54 min

Season 3 - Debbie talks to Rosie Venner and Bryn Lauder from ECCR Focus on Modern Slavery!

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We are delighted to speak to Rosie Venner, the Money Makes Change Programme Manager and Bryn Lauder the Communications and Campaigns Manager from ECCR about their work and how that impacts social justice and a call to action for the church and communities.

ECCR’s (The Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility) vision is to see money used in a way that creates a fairer and more sustainable world. We help faith communities and people to make financial choices which reflect these values and passions.

Working with Faith Communities
In response to increasing concerns about the use of Church funds in companies which promoted fossil fuels, the Church Investors Group  was founded to look at ways in which institutional church funds could be utilised as force for good.

ECCR has therefore increasingly concentrated on working with individual churches and church-goers, to help them think about how the money they use in their daily lives can become a tool of their faith, resulting in our programme, Money Makes Change.

The History

ECCR was formed in 1989. It focused on issues such as indigenous rights in Nigeria and the Philippines, migrant work and sex trafficking, and partnered with organisations such as CAFOD and Christian Aid to release reports into corporate responsibility.

We’ve worked with faith groups and religious orders to look at how individual churches and church-goers can apply pressure to corporations and governments.

For many years we provided research, resources for campaigning and advocacy, responses to government consultations, reports to help shareholders engage with companies, and templates for letter-writing campaigns.


We are delighted to speak to Rosie Venner, the Money Makes Change Programme Manager and Bryn Lauder the Communications and Campaigns Manager from ECCR about their work and how that impacts social justice and a call to action for the church and communities.

ECCR’s (The Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility) vision is to see money used in a way that creates a fairer and more sustainable world. We help faith communities and people to make financial choices which reflect these values and passions.

Working with Faith Communities
In response to increasing concerns about the use of Church funds in companies which promoted fossil fuels, the Church Investors Group  was founded to look at ways in which institutional church funds could be utilised as force for good.

ECCR has therefore increasingly concentrated on working with individual churches and church-goers, to help them think about how the money they use in their daily lives can become a tool of their faith, resulting in our programme, Money Makes Change.

The History

ECCR was formed in 1989. It focused on issues such as indigenous rights in Nigeria and the Philippines, migrant work and sex trafficking, and partnered with organisations such as CAFOD and Christian Aid to release reports into corporate responsibility.

We’ve worked with faith groups and religious orders to look at how individual churches and church-goers can apply pressure to corporations and governments.

For many years we provided research, resources for campaigning and advocacy, responses to government consultations, reports to help shareholders engage with companies, and templates for letter-writing campaigns.


54 min