12 episodios

Our goal with the Agent Success Podcast is to help newer Real Estate Agents get their sales to 6 figures and help Seasoned Agents to Double or even Triple their income.

Agent Success Podcast realestateadvisors

    • Economía y empresa

Our goal with the Agent Success Podcast is to help newer Real Estate Agents get their sales to 6 figures and help Seasoned Agents to Double or even Triple their income.

    What can Real Estate Advisors do for you as a newer agent?

    What can Real Estate Advisors do for you as a newer agent?

    I was on a quick interview call with Dan Wood...We hired Dan to be our Dedicated online Coaching/Learning instructor for our agents. Every 2 weeks, his training consists of everything from how to create a free website to social media marketing.
    We had a quick discussion about Real Estate Advisors, our Mentorship Program and how it benefits brand new agents and even newer agents looking to get their career into high gear.
    If you're a brand new or newer agent looking to ensure you reach your Business goals without joining a Team...because we all know that teams are only beneficial to one person...the team leader. Real Success in real estate happens when you build YOUR BUSINESS...YOUR BRAND...not someone else's. Rant over...reach out to us. 
    Download a copy of our e-book...Agent Success, How Any Agent Can Dominate in Any Market or even book a Strategy Session here: http://agentsuccessstrategysession.com/
    Robert Caruso
    Real Estate Advisors Inc.

    • 8 min
    If you try to Sell like a Salesperson...and you'll be Treated Like One!

    If you try to Sell like a Salesperson...and you'll be Treated Like One!

    I want to talk about skills…especially in this social media age.
    I know there’s a few agents crushing it on Instagram…good for them!
    However…posting content alone will not yield you sales. Agents crushing it on Social, I can guarantee are not posting just listed or just sold listings alone.
    This business…since the dawn of time and forever going forward requires special Skills.
    There is no way around this. The skills I’m taking about is the ability to take a person you don’t know to someone who Knows, Likes and Trusts you enough to let you help them.
    I’ve studied everything from NLP to the Wolf of Wall Street…like him or hate him, his Straight Line Sales Process, if used Ethically and we know what happens when not used ethically as he went to jail for it…but his approach works.
    It doesn’t matter what sales system you use…what does matter is that you learn how to talk to people and become the person they trust.
    Posting just listed or I just sold this property for my buyer doesn’t impress a lot of people…I’m not saying to not do it…I’m just saying that you NEED to do more than that.
    People connect with people who DON’T Try To Sell them all the time!
    In other words…just like Gary Vaynerchuk’s book…Jab Jab Jab Right Hook…Give Value, Give Value Give Value and then go for the sale.
    If you’re posting just listed or just sold only on social. STOP IT, PLEASE! or like I said, do that only once in a while.
    People are more interested in you. Why not give them a "behind the scenes" look at your business. Put your phone in a holder in your car, hit record, drive and talk about how hard you worked with a client, bidding war after bidding war until finally you won. Or record yourself in front of a wall of lock boxes while it's freezing cold and snowing. If you're brave enough to do it...but you'll get more likes when you're real and not just trying to sell them.
    You also wan to take the time to learn your craft…learn how to talk to people…whether it’s by email, text, on the phone or face to face…if you know how to convert…again, ethically. You will skyrocket your sales.
    As always, I’m happy to spend some time with you on a Strategy Session call to talk about how we can double or even triple your sales.
    Send me an email…robert@realestateadvisorsinc.com
    Robert Caruso
    Partner/Owner Real Estate Advisors Inc.

    • 4 min
    Get Motivated by Focusing on What you Want...not the Money!

    Get Motivated by Focusing on What you Want...not the Money!

    I was listening to a podcast the other day and the topic of motivation came up...I zoned out of what they were saying and thought about my seemingly 'lack of motivation' myself lately.Barely one week into 2020 and I'm finding it hard myself to keep motivated.Maybe it's the fact that for two weeks, it was all about family, food and very little work?Or because it's winter and like most people...staying in a warm bed feels a lot better than waking up. I have slept in an extra 15-20 minutes a few times in the last week!I'm up at 5:55am every day except Saturday's a Sunday's.My morning routine lasts until 8am, have some breakfast and out the door by 10am unless I have early morning appointments.I'll put in a solid 4-5 hours of actual work daily...work on and in my business.As I write this...I can hear my "inner voice" or whatever it is saying..."You should be working 8 hours a day!"It's true, I can only imagine how much higher my productivity would be if I added an extra 3-4 hours of work daily!So...why don't I do it?Are you?I realized that MOTIVATION is what drives me and anyone else.For some people, Motivation is money. Either the lack of it, or the power to have more of it.I think I can speak for every agent out there that we're not doing this work out of the goodness of out heart.This is our work, we work for money and money is what we all need to survive...period!I'm sure that you've heard of the Law of Attraction from the movie...The Secret. If you 'wish' or have a desire for anything, you can attract it to you simply by wanting it. I don't believe that anyone can receive without a little bit of work.There has to be a little more to it.Making more money is fine...but if you want this "Law of Attraction" idea to work, try this out:Instead of wishing to attract money. Why not make a list of what you would buy or do with the money?Simply wanting a $X in income doesn't really have enough power behind it. The money itself is not really what we want...what we really want is what the money will get for us.What would you do if you earned $X income?If you were to focus on what it is that you wanted...then you might have a little more motivation to get out of that warm bed and get to WORK when you're supposed to! (speaking to myself here)Here's a little exercise for you...(and me), because I can use a little extra motivation myself these cold winter days too.Write out a list of what you want. Things that if you had that EXTRA income, you would buy it.Do whatever you needed to do to get that list in your face, morning, midday and night. If you need to stick it to your bathroom mirror or if you're like me, set reminders at different times of the day on your phone. Whatever works for you.If you're consistently being reminded of what you want daily, maybe you'll work that extra 2 hours, make those extra calls, lead generate in whatever way you lead generate.That 'want list' might be the added push we need to get us more motivated.Who's in?Email me on what your struggles are early on in 2020...I suggest we also connect, have a Strategy Session Call together and see how we get you to your 2020 goals without loosing that...motivation to do it.AgentSuccessPodcast.comAgentSuccessStrategySession.comGet a Copy of our Book Here:To get a downloadable pdf of Agent Success...How Any Agent Can Dominate in Any Market, simply send me an email for it: robert@realestateadvisorsinc.comTo schedule a Strategy Session over the phone, visit: http://agentsuccessstrategysession.com/
    Robert Caruso
    Real Estate Advisors Inc., Brokerage
    4220 Steeles Ave W, C12
    Vaughan, ON L4L 3S4
    P.S. Here are 3 ways I can help you today... 
    1. Get a copy our FREE book: Agent Success...How Any Real Estate Agent can Dominate in Any Market.
    Click here to download 
    2 Commission Plans to Fit YOUR Needs!
    Stop wasting thousands of dollars with large franchises that can barely remember your name! We have low fees

    • 4 min
    Priming Your "Real Estate Sales" Environment to Succeed with Habits!

    Priming Your "Real Estate Sales" Environment to Succeed with Habits!

    Forming habits as I've mentioned in an earlier video...referring back to Atomic Habits and how I listened to it for the second time, I wanted to discuss one way that you can make it easier for you to develop a habit.Developing habits...good habits as a real estate agent can sky rocket your business.What are good examples of "Priming your Environment" and how can you use them in your business right now?Lead Generation:There are obviously many different ways to generate leads and I hope that you've implemented at least 2 or 3 of them that match your personality profile. Below are different techniques and how you can apply "Priming your Environment"By no means is this a complete list...be creative and do what works for you.Door Knocking:* Plan out how many days and which days you'll be door knocking* Pick what areas, streets and map it out in advance so you know exactly where you're going* Print all your materials in advanceFarming:* Pick your farm areas and decide what areas you're going to target* Calculate your farm with Canada Post Ad Mail and budget your ad spend for 12 months in advance* Set time in your calendar 12 months in advance for printing your flyers 2 weeks before drop off dateLead Follow Up/Past Client Calls:* Set day and time in your calendar to make your calls at the start of the week...Sunday night is best because there's less distractions* Pick which past clients you want to call a day before. Side note...if you set time to call 5 past clients or people in your sphere 5 days a week 50 weeks a year, you would be talking to 250 people a year! This is very powerful. If you want ideas on what to say...other that the old and TIRED F.O.R.D technique, send me an email and I'll share an idea that nobody does and it's not the typical conversation when you call people: "Heyyyy...How are things...I was thinking about you?" that's old, boring and irritating after you've done this once every 6 months. robert@realestateadvisorsinc.com* Make sure you set up the environment to make calls...no distractions, no social media, and close your office door so you don't get interrupted. Put up a sign that says your on the phone, do not disturb if you need to.This is a very short list, but I think you get the idea...and as I mentioned, be creative and do whatever it takes for you to follow through on your lead generation. If you don't "Prime Your Environment" to form the habits of getting stuff done, nobody will do it for you...your career and income depends on it...So Just Do IT!
    I'm also available for Strategy Session Calls, email me...robert@realestateadvisorsinc.com or click here to set up a day / time and let's discuss how we can make 2020 your Best Year Ever!Get a Copy of our Book Here:To get a downloadable pdf of Agent Success...How Any Agent Can Dominate in Any Market, simply send me an email for it: robert@realestateadvisorsinc.comTo schedule a Strategy Session over the phone, visit: http://agentsuccessstrategysession.com/
    Robert Caruso
    Real Estate Advisors Inc., Brokerage
    4220 Steeles Ave W, C12
    Vaughan, ON L4L 3S4
    P.S. Here are 3 ways I can help you today... 
    1. Get a copy our FREE book: Agent Success...How Any Real Estate Agent can Dominate in Any Market.
    Click here to download 
    2 Commission Plans to Fit YOUR Needs!
    Stop wasting thousands of dollars with large franchises that can barely remember your name! We have low fees and you'll never get a hidden fee or as I like to call them a "surprise, we forgot to tell you about..." fee. Find out more about our commission plans here 
    3. FREE Online Training: We offer pre-recorded step-by-step video training online that you can watch & learn at your own pace. From Creating Free Landing Pages to How to Create Facebook Ads for Leads. Click here to access

    • 1m
    2020 Six Figure Boot Camp Sales Success!

    2020 Six Figure Boot Camp Sales Success!

    I'm introducing our version of a "boot camp" to help you grow your business to a Six Figure income in 2020.The Team Concept can be Tempting to struggling agents because they promise sales, commissions and stability.True, but at what price?You trade your time, your work, your effort so that the "team leader" receives all the glory, the fame and commissions...present and future commissions!I get it...you want/NEED business and money today. And you're willing to give up building your own personal brand in order to get paid today.What if you could join a "team" without sacrificing your BRAND?Join a team that has the guidance, the structure and potential except that you're not working for someone else...instead, you're building your own brand!We're testing this concept to help agents who "kinda" know what to do, but ain't doing it!You want success, but you're not doing the activities or more importantly, the Right activities in order to achieve success.We have created a Team Concept that gives you the opportunity to succeed without giving up your Brand because we all know that working in this business without building your brand is a recipe for disaster!Build your Brand, make as much money as you want to make and we'll help you achieve the level of success that you want!For more info, email me...robert@realestateadvisorsinc.com and let's discuss how we can make 2020 your Best Year Ever!To schedule a Strategy Session over the phone, visit: http://agentsuccessstrategysession.com/

    Robert Caruso
    Real Estate Advisors Inc., Brokerage
    4220 Steeles Ave W, C12
    Vaughan, ON L4L 3S4
    P.S. Here are 3 ways I can help you today... 
    1. Get a copy our FREE book: Agent Success...How Any Real Estate Agent can Dominate in Any Market.
    Click here to download 
    2 Commission Plans to Fit YOUR Needs!
    Stop wasting thousands of dollars with large franchises that can barely remember your name! We have low fees and you'll never get a hidden fee or as I like to call them a "surprise, we forgot to tell you about..." fee. Find out more about our commission plans here 
    3. FREE Online Training: We offer pre-recorded step-by-step video training online that you can watch & learn at your own pace. From Creating Free Landing Pages to How to Create Facebook Ads for Leads. Click here to access

    • 6 min
    Systems as well as Goals will Guarantee Success!

    Systems as well as Goals will Guarantee Success!

    Many agents are focusing on how to make 2020 their BEST YEAR EVER!Goals are important, "why" you're setting goals in the first place should be your first step. Read more about that in my Agent Success pdf...Learn where to get a copy of it below.As I listened to Atomic Habits for the second time and reading the book the very first time...I wanted to share one Strategy that if you were to follow it, you won't let 2020 pass you by without hitting your ultimate sales goals.The Systems you create behind every goal is what will increase your chances of success.When you have a goal...for example: $250k in sales. Don't just write down that you'll make X amount of calls, X amount of open houses, X amount of lead generation to hit that goal.Do that, but add this...set up a schedule on when you plan on doing all of your X's and add it in your calendar. Not only that, but if you had a plan on calling 10 past clients, pick the 10 past clients a day in advance, organize them into a call list into your CRM and if you did that in advance...when that "call time" is up, you're ready to go.Same goes for all other lead gen activities...if you set up a day in advance, you're more likely to do the actual task.If you set time aside daily to do the "set up" in advance, you will not be wasting that logged time doing the research and end up side tracked.There is no one way to set this up as everyone is different...I would suggest you grab a copy of Atomic Habits for yourself as there is a ton of ideas in there.To get a downloadable pdf of Agent Success...How Any Agent Can Dominate in Any Market, simply send me an email for it: robert@realestateadvisorsinc.comTo schedule a Strategy Session over the phone, visit: http://agentsuccessstrategysession.com/
    Robert Caruso
    Real Estate Advisors Inc., Brokerage
    4220 Steeles Ave W, C12
    Vaughan, ON L4L 3S4
    P.S. Here are 3 ways I can help you today... 
    1. Get a copy our FREE book: Agent Success...How Any Real Estate Agent can Dominate in Any Market.
    Click here to download 
    2 Commission Plans to Fit YOUR Needs!
    Stop wasting thousands of dollars with large franchises that can barely remember your name! We have low fees and you'll never get a hidden fee or as I like to call them a "surprise, we forgot to tell you about..." fee. Find out more about our commission plans here 
    3. FREE Online Training: We offer pre-recorded step-by-step video training online that you can watch & learn at your own pace. From Creating Free Landing Pages to How to Create Facebook Ads for Leads. Click here to access

    • 4 min

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