16 episodios

Kickstart your career in Content Creation! No matter if you're an employee, freelancer, YouTuber or anything in between, the skillset of content creation is the ultimate enabler of success. Subscribe now!

Content Creator Kickstart Rued Riis

    • Educación

Kickstart your career in Content Creation! No matter if you're an employee, freelancer, YouTuber or anything in between, the skillset of content creation is the ultimate enabler of success. Subscribe now!

    4-Step AIDA Framework for Videos

    4-Step AIDA Framework for Videos

    Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Those are the 4 components of the AIDA framework known from the marketing world. But. There's a whole lot video makers, educators, and explainers can learn from marketing. And this funnel-framework is the perfect foundation for a strong video structure.

    In this episode, I'll give you a concrete example of a video on Cyber Security. Imagine this is a corporate training, and the video is the first of many, so it needs to pique the interest of the viewer, get their attention, make them desire to watch more, and finally take action.

    Watch more episodes here: https://www.ruedriis.com/podcasts/content-creator-kickstart

    Learn more about scriptwriting: https://www.ruedriis.com/strong-scripts

    • 9 min
    Why You Don't Have To Jump On TikTok

    Why You Don't Have To Jump On TikTok

    TikTok is the new shiny video platform that every expert wants you to jump on - the sooner the better. But is it always a good idea to jump on these new opportunities? Or should you take a step back and decide whether it's right for you, your audience, and your business?

    In today's episode, I share my experiences with TikTok, the learnings I take away, and why I'm not going to go all in on TikTok, but stay loyal to my core platform, YouTube.

    • 9 min
    How to Explain Things Better

    How to Explain Things Better

    How to Explain Things Better
    It's a golden skill to be able to explain things better - with more clarity and understanding. Especially if you're the expert and you are trying to explain something to a beginner. 

    But there are some ways to loosen up the explanation so it becomes more digestible for the listener to consume.

    In this episode, I teach you how to research how the questions are asked, so you can answer them better. How to progress more logically through your explanations. And how to be super concrete using facts, numbers, stats, quotes, stories, and analogies.

    I hope this podcast episode inspires you to become a better explainer. If you want to invest even more into that skill, check out my Explain Academy: https://www.ruedriis.com/academy


    • 10 min
    5 Concrete Ways to Start a Video

    5 Concrete Ways to Start a Video

    5 concrete ways to start a video
    It's super important to get off to a good start with your video. Therefore, I thought I'd share some concrete ways to start a video in an engaging and interesting way. 

    “We all know” Analogy.Example: We all know what a cinema is. Oculus Quest is like a cinema, but for your eyes and ears only. A wearable cinema you put on like a pair of ski goggles.
    Shortest pitch / “Wiki”Example: Oculus Quest is a virtual reality headset that can run immersive games and videos.
    “Forest before the trees” ContextExample: Long before Facebook changed its name to Meta, Mark Zuckerberg knew that the digital world, or Metaverse, would become a bigger and bigger part of our lives. In 2014, he bought Oculus for $2 billion, and since then they’ve invested heavily in creating the best VR headsets on the market.
    “PPP”. Preview, Promise, Proof.Example: In this video, I’ll talk about different ways to start your videos. You’ll learn concrete methods to make sure you get off to a good start. Actually, I’ve used these tips to grow my own YouTube channel to 10.000 subscribers.
    “What, Why, How”Example: What are the best ways to begin a video, why does it matter so much to start strong, and how can you use opening templates to make your own videos more engaging? That’s what you’ll learn in this video.

    These are 5 ways I use myself and shuffle between. Try out an intro template and apply it to your video. I hope you'll get inspired by my approaches and find better ways to start your videos off better. 

    • 10 min
    7 Tips for Filming Yourself

    7 Tips for Filming Yourself

    7 Tips for filming yourself
    It's not easy to film yourself (at all), but you get better in time. These are some of the things that I keep reminding myself of before I hit record.

    More light on your face and body (face a window if you don't have lighting gear)
    Less space above you (move closer to the camera until your torso and head show)
    Place camera at eye-level (Put your camera/computer on a shoebox)
    Sound quality matters a ton (Get a USB microphone or use a newer phone/laptop)
    Move away from the wall (Create depth in the shot by having more of your space showing behind you)
    Lock exposure (This can be done both on phones and cameras)
    Simple editing (Cut out dull moments, and add subtle music)

    If you tick off all 7 tips before you upload your next video, I'm sure you will be very glad to see that the result comes off much more professional than before. Good luck with the shoot!

    • 10 min
    Is your Skillset T-Shaped?

    Is your Skillset T-Shaped?

    What's a T-shaped content creator? The T-shape symbolizes a generalist skillset with one deep-dive; a skill that you've honed and are great at. 

    In this episode, I'll dive into the importance of supplementing your expertise with other skills to give your expertise utility. In order to convert what you know into something valuable to others, you have to add a few things to your toolbox, like business, marketing, WordPress, SEO, and more.

    Thanks for listening, rating, and reviewing this podcast. Much love!


    • 10 min

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