42 min

The Hangover Berlinology

    • Destinos y viajes

Meanwhile on the mainland; 15.000 British citizens living in Berlin after Brexit.

Thanks to David Sumner, Georgia Riungu, Ryan Balmer, Daniel Tetlow, Jon Worth, Jonny Whitlam, Zoe Noble, James Glazebrook, Bruce, Jane Golding and Esme Nicholson.

Brits in Europe, The Three Million Group, Expath, Berlin.de, Article 50.

Music by LY Foulidis, Mark Schilders and Svetnik. Image by Georgia Riungu.

Meanwhile on the mainland; 15.000 British citizens living in Berlin after Brexit.

Thanks to David Sumner, Georgia Riungu, Ryan Balmer, Daniel Tetlow, Jon Worth, Jonny Whitlam, Zoe Noble, James Glazebrook, Bruce, Jane Golding and Esme Nicholson.

Brits in Europe, The Three Million Group, Expath, Berlin.de, Article 50.

Music by LY Foulidis, Mark Schilders and Svetnik. Image by Georgia Riungu.

42 min