)Deadpool 2 (2018) — The Movie Database (TMDB)Visions Of Light 1992 [HD Remaster V2] : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchivePast Lives (2023) — The Movie Database (TMDB)The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (2023) — The Movie Database (TMDB)Scott Pilgrim - WikipediaSammo HungThe Welsh Viking - YouTubeThe Way (TV Series 2024- ) — The Movie Database (TMDB)Musashi : Eiji Yoshikawa : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

    • 2 hrs 48 min
    Ddim cweit yn Taron 12

    Ddim cweit yn Taron 12

    “Haul y gwanwyn, gwaeth na gwenwyn” meddai’r Nains, so anwybyddwch y pelydrau egwan yna, ffendiwch flanced a cwtshwch fyny am bennod Chwefror 2024 o’ch hoff podlediad tech-ffilm-sortof!

    O’r diwedd byddwn ni’n mynd i’r berllan i weld be di’r ffys am yr Apple Vision Pro, a wedyn syllu’nyn gegrwth ar fideos AI diweddaraf Sora.

    I’r rhai ohono chi sy’n joio’r podcast-within-a-podcast, mae’r #FfilmDiDDim yn... ofnadwy?! Mi oedd na LOT o emosiynau cryf wrth drafod (Not your Daddy’s) Robin Hood (2018), y Robin Hood gwaethaf erioed?!

    Diolch i bawb sy’n gwrando a chefnogi - chi werth y byd! 🙏😊
    Support Yr Haclediad
    NHS in Wales bets big on Microsoft with £450M contract • The RegisterAI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever - YouTubeSora‘I Died That Day’—AI Brings Back Voices of Children Killed in Shootings - WSJGoogle pauses AI-generated images of people after ethnicity criticism | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The GuardianElon Musk says Neuralink has implanted its first brain chip in human | Elon Musk | The GuardianI Spent 24 Hours Wearing Apple’s Vision Pro Headset | WSJ - YouTubeZuckerberg says Quest 3 is ‘the better product’ vs. Apple’s Vision Pro - The VergeApple Vision Pro makes our eyes hurt, say disappointed customersWelsh language facing ‘precarious future’ but is ready for AI revolution - North Wales LiveArolwg iaith newydd i ofyn sut mae'r Gymraeg yn cael ei defnyddio yng Ngwynedd, Ynys Môn a Chonwy | Bangor University‎Nimona (2023)‎Jojo Rabbit (2019) Arc Search: a new iPhone app combining browser, search, and AI - The VergeOne Day (TV Series 2024-2024) ‎Robin Hood (2018) ‎The Holdovers (2023)‎The Zone of Interest (2023)‎All of Us Strangers (2023)‎American Fiction (2023)‎A Matter of Life and Death (1946)‎Star Trek (2009)Cinema TherapyWords Bubble Up Like Soda Pop (2020) - IMDbHbomberguyBorrowBox – Your library in one appArc Search — fast, ad-free, AI-powered mobile browser – Arc

    • 3 hrs 9 min
    Rebal Moon Wîcend

    Rebal Moon Wîcend

    Diwedd mis Ionawr, tywydd ofnadwy, ond mae na gwmni da a ffilm gwael genno ni i'ch cadw i fynd!

    Bydd Bryn, Iestyn a Sions yn trafod sgandal Horizon, Gladiators, dyfais ddigidol Rabbit (ond dim honna sori), memory hole Bryn am Bwncath ac amserlennu bysus efo AI.

    Mae'r ffilmdiddim yn LLANAST o gynhyrchiad gan un o feistri'r genre - Rebel Moon gsn Zack Snyder.

    Tybed pa un o'r criw oedd dioddef PMS gwaeth na'r arfer o'i herwydd? 😅

    Diolch o galon eto i bawb sy'n gwrando, cyfrannu a rhoi hwb i ni gario mlaen efo'r nonsens llwyr yma 😘
    Support Yr Haclediad
    rabbit — homerabbit — keynoteHow AI is helping to prevent three buses turning up at once - BBC NewsUpdate law on computer evidence to avoid Horizon repeat, ministers urged | Post Office Horizon scandal | The GuardianWatch Yotsuiro Biyori - Crunchyroll‎Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire (2023) ‎Killers of the Flower Moon (2023) ‎Leave the World Behind (2023) How I Met Your Mother (TV Series 2005-2014) Monarch: Legacy of Monsters (TV Series 2023- ) For All Mankind (TV Series 2019- ) The White Lotus (TV Series 2021- )Lessons in Chemistry (TV Series 2023-2023) ‎One Life (2023) ‎The Boy and the Heron (2023) BBC iPlayer - Gladiators

    • 3 hrs

Customer Reviews

4.4 out of 5
14 Ratings

14 Ratings

robertsoa ,


Sa'n neis cael fwy o strwythur i'r podlediadau, eitemau a ballu. Heblaw am hynny, ma'n dda iawn. Hoffi'r intro music. Swnio'n broffesioynol!

Llefenni ,

Dyma'r Podcast Cymraeg equivalent o Serial

Mae hwn yn hollol amazing, wir, mae'r cyflwynwyr yn ymchwilio a threfnu yn arbennig o dda, byth yn rhedeg dros amser, ac yn advocatio am Sober October bob tro. Just lush.
A diolch i Squarespace am sponsro nhw.

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