25 min

Media Buyers Manual - Episode 10 w/ Jeromy Sonne Media Buyers Manual

    • Marketing

Wow, I cannot believe it's been 15 months since our last episode of the Media Buyers Manual...

I sincerely hope you're well, wherever you may be. 

The Media Buying landscape has changed so much, iOS 14.5 (attribution fun), TikTok - but also, Audio ads.

Like a proud kid at show-and-tell, I'd like to introduce our guest, Jeromy Sonne to the Media Buyers Manual tribe! 

He's the Founder of Decibel Ads (decibelads.com), which can help you launch Audio Ads in minutes. 

In this episode, I'll ask all the questions regarding Audio Ads including:
• Who's it right for
• What's working
• Attribution (of course)
• Scalability

... and so much more will be spoke of. 

Now, let's get you listening (if you like the episode & just stumbled upon this - dig up some old episodes, some are evergreen)!

Wow, I cannot believe it's been 15 months since our last episode of the Media Buyers Manual...

I sincerely hope you're well, wherever you may be. 

The Media Buying landscape has changed so much, iOS 14.5 (attribution fun), TikTok - but also, Audio ads.

Like a proud kid at show-and-tell, I'd like to introduce our guest, Jeromy Sonne to the Media Buyers Manual tribe! 

He's the Founder of Decibel Ads (decibelads.com), which can help you launch Audio Ads in minutes. 

In this episode, I'll ask all the questions regarding Audio Ads including:
• Who's it right for
• What's working
• Attribution (of course)
• Scalability

... and so much more will be spoke of. 

Now, let's get you listening (if you like the episode & just stumbled upon this - dig up some old episodes, some are evergreen)!

25 min