1h 7 min

JoyfulThings series: Good company and a warm beverage with Taylor J. Bye Growing Minds

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This episode sounds simple but let me tell you it's contents reach far & wide!! Taylor is a creative & compassionate soul. You will fall in love with her after this episode. (: Not only do we cover 5 joyful things, but we also talk mental health, boundaries, and social justice. After this episode, you'll be urged to pour yourself a cup of your fav drink, light a candle, and call your bestie... Just make sure you tell him/her/they about this episode. (: 
Taylor's art page: https://www.instagram.com/ar_tea_bee/
What are your 5 joyful things? Let us know! https://www.instagram.com/growingmindspodcast/

This episode sounds simple but let me tell you it's contents reach far & wide!! Taylor is a creative & compassionate soul. You will fall in love with her after this episode. (: Not only do we cover 5 joyful things, but we also talk mental health, boundaries, and social justice. After this episode, you'll be urged to pour yourself a cup of your fav drink, light a candle, and call your bestie... Just make sure you tell him/her/they about this episode. (: 
Taylor's art page: https://www.instagram.com/ar_tea_bee/
What are your 5 joyful things? Let us know! https://www.instagram.com/growingmindspodcast/

1h 7 min