167 episodios

An Empowered man is one who communicates like a leader, sets boundaries that gets respect, knows who he is and what he wants...and owns his own sh*t.

The Empowered AF podcast is designed to help men do just that in their marriage and life. Join entrepreneur, coach, and father Mark Santiago every week as he shares the secrets to stepping into your own empowerment as a man.

Each week you’ll hear about taboo issues that hold back the modern-day man from knowing who he is, what he wants, and how to become the man he wants to be as a father, husband, and leader.

Empowered AF Mark Santiago

    • Educación

An Empowered man is one who communicates like a leader, sets boundaries that gets respect, knows who he is and what he wants...and owns his own sh*t.

The Empowered AF podcast is designed to help men do just that in their marriage and life. Join entrepreneur, coach, and father Mark Santiago every week as he shares the secrets to stepping into your own empowerment as a man.

Each week you’ll hear about taboo issues that hold back the modern-day man from knowing who he is, what he wants, and how to become the man he wants to be as a father, husband, and leader.

    Ask Mark Anything

    Ask Mark Anything

    Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce - https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast
    Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! - https://www.empoweredman.co/5d-challenge?el=podcast
    In this episode, Mark engages in an impromptu "Ask Mark Anything" session, tackling a variety of questions. He delves into complex relationship issues, such as dealing with a partner's affair, overcoming codependency, and navigating a divorce. He also emphasizes the importance of self-healing, boundaries, and genuine communication in facing challenges, offering insights and guidance to anyone grappling with emotional turmoil and relationship struggles.
    Episode Summary:
    Navigating infidelity and confusion in a marriage. 0:03Mark explains that false positives are common in situations where a spouse has cheated, and the cheated partner may exhibit affectionate behavior towards their partner as a result of confusion and conflicting emotions.Mark advises a listener who is experiencing this situation to be patient and understanding, as it is normal for the cheated partner to go through a range of emotions and to take time to process their feelings.Infidelity and healing. 2:17Mark describes the process of healing from an affair as a "deep component" that requires self-reflection and personal growth.The responsibility of the person who has been cheated on is to work on their own healing and how to move forward, rather than trying to fix the other person.Mark acknowledges that you may not have put a gun to your wife's head to make her cheat, but you may have created an environment that contributed to that.Mark recognizes that men often struggle to open up about their emotions and deal with them in a healthy way.Communication during and after divorce. 6:38Communicate with your ex-wife as a neutral person, not a former partner or friend, to maintain boundaries and respect each other's space during a divorce.Mark shares his personal experience with moving on from a previous relationship and how he took the time to heal and come to a place of readiness for a new relationship.Mark advises others to prioritize healing and self-reflection before entering a new relationship, rather than rushing into it without proper closure and healing from past wounds.Grief, codependency, and confidence. 10:01Mark offers guidance on building confidence through self-reflection and identifying past wins.Mark discusses how men often struggle with codependency and losing confidence, leading to feelings of insecurity and a need to control.Mark emphasizes the importance of emotional regulation and honesty in addressing these issues.Personal growth and marriage reconciliation. 13:38Mark emphasizes the importance of emotional regulation and personal growth for men in marriages facing...

    • 25 min
    Be The Gift, Part 2

    Be The Gift, Part 2

    Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce - https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast
    Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! - https://www.empoweredman.co/5d-challenge?el=podcast
    In this episode, Mark shares more about the powerful "Be the Gift Challenge" he initiated during Christmas. He explores the profound parallels between Game of Thrones' iconic theme "Winter is Coming" and the challenges faced in marriages. Drawing lessons from the series, he emphasizes the inevitability of life's challenges, urging you as a man to prepare emotionally for Christmas and New Year, regardless of your marital situation. Mark advocates for the importance of a supportive brotherhood, highlighting its role in confronting internal struggles. Rejecting the idea of a single solution, he stresses the need for a focused strategy to address the root causes of pain, guiding you towards empowerment and authentic self-discovery.
    Episode Summary:
    Mark Santiago introduces the next level of his podcast empowered AF 2.0, focusing on healthy communication, lifestyle, and personal growth.Mark references Game of Thrones to emphasize the unpredictability of life and the importance of being prepared for challenges, using the theme "winter is coming" as a metaphor.Mark discusses the theme of winter coming in the series, emphasizing its apocalyptic implications.Mark compares the show's focus on winter to the way people ignore looming problems in their own lives, such as divorce or separation.Using pain to overcome obstacles in life. 4:37Mark notes that the White Walkers in Game of Thrones are relentless and overwhelming, despite efforts to defeat them with Valerian steel.A plan is ultimately successful in defeating the White Walkers, led by a brother and sister who work together to kill the king and shatter the army.Mark discusses the importance of facing pain and taking responsibility for personal growth, using the story of a linchpin to illustrate the idea that one key element can lead to significant change.Mark encourages listeners to be the gift they want to receive during the holiday season, rather than ignoring or denying problems.Coping with divorce during the holiday season. 9:29Mark acknowledges that winter (divorce) is coming for many couples, and preparation is key to being the best version of oneself.Mark encourages listeners to choose between being the "best version" or "bitch version" of themselves during the upcoming holiday season.Mark struggles with maintaining a facade of confidence and normalcy during a stressful family event, revealing their inner turmoil and emotional pain.Mark acknowledges the importance of confronting and dealing with your emotions, rather than burying them and pretending everything is fine, in order to move forward and find a positive outcome.The importance of addressing internal trauma for personal growth. 13:25Mark emphasizes the importance of a "brotherhood" in overcoming personal struggles and achieving success (14:56).A brotherhood can provide support, accountability, and the ability to "call out...

    • 30 min
    Be The Gift

    Be The Gift

    Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce - https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast
    Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! - https://www.empoweredman.co/5d-challenge?el=podcast
    In this episode, Mark shares the powerful "Be the Gift Challenge" he initiated during Christmas. He replays Facebook Lives where he discusses the inspiration from the movie "Jingle All the Way." Mark emphasizes the importance of fathers being present, not just with material gifts but with time, energy, and affection. He challenges you to give one new gift daily to your children and suggests that, for many, the first step is giving these gifts to yourself. Mark passionately encourages you to invest in your emotional well-being, affirming that you are worth the effort and capable of being the greatest gift to your families.
    Episode Summary:
    Gift-giving and self-care during the holidays. 0:03Mark Santiago discusses the "be the gift challenge" during Christmas, encouraging men to be present and supportive for their families.Mark shares personal stories of going through separation and divorce during Christmas, offering insights on how to navigate difficult times.Mark discusses the pressure on men to provide gifts for their children during the holiday season, citing the movie "Jingle All the Way" as inspiration.Fatherhood and Christmas gift-buying. 3:51Howard struggles with balancing work and fatherhood in "Jingle All the Way."Mark discusses how men often try to buy their children's affection during separation and divorce, using gifts as a way to make up for not being present as a father.Mark shares a personal story about a character in a movie who goes on an adventure to find a toy for his son, but ultimately realizes that the son doesn't want the toy, he wants his father's attention and presence.The importance of being present for children. 9:37Turbo Man saves his son from falling after being attacked by Sinbad's character, and the son reveals that he's been wanting a Turbo Man doll for Christmas.Turbo Man's wife is shocked to find out that her husband is actually Turbo Man, and she gives Jamie the special collector's edition Turbo Man doll.Mark emphasizes the importance of being present for children, not just giving them gifts.Mark encourages fathers to do the work of healing and being present for their kids.Mark plans to discuss practical ways to be present for children in future videos.Personal growth and relationships. 15:42Man's neglect of wife and son leads to temptation for another man.Mark emphasizes the importance of self-investment for personal growth and relationships.Being a good father and husband. 18:49Mark emphasizes the importance of being a gift to one's family, particularly as a father, and offers three ways to give without relying on...

    • 27 min
    The Real Cost Of Your Future Self With Matthew Todhunter

    The Real Cost Of Your Future Self With Matthew Todhunter

    Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce - https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast
    Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! - https://www.empoweredman.co/5d-challenge?el=podcast
    In this episode, Mark introduces Matthew, a regular guy who turned his life around by investing in himself through the Empowered Man program. Matthew shares his journey from a challenging divorce to financial struggles and how he chose to make an investment in personal growth. The episode emphasizes the difference between a cost and an investment, highlighting the profound impact it had on Matthew's life, leading to a new relationship and a sense of purpose. They also challenge you to see yourself as a worthy investment and to take control of your destiny.
    Episode Summary:
    Empowerment and personal growth for men. 0:03Mark Santiago introduces Matthew, a client who went through a transformation with Empowered Man.Matthew shares his personal journey and reasons for joining Empowered Man, highlighting the impact the program had on his life.Taking responsibility for personal growth after infidelity. 2:05Matthew's personal journey of self-discovery through Empowered Man coaching.Matthew reflects on his past mistakes and struggles with boundaries, financial control, and vision, and how writing down his goals and vision has given him power and direction.Matthew credits the pain of past failed relationships as a motivator for taking his personal growth more seriously and writing down his goals.Matthew acknowledges his role in the failed marriage, taking responsibility for his emotional unavailability and lack of emotional growth.Matthew emphasizes the importance of doing "deep shadow work" on one's inner child self to heal emotional wounds and become a better, more emotionally available man.Personal growth and investment. 9:37Matthew shares his experience of feeling unfulfilled and lost before discovering the Empowered Man podcast, which inspired him to tap into his internal producer and provide more than just financial support.Matthew describes how they were inspired by the podcast to recognize his potential as more than just a provider, and to prioritize his own growth and well-being.Matthew describes how they saw the loan as an investment, not a cost, despite having been bankrupt in the past.Mark highlights the difference between a cost and an investment, and how Matthew's mindset demonstrates his willingness to transform and change.Self-worth and investment in personal growth. 14:11Matthew believes they have purpose and meaning in life, and are willing to invest in themselves to achieve their goals.Mark questions whether other men see themselves as worthy investments, and notes the impact of low self-esteem on a person's ability to provide for their children.Mark expresses fear of investing in oneself due to potential divorce, highlighting the need to overcome this fear for personal growth.Matthew...

    • 33 min
    Respect And What It Looks Like

    Respect And What It Looks Like

    Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce - https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast
    Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! - https://www.empoweredman.co/5d-challenge?el=podcast
    In this episode, Mark discusses the core of every man's desire – respect. Drawing inspiration from the iconic song "Respect," he explores how self-respect forms the foundation for earning respect from others, especially in relationships. Mark shares personal anecdotes, emphasizing the pivotal role of boundaries, self-care, and emotional healing in garnering the respect every man craves. He also challenges you to confront your own disempowerment, urging you to take ownership, lead with conviction, and transform into an empowered man.
    Episode Summary:
    Self-respect and its impact on relationships. 0:03Mark Santiago discusses the importance of respect in relationships.Mark identifies lack of self-respect as the root cause of disrespect in relationships.Self-respect and empowerment in marriage. 3:09Mark discusses how some men don't value themselves in their marriage, leading to them not setting boundaries and allowing their partner to cheat.The importance of taking care of emotional wounds and setting boundaries to move forward in a healthy relationship.Mark argues that men are hardwired to feel respected and that disrespect can lead to disempowerment and fighting.Mark believes that men should focus on respecting themselves rather than blaming their partners for disrespect.Self-respect and empowerment in relationships. 8:11Respect yourself, act like a man, and earn respect from others.Men often act like children when they should be acting like adults, disrespecting themselves and their potential.Mark encourages men to respect themselves and take ownership of their lives to change the dynamic of disrespect and empower themselves.Personal growth and taking ownership of one's life. 11:49Lack of leadership, vision, and proactiveness can lead to disrespect in marriage.Mark emphasizes the importance of taking ownership of one's life and circumstances to overcome victim mentality and achieve personal growth.Empowerment and self-respect in relationships. 15:03Mark emphasizes the importance of self-respect and empowerment in personal growth, particularly in the context of a difficult divorce.Mark encourages others to take ownership of their actions and decisions, rather than blaming others or feeling disrespected.Mark shares his personal journey of transforming from a "disempowered" man to an "empowered" one through self-reflection, emotional healing, and taking decisive action.Mark thanks listeners for tuning in and encourages them to visit earlier episodes of the podcast and join the Empowered Man group for further support.

    • 20 min
    How To Overcome The Cycle Of Disempowerment

    How To Overcome The Cycle Of Disempowerment

    Get the Rules of Engagement For When She’s Cheating, Says She Doesn’t Love You, or Filed for Divorce - https://training.empoweredman.co/30dvslyt?el=podcast
    Join the Empowered Man 5-Day Challenge! - https://www.empoweredman.co/5d-challenge?el=podcast
    In this episode, Mark and Joey dive deep into the cycle of disempowerment, engaging their audience by prompting them to share their experiences. They explore the impact of guilt, blame, and the tendency to fix things in relationships. They challenge conventional narratives and encourage you to take ownership of your actions, fostering personal growth and the pursuit of authentic connections.
    Episode Summary:
    Feeling disempowered and the cycle of guilt. 0:03Mark Santiago introduces the topic of empowerment and invites listeners to share their experiences with disempowerment.Joey discusses the cycle of disempowerment, including feeling stuck, overanalyzing, and hiding behind achievements.Men often turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as drugs or alcohol, to deal with feelings of inadequacy and shame.Feeling guilty about not being able to fix a problem or figure out what's going on, which Joey calls "the dogma."Divorce, toxic masculinity, and personal growth. 5:49Mark shares their experience with divorce and how it affected their children, emphasizing the importance of owning one's "stuff" and creating a healthy environment for kids.Mark believes that divorce doesn't have to be destructive and that there is a path through it that can help children thrive, with the help of a supportive stepparent.Mark discusses how men are socialized to fix problems, but often end up fixing the wrong problem, leading to unhealthy patterns and relationships.Mark argues that taking ownership of one's actions and emotions is key to personal growth and healthy relationships, rather than sacrificing oneself for the sake of a marriage.Blame and responsibility in marriage conflicts. 11:04Joey acknowledges that men often blame external factors for their relationship problems, rather than taking responsibility for their own actions.The importance of taking ownership over one's marriage and personal growth.Mark emphasizes the importance of both partners wanting to work on a marriage, stating that one person cannot save a marriage alone.Mark criticizes the idea that one person can "get their spouse back" and then six months later, they're cheating again, highlighting the need for self-reflection and personal growth.Taking ownership and responsibility in relationships. 15:28Men taking ownership of their roles in failed marriages and blaming themselves for not being a "safe place" for their partners.Taking responsibility and ownership to break free from guilt, shame, and blame cycles.Men are encouraged to join the Empowered Man group for further support and knowledge on how to be an empowered man in their relationships and various aspects of life.
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    • 20 min

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