246 episodios

第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇

第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇

第3、4季 詞彙英語通

第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇

第6季 辦公英語通
從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。

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口說英語‪通‬ NER國立教育廣播電臺

    • Educación

第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇

第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇

第3、4季 詞彙英語通

第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇

第6季 辦公英語通
從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。

新聞英語通 English All Pass: News

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✅口說英語通全系列教材下載 https://bit.ly/3kbAacH
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    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Local Weather Forecast. 天氣預報02

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Local Weather Forecast. 天氣預報02

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練  
    In a devastating turn of events, our region has been struck by a severe weather disaster that has left a trail of destruction in its wake. On Friday, a powerful torrential rain struck, causing widespread havoc. We urge all residents to stay tuned to local authorities and weather updates for the latest information on this ongoing disaster. Please exercise caution, avoid affected areas, and cooperate with emergency responders. Our thoughts are with those affected by this tragic event, and we hope for a swift recovery for our community. 

    Our thoughts are with …   Our thoughts are with those affected by this tragic event.   Our thoughts are with the victims of these attacks.   
    👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 
    1. devastating [ˈdɛvəstetɪŋ] (adj.) 毀滅性的,破壞性極大的  
    2. turn of events  (n.) 事件的轉折  
    3. region [ˈridʒən] (n.) 區域,地區  
    4. be struck by  (phr.) 受到打擊  
    5. severe [səˈvɪr] (adj.) 非常嚴重的;慘重的 
    6. weather disaster  (n.) 天氣災害  
    7. leave a trail of  (phr.) 留下痕跡
    8. destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃən] (n.) 毀滅,破壞  
    9. in the/one’s wake  (phr.) 作為…的後果;隨…之後而來  
    10. torrential rain  (n.) 暴雨  
    11. widespread [ˌwaɪdˈsprɛd] (adj.) 廣泛的;普遍的  
    12. havoc [ˈhævək] (n.) 破壞,毀壞
    13. urge [ɝdʒ] (v.) 驅策;力勸 
    14. stay tuned  (phr.) 別換頻道
    15. authority  [əˈθɔrəti] (n.) [(多用複數)]當局;當權者  
    16. disaster [dɪˈzæstɚ] (n.) 災難,大禍
    17. cooperate with  (phr.) 與…合作
    18. emergency responder   (n.) 先遣急救員 
    19. tragic [ˈtrædʒ.ɪk] (adj.) 哀痛的;悲慘的 
    20. swift [swɪft] (adj.) 迅速的,敏捷的  

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    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Local Weather Forecast. 天氣預報01

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Local Weather Forecast. 天氣預報01

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練  
    Across the region, we're experiencing a mix of weather conditions. In the northern part, expect partly cloudy skies with temperatures ranging from 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 18 degrees Celsius). There may be a light breeze coming in from the northwest. Moving southward, the central region is seeing more stable conditions, with mostly sunny skies and temperatures hovering around 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 24 degrees Celsius). It's a perfect day to enjoy some outdoor activities. However, in the southern part of the region, a low-pressure system is bringing scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout the day. Temperatures will be in the 70s (around 25 degrees Celsius). Please stay updated on local forecasts if you have travel plans in this area. Overall, it's a varied day weather-wise, so be sure to dress accordingly and stay informed about any local weather developments. Stay safe and enjoy your day!  

    stay + Adjective.  Please stay updated on local forecasts.  Stay informed about any local weather developments.  
    👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 
    1. mix [mɪks] (v.) (使)混合,拌和  
    2. northern [ˈnɔrðɚn] (adj.) 在北部的,從北部的  
    3. southern [ˈsʌðɚn] (adj.) 南方的,南部的 
    4. northwest  [ˌnɔrθˈwɛst] (n.) 西北方  
    5. southward [ˈsaʊθwɚd] (adv.) 向南地
    6. range from … to …  (phr.) 範圍從…到  
    7. Fahrenheit [ˈfɛrənhaɪt] (n.) 華氏度(冰點32度,沸點212度)  
    8. Celsius [ˈsɛlsiəs] (n.) 攝氏度  
    9. breeze [briz] (n.) 微風,和風  
    10. central [ˈsɛntrəl] (adj.) 中心的,中央的
    11. hover [ˈhʌvɚ] (v.) 盤旋,翱翔
    12. low-pressure system  (n.) 低壓系統
    13. scattered shower  (n.) 陣雨
    14. thunderstorm [ˈθʌndɚstɔrm] (n.) 雷雨  
    15. updated [ʌpˈdetɪd] (adj.) 更新的
    16. overall [ˌovɚˈɑl]
    17. weather-wise  (adv.) 總的(來說);全面的(地) (adv.) 天氣方面來說 
    18. be sure to + V ( phr.) 務必
    19. accordingly [əˈkɔrdɪŋli] (adv.) 照著;相應地
    20. informed [ɪnˈfɔrmd] (adj.) 見多識廣的;了解情況的 
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    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Sleet Weather Report: Wintry Mix Creating Slippery Conditions.冰霰天氣報告:寒冷的天氣造成濕滑的情況!

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Sleet Weather Report: Wintry Mix Creating Slippery Conditions.冰霰天氣報告:寒冷的天氣造成濕滑的情況!

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練  
    Our region is currently experiencing a weather phenomenon known as sleet, which is creating potentially hazardous conditions on roads and walkways. The sleet may lead to icy patches on roadways, sidewalks, and driveways, which can increase the risk of accidents and falls. Motorists and pedestrians are urged to exercise caution and take necessary precautions. Sleet is expected to continue for the next few days, making it crucial for residents to remain informed through local news and weather alerts. Please prioritize safety, reduce travel if possible, and take extra care when navigating sleet-covered surfaces during this wintry weather event. 

    if possible,  Please prioritize safety, reduce travel if possible.  If possible, it's better to work in natural daylight.  
    👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 
    1. sleet [slit] (n.) 霰(雨夾雪)  
    2. wintry [ˈwɪntri] (adj.) 冬天的;冬令的  
    3. slippery  [ˈslɪpɚi] (adj.) 濕滑的,容易打滑的
    4. phenomenon [fəˈnɑmənɑn] (n.) 現象  
    5. (be) known as  (phr.) 以…聞名的
    6. hazardous [ˈhæzɚdəs] (adj.) 危險的  
    7. walkway  [ˈwɑkwe] (n.) 走道,人行道  
    8. patch [pætʃ] (n.) (與周圍不同的)斑,小塊  
    9. roadway [ˈrodwe] (n.) 車行道  
    10. sidewalk  [ˈsaɪdwɑk] (n.) 人行道  
    11. driveway [ˈdraɪvwe] (n.) (住宅往大路的)私人車道
    12. increase [ɪnˈkris] (v.) 增加
    13. motorist  [ˈmotɚɪst] (n.) 開汽車的人,駕駛者
    14. pedestrian [pəˈdɛstriən] (n.) 行人,步行者  
    15. necessary [ˈnɛsəsɛri] (adj.) 必需的,不可或缺的
    16. precaution [prɪˈkɑʃən] (n.) 預防,預防措施
    17. crucial [ˈkruʃəl] (adj.) 關鍵的;決定性的
    18. informed [ɪnˈfɔrmd] (adj.) 見多識廣的;了解情況的
    19. reduce  [rɪˈdus] (v.) 減少;降低
    20. navigate [ˈnævəɡet] (v.) (用地圖)導航,確定…的方向 
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    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Tornado Weather Report: Impending Tornado Threat.龍捲風天氣預報:龍捲風威脅即將到來!

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Tornado Weather Report: Impending Tornado Threat.龍捲風天氣預報:龍捲風威脅即將到來!

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練
    Our region is currently under the threat of severe weather conditions, which have created the potential for tornado formation. Residents are urged to take immediate precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones. The atmospheric conditions, including the presence of a strong cold front, wind shear, and instability, have set the stage for tornado development. These powerful storms have the potential to produce destructive tornadoes with varying sizes and intensities. This is a critical and rapidly evolving situation, and the tornado threat may persist for some time. Please prioritize safety, stay vigilant, and be prepared to act quickly in response to any tornado warnings or sirens. 

    V-ing (present participle) + Noun  This is a critical and rapidly evolving situation.    Developing countries have a low gross domestic product (GDP) per person. 
    👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 
    1. under the threat of  (phr.) 在…威脅下  
    2. tornado [tɔrˈnedo] (n.) 龍捲風  
    3. formation  [fɔrˈmeʃən] (n.) 形成;形成方式 
    4. urge [ɝdʒ] (v.) 驅策;力勸 
    5. take precautions (to+ V)  (phr.) 採取預防措施  
    6. atmospheric  [ˌætməsˈfɛrɪk] (adj.) 空氣的;大氣(層)的  
    7. presence [ˈprɛzəns] (n.) 出席;(事物)在場  
    8. cold front (n.) 冷鋒  
    9. wind shear  (n.) 風切變  
    10. instability [ˌɪnstəˈbɪləti] (n.) 不穩定,不穩固  
    11. set the stage for  (phr.) 為…創造條件
    12. have the potential to + V  (phr.) 有潛力
    13. destructive [dɪˈstrʌktɪv] (adj.) 破壞性的;有害的
    14. intensity  [ɪnˈtɛnsəti] (n.) 強烈;劇烈
    15. critical [ˈkrɪtɪkəl] (adj.) 關鍵性的;至關重要的  
    16. evolving [ɪˈvɑlvɪŋ] (v.) 逐步發展的;逐步演變的
    17. persist [pɚˈsɪst] (v.) 堅持;持續
    18. prioritize [praɪˈɔrətaɪz] (v.) 確定(事項)優先次序
    19. vigilant [ˈvɪdʒələnt] (adj.) 警覺的;警惕的
    20. siren  [ˈsaɪrən] (n.) 警報器,汽笛
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    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Tsunami Weather Report: Potential Tsunami Threat. 海嘯天氣預報:潛在的海嘯威脅

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Tsunami Weather Report: Potential Tsunami Threat. 海嘯天氣預報:潛在的海嘯威脅

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練  
    Our region is currently facing a potential tsunami threat, and residents along the coastal areas are urged to take immediate action to ensure their safety. The tsunami warning has been issued in response to the underwater earthquake. These events have the potential to generate powerful oceanic waves that can pose serious dangers to coastal communities. Residents in tsunami-prone areas must heed evacuation orders promptly and move to higher ground, following designated evacuation routes. Do not wait to receive a personal warning; if you are in a coastal area and feel an earthquake, move to higher ground immediately. 

    If + S + V … , V … (imperative) If you are in a coastal area and feel an earthquake, move to higher ground immediately.  If you are not ready, please don't do it.   
    👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 
    1. tsunami [tsuˈnɑmi] (n.) 海嘯  
    2. potential [poˈtɛnʃəl] (adj.) 潛在的,可能的 
    3. threat [θrɛt] (n.) 威脅,恐嚇
    4. coastal area  (n.) 沿海地帶  
    5. urge  [ɝdʒ] (v.) 驅策;力勸 
    6. take action  (phr.) 採取行動  
    7. immediate [ɪˈmidiət] (adj.) 立即的,立刻的  
    8. immediately  [ɪˈmidiətli] (adv.) 立即,馬上  
    9. ensure  [ɪnˈʃʊr] (v.) 確保;保證  
    10. warning [ˈwɔrnɪŋ] (n.) 警告;告誡   
    11. issue [ˈɪʃu] (v.) 發行;發布
    12. in response to  (phr.) 回應
    13. underwater [ˌʌndɚˈwɑtɚ] (adj.)(adv.) 在水下(的);在海面下(的)
    14. earthquake [ˈɝθkwek] (n.) 地震
    15. generate [ˈdʒɛnəret] (v.) 造成,引起 
    16. oceanic wave [ˌoʃiˈænɪk wev] (n.) 海浪
    17. -prone [pron]  (suffix) 較常碰到…問題的
    18. heed  [hid]  (v.) 注意,聽從(尤建議或警告)
    19. promptly[ˈprɑmptli]  (adv.) 立即地;依照預定時間地
    20. designate [ˈdɛzɪɡnet] (v.) 指定,選定  
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    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Recent Torrential rain with the potential causes flash flooding and safety concerns.暴雨有可能引發山洪和安全問題!

    【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Recent Torrential rain with the potential causes flash flooding and safety concerns.暴雨有可能引發山洪和安全問題!

    👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練  
    Our region is currently under the influence of a severe weather system, which is causing torrential rain with the potential to cause flash flooding and safety concerns. Heavy rainfall has been persistent, with rainfall rates exceeding 46mm per hour in some areas. This intense downpour has saturated the ground, overwhelmed drainage systems, and swollen rivers and creeks. Flash flooding is a significant threat, especially in low-lying areas and regions prone to flooding. Rapidly rising waters can pose immediate dangers to life and property. Residents are urged to stay alert, follow evacuation orders if issued, and avoid driving or walking through flooded areas. 

    … , which …. (non-restrictive clause)  Our region is currently under the influence of a severe weather system, which is causing torrential rain.  I turned down the job offer, which requires me to relocate.  
    👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 詞彙片語 
    1. currently [ˈkɝəntli] (adv.) 目前,現在  
    2. under the influence of  (phr.) 在…的影響下  
    3. torrential [tɔˈrɛnʃəl] (adj.) (雨)傾瀉似的 
    4. with the potential to + V  (phr.) 有潛力  
    5. flash flooding  (n.) 山洪暴發
    6. persistent [pɚˈsɪstənt] (adj.) 持續的;堅持不懈的  
    7. rainfall rate  (n.) 降雨率  
    8. exceed [ɪkˈsid] (v..) 超過,超出(數量)
    9. intense downpour  (phr.) 傾盆大雨  
    10. saturate [ˈsætʃəret] (v.) 使濕透;浸透  
    11. overwhelm [ˌovɚˈwɛlm] (v.) (武力)征服;使難以承受  
    12. drainage system [ˈdrenɪdʒ] (n.) 排水系統
    13. swollen [ˈswolən] (adj.) 腫大的;膨脹的 
    14. low-lying area  (n.) 低窪地區
    15. (be) prone to + V (phr.) 容易發生
    16. immediate [ɪˈmidiət] (adj.) 立即的,立刻的
    17. property [ˈprɑpɚti] (n.) 房地產;財產  
    18. alert [əˈlɝt] (adj.) 機警的,機敏的
    19. evacuation order  (n.) 疏散令
    20. issue  [ˈɪʃu] (v.) 發行;發布
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