49 episodios

If you treated yourself and your business the way you treat your clients you would have more energy and you would be able to deliver even more to your clients!

You know how important it is to fill your cup first so that you can give to your clients, but let’s face it – your cup doesn’t even have a bottom on it anymore! It’s time to take care of yourself so that you can be the superstar that you want to be!

Boundaries! You may have some of these, but you probably let people walk all over them anyway! If you aren’t willing to take your boundaries seriously no one else will either! It isn’t until you honour your boundaries that the other people in your life will honour them too.

On this podcast, we will be talking about improving your business and your life. The topics covered will include processes, systems, team and time management and other soft skills like MAKING time for personal growth, building a business that you can take time away from to recharge, taking care of yourself, saving time, money, and creating the business/life that fills you up!

Overgivers Anonymous Podcast Angela Mondor - The Geeky Girl

    • Economía y empresa

If you treated yourself and your business the way you treat your clients you would have more energy and you would be able to deliver even more to your clients!

You know how important it is to fill your cup first so that you can give to your clients, but let’s face it – your cup doesn’t even have a bottom on it anymore! It’s time to take care of yourself so that you can be the superstar that you want to be!

Boundaries! You may have some of these, but you probably let people walk all over them anyway! If you aren’t willing to take your boundaries seriously no one else will either! It isn’t until you honour your boundaries that the other people in your life will honour them too.

On this podcast, we will be talking about improving your business and your life. The topics covered will include processes, systems, team and time management and other soft skills like MAKING time for personal growth, building a business that you can take time away from to recharge, taking care of yourself, saving time, money, and creating the business/life that fills you up!

    Practical Tips for Conducting an Effective SWOT Analysis

    Practical Tips for Conducting an Effective SWOT Analysis

    Welcome to the Overgivers Anonymous podcast hosted by Angela Mondor, also known as the Geeky Girl. In this episode, Angela delves into the concept of SWOT analysis, providing neurodivergent-friendly strategies for mastering it.


    * Understanding SWOT Analysis: Angela introduces the concept of SWOT analysis, explaining its relevance in strategic planning for businesses and personal growth.

    * Exploring Multiple Perspectives: SWOT analysis enables individuals to view situations from various angles, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

    * Applicability Beyond Business: While commonly used in corporate settings, SWOT analysis can be applied to personal endeavors such as relationships or skill development, offering valuable insights.

    * Identifying Analytical Focus: Angela emphasizes the importance of defining the subject of analysis, whether it's a business, personal goal, or relationship.

    * Structuring the Analysis: Angela outlines the four components of a SWOT analysis: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and illustrates how to organize them visually.

    * Scaling Analysis: SWOT analysis can be tailored to different scopes, from evaluating overall business strategies to assessing individual tasks or skills.

    * Mitigating Weaknesses and Threats: Rather than striving for perfection, Angela advises focusing on leveraging strengths and mitigating weaknesses and threats through practical strategies.

    * Action Planning: The analysis serves as a basis for developing actionable plans, enabling individuals to address identified areas for improvement.

    * Flexibility in Pursuing Opportunities: While seizing opportunities is encouraged, Angela advises ensuring alignment with overarching goals to maintain focus and avoid distractions.

    * Embracing Neurodivergent Thinking: Angela encourages embracing neurodivergent perspectives to approach SWOT analysis creatively and unlock innovative solutions.

    SWOT analysis serves as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth, offering insights into strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. By leveraging strengths, mitigating weaknesses, and embracing opportunities, individuals can navigate challenges effectively and achieve success in their endeavors.





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    Click Here for the transcript[00:00:00] Angela Mondor - The Geeky Girl: Welcome to the Overgivers Anonymous podcast. My name is Angela Mondor, also known as the Geeky Girl. In this podcast, we're going to be talking about some amazing things to help you get over overgiving.

    Hi, and welcome to this episode of the Obergivers Anonymous podcast. My name is Angela Mondor, and I'm also known as the Geeky Girl. Today, I want to talk to you about a SWOT analysis and hang on, just stick with me for a second, because I want to give you some neurodivergent friendly strategies.

    For mastering a SWOT analysis, number one thing, if you don't know what a SWOT analysis is, essentially allows you to be able to look at a situation from a bunch of different angles. It is really important when we're talking about strategic planning and decision making inside our business. But it's also important for us to be able to analyze ourselves.

    And sometimes we can use the squat analysis for that. So we have the ability to see a problem or, and find some solutions, or maybe even find ways around some of the things that are coming up.

    • 15 min
    Empowering Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs: Creating Inclusive Workspaces

    Empowering Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs: Creating Inclusive Workspaces

    In this insightful episode of the Overgivers Anonymous podcast, host Angela Mondor engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Sarah Ketch, a leading voice in DEI strategy and advocate for neurodivergent entrepreneurs. Through Sarah's expertise and personal experiences, listeners gain valuable insights into the importance of understanding and embracing neurodiversity in both corporate culture and entrepreneurship. From redefining success to celebrating progress and fostering supportive communities, Sarah's approach underscores the necessity of inclusive and humane practices in today's business landscape. Join us as we explore the power of empowerment, self-awareness, and community in creating truly inclusive workspaces for all.


    Understanding neurodiversity in the corporate world.

    Challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals in traditional business models.

    Redefining success and embracing neurodiversity in business.

    The importance of boundaries and self-awareness for neurodiverse entrepreneurs.

    Leveraging community and peer support for empowerment.

    Celebrating personal definitions of success and achievements.

    The significance of teamwork and setting personal goals.

    Implementing unique approaches to project management.

    Utilizing SMART goals to break down overwhelming tasks.

    Overcoming overwhelm with actionable steps and celebrating progress.

    Sara Kedge (she/her) works with corporate leaders to create inclusive, healthy and more productive workplaces that work for everyone. A renowned DEI Design Thinking Strategist, Coach and Trainer, Sara blends curiosity and playfulness with deep cross-functional knowledge. She prides herself on helping teams move out of stressful

    dysfunction to create human-focused workplace cultures where critical thinking – and people – are encouraged and valued.

    Sara carries the collective experience of the neurodivergent community into the solutions she co-creates with her clients. As the founder and curator of How 2 Entrepreneuro, an online community supporting neurodivergent entrepreneurs, Sara is constantly learning and hearing from the people she supports, most of whom have suffered burnout within the corporate or public sectors. Sara’s clients vary in reach from global to local, across a range of industries including academia and training institutions, public and third sector, technology, bio-medical and international development. Sara co-creates bespoke solutions for each new client challenge, drawing on years of change management consultancy and her current role as a lecturer for the Business and Management faculty at Oxford Brookes University. Sara’s commitment to delivering a playful, human-centred approach to transition and culture development, makes her an outstanding – and refreshingly unusual – asset to her clients. Topic that you would like to speak on Creating inclusive businesses.



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    • 35 min
    Goal-Setting Worksheets A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Goal-Setting Worksheets A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs

    Welcome to today's insightful discussion on goal setting from a neurodiverse perspective. We're excited to explore this fascinating topic with you and delve into strategies to alleviate overwhelm and enhance goal attainment for neurodiverse individuals. So, let's dive in and discover practical ways to navigate the journey of goal setting effectively.


    * Redefining Goal Setting: We introduce a fresh perspective on goal setting, tailored for neurodiverse individuals, aiming to alleviate overwhelm and stress often associated with traditional methods.

    * Understanding Overwhelm: Using a vivid analogy of falling off a boat, we highlight the paralyzing effect of overwhelm on decision-making and productivity.

    * Breaking Down Massive Goals: Drawing parallels with scaling Mount Everest, we emphasize the importance of breaking down monumental goals into manageable steps.

    * Personalized Goal Alignment: We advise listeners to ensure their goals align with their personal vision and business objectives rather than succumbing to external pressures.

    * Measurable Targets: Stressing the significance of measurable goals, we illustrate how quantifiable metrics aid in tracking progress and adjusting strategies accordingly.

    * Actionable Plans: We advocate for actionable plans, emphasizing the necessity of breaking down tasks into manageable actions to alleviate overwhelm.

    * Iterative Approach: Highlighting the iterative nature of goal pursuit, we encourage flexibility and adaptability in refining strategies based on real-time feedback.

    * Utilizing Tools: We recommend leveraging tools like goblin tools to aid in task breakdown and enhance productivity.

    * Focus on Daily Actions: Emphasizing the importance of focusing on daily actions rather than fixating solely on the end goal, we underscore the value of staying present and proactive.

    * Resource Access: Don't waste time get your freebie and start setting goals like a pro!

    In today's episode, we unpack a holistic approach to goal setting, providing valuable insights and practical strategies for neurodiverse individuals. By reframing goal pursuit as a series of manageable actions, listeners are equipped to navigate their journey with clarity and confidence. Be sure to check out the provided resource to kickstart your personalized goal-setting journey. Thank you for tuning in, and until next time, stay proactive and focused on your goals.





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    Click Here for the transcriptWelcome to the Overgivers Anonymous podcast. My name is Angela Mondor, also known as the Geeky Girl. In this podcast, we're going to be talking about some amazing things to help you get over overgiving.

    [00:00:11] Angela Mondor - The Geeky Girl: Hi, and welcome to this episode of the Overgears and Onos podcast. Whether you're visiting us on YouTube right now, or whether you happen to be listening to us on your podcast delivery system of your choice, welcome. Hi, how are you? My name is Angela Mondor.

    I'm also known as a geeky girl, which is kind of fun. Cause you know, we do a little geeky things around here. So if you like that kind of thing, stick around. Today, I want to talk to you about something cool. I think it's cool. And don't get scared because sometimes we talk about things and people get scared.

    I'm just,

    • 17 min
    Time Management 101: Streamlining Your Schedule with Acuity

    Time Management 101: Streamlining Your Schedule with Acuity

    Welcome to the Overgivers Anonymous podcast hosted by Angela Mondor, also known as the Geeky Girl. In this episode, Angela dives into the often-overlooked aspect of time and calendar management, offering insights and strategies to reclaim control over your schedule and maximize productivity.


    * Understanding Personal Peak Times: different times of the day affect productivity differently for individuals, urging listeners to schedule tasks based on their peak cognitive hours.

    * Managing Appointment Anxiety: Personal experience of struggling with productivity when anticipating appointments later in the day, highlighting the importance of scheduling tasks accordingly.

    * Strategic Client Scheduling: Prioritizing client appointments when it works best to ensure undivided attention and mitigate scheduling conflicts later in the day.

    * Embracing Neurodiversity: Unique challenges and advantages of neurodiverse brains, offering tips such as setting alarms and incorporating movement breaks to maintain focus.

    * Streamlining Appointment Booking: Acuity, a calendar management tool that automates appointment scheduling, saving time and reducing mental load.

    * Customizable Scheduling Solutions: Acuity's flexibility in tailoring scheduling preferences, such as limiting available slots for specific types of appointments.

    * Integration with Productivity Tools: How Acuity seamlessly integrates with Google Calendar and project management platforms like ClickUp, enhancing workflow efficiency.

    * CRM Capabilities:  Acuity's CRM features, which enable tracking client interactions and appointment history for improved client management.

    * Benefits for All Users: Acuity's benefits extend to both neurodiverse and neurotypical individuals, offering customizable solutions to enhance productivity.

    Mastering time and calendar management is essential for personal and professional growth. By embracing tools like Acuity and adopting tailored scheduling strategies, listeners can optimize their productivity, reduce stress, and prioritize self-care. Remember, a well-organized calendar is the cornerstone of effective time management and self-empowerment.


    * For more information and support feel free to email clientcare@geekygirl.ca.

    * Explore Acuity for personalized calendar management solutions: geekygirl.ca/acuity (affiliate link).





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    Welcome to the Overgivers Anonymous podcast. My name is Angela Mondor, also known as the Geeky Girl. In this podcast, we're going to be talking about some amazing things to help you get over overgiving.

    [00:00:11] Angela Mondor - The Geeky Girl: Hi, and welcome to this episode of The Overgiver's Anonymous Podcast. Let me just tell you that I'm not doing well today. I'm not feeling well. I'm kind of got stuffy nose thing going on. I don't know if it's my allergies. Life is fun, but here I am. I'm, I am here. I'm present. So if I sound a little different.

    That's what it's all about. Today I want to talk to you about something that you might get a little triggered by. I'm not going to lie. There's, there's some triggers here because I do want to talk to you about time management, but I don't want you to think, oh God, this is yet another time management thing and it's b******t and all the rest of ...

    • 5 min
    Mastering AppSumo: Harnessing Its Power While Avoiding the Pitfalls

    Mastering AppSumo: Harnessing Its Power While Avoiding the Pitfalls

    Let's delve into the captivating world of AppSumo. Join us as we uncover the allure and potential pitfalls of this platform, and discover strategies for navigating its offerings with wisdom and discernment.


    * The prevalence of Shiny Object Syndrome and its implications for business owners.

    * AppSumo's value propositions and cost-effective deals.

    * Time investment is required for software setup and learning curves.

    * Strategies for managing software overload and maintaining oversight of disparate tools.

    * Aligning software purchases with core business objectives.

    * Potential risks and rewards associated with AppSumo offerings.

    * Recap of key insights on prudent decision-making and strategic software evaluation.

    As we conclude our exploration of AppSumo's labyrinthine landscape, it becomes evident that navigating its offerings demands a blend of prudence and foresight. By heeding the insights shared in this episode and leveraging strategic evaluation criteria, entrepreneurs can harness the platform's potential while safeguarding against its inherent risks. Remember, fellow overgivers, informed decision-making is the cornerstone of sustainable business growth.

    Additional Resources:

    * Free SAAS checklist for managing software

    * How to manage your software stack: step-by-steo guide

    Tune in to the Overgivers Anonymous podcast for more invaluable insights into the world of entrepreneurship and self-development.





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    Click Here for the transcriptWelcome to the Overgivers Anonymous podcast. My name is Angela Mondor, also known as the Geeky Girl. In this podcast, we're going to be talking about some amazing things to help you get over overgiving.

    [00:00:11] Angela Mondor - The Geeky Girl: Hi, and welcome to this episode of the Overgivers Anonymous podcast. My name is Angela Mondorf and I'm also known as the Geeky Girl. Today, I want to talk to you about something that I'm sure a lot of you've already heard about.

    Maybe you've even partook in some of these deals and some of these ideas. I want to talk to you about AppSumo. There is some fantastic things that AppSumo offers, but there's also some massive pitfalls that you could fall into when it comes to AppSumo. So I want to really dive into this today, give you some thoughts and ideas, because Shiny object syndrome.

    Let's be honest. Like that is something that AppSumo plays really, really hardcore into. Follow, they do a great job with their emails. They do a great job with follow ups, the software itself. They do a great job promoting all the pieces of software. They're just. Really, really good at what they do. So cheers to you, AppSumo.

    You really do do an amazing job at what you do. Now let's talk about this from a business owner perspective and not just any business owner, if you're neurodiverse, NeuroSpicy, AppSumo could really pull you in. This is where I want to talk to you about today is how this is going to impact your business based on your version of neurodiversity.

    Now we talked about, I mentioned. Shiny object right in the very beginning. And that is one of the things that AppSumo does a really good job of doing is literally putting these offers in front of you.

    • 7 min
    Lessons Learned from Businesses That Didn’t Have a Plan

    Lessons Learned from Businesses That Didn’t Have a Plan

    In this episode, we delve into the crucial topic of learning from mistakes in business, emphasizing the value of sharing her own missteps to help others navigate similar challenges. With a focus on personal growth and development, listeners get to explore the lessons we learned, particularly regarding the dangers of over-relying on external guidance. Through candid reflection and storytelling,  get ready for an insightful discussion on the importance of taking control of one's business decisions.


    * Sharing Mistakes: Angela emphasizes the importance of sharing her business mistakes to help others avoid similar pitfalls.

    * Learning from Others: Reflects on the value of learning from others' mistakes, which can spare one from unnecessary pain and internal work.

    * The Costly Mistake: Angela recounts a significant mistake from around 2016-17 that cost her approximately $10,000.

    * Trusting External Guidance: Despite initial enthusiasm, Angela realized she had trusted external guidance over her own business instincts, leading to detrimental changes.

    * Taking Control: After the experience, Angela resolved to take more control over her business decisions and develop a comprehensive plan.

    * Building a Foundation: Shares her strategy of creating a yearly, quarterly, and monthly plan to guide business growth effectively.

    * Evaluating Opportunities: Advises listeners to critically evaluate business opportunities based on alignment with their goals.

    * Focus on Actions: Emphasizes focusing on daily actions rather than overwhelming overarching goals.

    * Invitation to Learn: Invites listeners to learn more about her Rockstar Success Circle, which offers support and guidance for business owners.

    * Empowerment: Encourages listeners to prioritize their own instincts and decisions in business, avoiding costly mistakes.

    Learn the significance of taking ownership of your business choices and learning from both your own mistakes and those of others. Through proactive planning and discernment, you can empower yourselves to make informed decisions that align with your goals and values. As you continue on your entrepreneurial path, we hope those words serve as a beacon of guidance, helping you navigate the complexities of business with clarity and confidence.





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    Click Here for the transcript[00:00:00] Angela Mondor - The Geeky Girl: Welcome to the Overgivers Anonymous podcast. My name is Angela Mondor, also known as the Geeky Girl. In this podcast, we're going to be talking about some amazing things to help you get over overgiving.

    And welcome to this episode of the Overgivers Anonymous podcast. I want to talk to you about something really important and it's the lessons that I learned in my business that I want to share with you because I believe in sharing my mistakes.

    I believe in making sure that other people have the ability not to make the same mistakes. Now, you might still make these mistakes, and that's okay. We all make mistakes, and mistakes allow us to learn. I just think that if you can learn from somebody else's mistakes, instead of you having to make them yourself.

    Then it's easier. I've learned, I've learned things both ways. I've learned by making my own mistakes, but I've also learned by watching other people and making sure that I don't make their same mistakes. And here we are changing, changing to this quarter two now. See?

    • 13 min

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