10 episodes

The archives lost for years have been found and they're coming back. Shire Network News was one of the earliest podcasts and ran from 2005 to 2009 ending just a few years before anybody had even heard of podcasting. It would be called conservative today but it was staffed mostly with ex-lefties. Fiercely pro-Western Civilisation, pro-Israel standing up to bullies. Maintained by brianoflondon

Shire Network News Archive Brian of London

    • News

The archives lost for years have been found and they're coming back. Shire Network News was one of the earliest podcasts and ran from 2005 to 2009 ending just a few years before anybody had even heard of podcasting. It would be called conservative today but it was staffed mostly with ex-lefties. Fiercely pro-Western Civilisation, pro-Israel standing up to bullies. Maintained by brianoflondon

    Podcast discovers possible Islamist training camp in Virginia

    Podcast discovers possible Islamist training camp in Virginia

    First Broadcast October 30, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Laurence Simon seems rather out of sorts over a statement from the Iranian President about relations with Israel. Terribly touchy those Hebrews, I find. The smallest threat to exterminate them with atomic weapons and they take so personally.Our Man in London Andrew Ian Dodge can't decide whether George Galloway should be hung, drawn and quartered in the Tower of London, or shipped off the the USA so "Old Sparky" can be fired up again. Decisions, decisions...

    The feature interview this week is with the married couple who write “Gates of Vienna”, Baron Bodisesy and Dymphna, who talk about their work in uncovering the existence of a Jaamat Al-Fuqra training camp in rural Virginia.

    Also mentioned in the podcast, USA Today reveals the identity of a Goa’uld symbiote at the highest echelons of the US government (the knee high leather boots should have been a bit of a giveaway), Sir Humphry’s has the technical analysis of the revealing photo, and Michelle Malkin tracks the blog response to the revalation of alien control of US foriegn policy (the fact that we actually counterattacked after 9/11 should have been a bit of a giveway), Roger L. Simon congratulates the President of Iran on his candour, and we cross live to New York for the ringing condemnations of Iran’s threat to destroy Israel from the assembled Arab ambassadors, a black blogger puts a black politician he doesn’t like in blackface minstrel makeup and then gets all bent out of shape when Andrew Sullivan calls him on it, Verdondent blog wonders why suddenly the whole mainstream media started using the headline “Grim Milestone” like they were Pavlov’s dogs or something, LGF undercover operative Zombie infiltrates the wild celebrations at Moonbat Central when the good news about the 2,000th US death in Iraq came though (he has some of the most incriminating photos you’ll ever see), although Greyhawk brings us a different perspective from one of the fallen.

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    If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

    • 33 min
    Podcast hails victory at Trafalgar

    Podcast hails victory at Trafalgar

    First Broadcast October 23, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Laurence Simon goes violently ape on New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin’s arse. Sorry, ass. The reason? Sports. What else is going to really get Americans worked up? A natural disaster? Oh please…Our Man in London continues to taunt us with tales of teenage totty among the Tories, and our feature interview is with blogger Tex, of Whacking Day, about how to use the F-bomb to maximum effect, and strategic use of photos of the dead Che Guevara to drive lefties crazy. Ok, even crazier than usual.

    Also in the program, confusion to the French as we celebrate the battle of Trafalgar; how easy it is to contract a case of Conservative Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by reading NRO, Pro-Life Blogs and Info-Theory, all of which seem to believe that the Harriet Miers nomination to the US Supreme Court is the most important event since the cooling of the earth’s crust, assuming you aren’t one of those who believe the universe was created over a week only six thousand years ago or something; the Spectator gets medieveal on New Zealand’s arse; political blogs start calling the shots in the Ohio Senate race; how would Daily Kos fare if it were based in Tehran, where pissing off the mullahs by blogging can get you thirty lashes; “South Park” lampoons the media, who seem curiously reluctant to talk about their Hurricane Katrina performance now that the actual facts are emerging; and the Guardian get to keep using words like “militant”, “insurgent” and “activist” after one of their reporters gets handed back by kidnappers who realise he’s worth more to them alive than dead.

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    If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

    • 37 min
    Podcast blames Hurricane Rita on Bush

    Podcast blames Hurricane Rita on Bush

    First Broadcast September 24, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Laurence Simon explains staying put in hurricane-threatened Houston was preferable to being stuck in the worlds biggest traffic jam with three angry cats and no food. Our Man in London provides us with the bstartling intelligence that it appears to be raining. Raining? In Britain? MI6 are reportedly working the angles on that right now.

    In Blog News, the seige of Helengrad continues, still no word if last Saturday’s assault on the walls was successful, but it’s not looking good, NZ Pundit, David Farrar’s Kiwiblog, Sir Humphry’s , why Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean and Wes Clark just can’t cut it in the crazy stakes with foirmer Australian opposition leader Mark Latham, Tim Blair, Cindy Sheehan, the Google empire targets blogs for their nefarious scheme to offer us free and useful services, the bastards, why Singaporean bloggers are staring down the barrel of sedition charges over comments about dogs, the correct way for Christian to apologise to Muslims according to the Anglican church, Melanie Phillips, and finally a little something for all the lovers out there…

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    If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

    • 35 min
    Podcast withdraws from Gaza

    Podcast withdraws from Gaza

    First broadcast August 28, 2005: In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Our Man in London talks about the BBC Panorama program which accuses allegedly moderate Islamic spokesmen of extremism, and the latest from the life and death struggle against the most insidious force for evil in the world today – Chris Martin and Coldplay.

    We talk to Israeli blogger Dave, from Israellycool, about how the orange side of Israeli society view the Gaza pullout, and we get the blue and white perspective from Jewish political activist and former IDF officer Ted Lapkin. Dave has his own podcast by the way, which I personally reccomend.

    Also mentioned, fact-checking the New York Times (now there’s a full time occupation), Condoleeza Rice, the blog Jewish Current Isuues, Mariam Sobh and her amazing fake Ariel Sharon quotes, National Public Radio, Solomonia, Little Green Footballs, Genghis Khan versus a Unitarian prayer circle, Victor Davis Hanson versus Arianna Huffington’ the return to blogging of Australia’s own Magrot Kgnitson, her exceptionally relaxed policy on how much work you have to do to qualify for a four week break, why blogs are breaking the Egyptian government’s grip on information, 23 year old Cairo-based blogger Alaa Fattah, Big Pharoah, the reason why Jesse Jackson has that funky expression on his face courtesy of Meryl Yourish, and Harry’s Place.

    And as always we bring you the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon.

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    If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

    • 35 min
    Podcast has public mental breakdown, demands meeting with Bush

    Podcast has public mental breakdown, demands meeting with Bush

    In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, documentary maker Steve Rosenbaum talks about his film on 9/11, “Seven Days in September”; Our Man in London talks about the reaction to the new light shed on the police shooting of an innocent man at a tube station; and controversial Australian historian Keith Widschuttle discusses the politicisation of history and how to resist it.

    Also mentioned, Samizdata, Mark Steyn, Cindy Sheehan and “flaming Jewish arrows”, Sydney blogger Leigh Cartwright, the withdrawl from Gaza and why no one wants to be prime minister of Israel, Brazialian-Israeli on the spot in Gaza blogger Renatinha of Balagan fame, Meryl Yourish, and righteous penetint Scott Randolph has the scales fall from his eyes so he can see the light. [James Brown voice] I SAID, HAVE YOU SEEEEEEEN THE LIGHT! [/JAMES BROWNVOICE]

    And as always we bring you the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon.

    You can now subscribe to Shire Network News on Apple iTunes. Under “Genres”, select “Podcasts”, type the word “Shire” in the left-hand panel just above the message “Search all podcasts”, and click the magnifying glass icon. You should then be taken to a screen where you can subscribe to SNN.

    If for some reason that doesn’t work, click on “Advanced” on the top of the screen and then select “Subscribe to Podcast” and enter this into the panel: http://tuatara.blogmatrix.com/index.xml

    To listen to the podcast another way (which you don’t need an MP3 player for, you can listen to it right on your computer) go here and click on the link to the latest program.

    I’m looking at better and more efficient ways of distributing this podcast by also using a new hosting service called Liberated Syndication, so an alternative is for you to get the podcast from here . Let me know if that works better for you, and if it does then I’ll switch to in permenantly.

    Don’t forget to vote for this program at Podcast Alley, for all the good it does in the face of the unstoppable juggernaut of right wing funniness that is the IMAOPodcast. Curse you Frank J!

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    If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

    • 37 min
    Podcast holds demonstration in Cairo

    Podcast holds demonstration in Cairo

    In this week’s edition of Shire Network News, the official podcast of Silent Running, Our Man in London brings us up to date on how the cops cornered and tasered one of the tube bombing suspects only hours after a particularly clueless Muslim cleric in Birmingham insisted there was no evidence Muslims were involved. Andrew says moderate Muslims are really starting to make their voices heard, and the local (Muslim) MP has called for the cleric to be sacked.

    As always we bring you the Full of Crap Report from Laurence Simon, and our feature interview this week is with Egyptian blogger Big Pharaoh, who along with his buddy Egyptian Sandmonkey responded to the Sharm El-Sheikh bombings by staging an anti-terrorist demonstration in Cairo. An anti-terrorist demonstration in Cairo!

    Okay, it was relatively small, and they were eventually moved on by the police, and bureaucracy appears to have stymied their efforts to hold an even bigger protest at Al Azhar Park, but the Pharaoh says there’s a lot of changes coming in the Middle East, and if you listen to this podcast you’ll hear about some of them. For gods sake don’t miss his ringing personal endorsement of a certain leading Anglospheric political figure!

    Oh yeah, some guy called Kiwi Bob shows up and talks about some blog he writes for. It’s called Silent Running or something. I’ve never heard of it, personally.

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    If you derive value from my work, please consider donating some value my way. You can find all the details on the donation page.

    • 30 min

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