
A Smorgasbord of Sass Songs of Insolence

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Back from the mountains and the forbidden fountains, it's the return of Andy Votel's Songs Of Insolence, so you've got to keep shouting. For the next hour, you will witness another badly-behaved banquet, a smorgasbord of sass and second-class sounds; never to confuse "insolence" with "in silence". It all kicks off with possibly the best piece of library music ever made...

Back from the mountains and the forbidden fountains, it's the return of Andy Votel's Songs Of Insolence, so you've got to keep shouting. For the next hour, you will witness another badly-behaved banquet, a smorgasbord of sass and second-class sounds; never to confuse "insolence" with "in silence". It all kicks off with possibly the best piece of library music ever made...


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