290 episodes

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space just for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth with you. Christine Arylo, MBA, marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness application to expand your perspective, wake up your awareness, and give you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work, organizations, families and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing.

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo Christine Arylo

    • Education

Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space just for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth with you. Christine Arylo, MBA, marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness application to expand your perspective, wake up your awareness, and give you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work, organizations, families and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing.

    243: What Drains & Dims Your Radiance?

    243: What Drains & Dims Your Radiance?

    The brightness and strength of your radiance affects every aspect of your wellbeing – from your physical health, to your access to your intuition and power, to your ability to share your gifts and genius with the world.
    In this episode, Christine and Jennifer share inquiries and practices to illuminate what's draining or dimming your radiance, so that you can see it, name it, and be at choice with how to work with the forces that diminish radiance. All in order to stay light and bright, even during this challenging time in the world.
    Beginning where you have the power within you to make shifts, regardless of what’s going on externally, they explore the 6 Ways We Drain, Dim, or Distort Our Radiance:
    Forcing Forgetting Feeling Like... Frustation at Feeling Stuck Fragmenting Your Focus Frequency  
    Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What Drains My Radiance? Awareness is the first step to making a shift, and by the end of this episode you will have the tools to bring awareness to what’s diminishing your radiance. You’ll also receive practices to support you in making shifts to restore your radiance. Join us!
    Resources & Links:
    Light of My Soul by Ajeet Kaur 4 Rs Morning Meditation - Root Down. Rise Up. Relax Back. Receive.  
    What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you! Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins the week of June Solstice. Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on what sustains your radiance.  
    Ways to Connect:
    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters Connect with Christine and Jennifer on LinkedIn Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community Watch on YouTube

    • 1 hr 8 min
    242: What Sustains Your Radiance? (#1 of 9 in Season of Light Series)

    242: What Sustains Your Radiance? (#1 of 9 in Season of Light Series)

    What is Radiance? And how can cultivating our own inner radiance support us in Staying Light amidst the swirl and chaos of the present time?
    In this episode (the first in the nine part Season of Light Series), Christine Arylo and co-host of this series Jennifer Alexander, discuss the importance of restoring your radiance as a way of Staying Light through transformational times. They explore both the mystical and material realms of radiance, and share simple yet mighty practices that can support you to restore your radiance levels to be bright and vibrant, and then keep that brightness and lightness strong, growing and glowing for the rest of this year.
    You will learn:
    What is Radiance and why it matters.
    How Radiance dictates your health, relationships, ability to attract and receive opportunities, intuition, and overall mental and emotional wellbeing.
    The difference between life force and Radiance, and where Radiance lives in your body.
    Creative processes to reveal practical wisdom that you can apply to how you structure your life and make choices during the upcoming months – all with the intention of sustaining your Radiance.
    Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to contemplate the inquiry: What Sustains My Radiance? As leaders, change makers, and beings daring to do things differently to create a better and more beautiful world, we need to Stay Light, even in - especially in - the face of challenge and chaos. It's HOW we lead and live through this time. Join us!
    What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you!
    Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins June 19th.
    Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on what sustains your radiance.
    Ways to Connect:
    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters
    Connect with Christine and Jennifer on LinkedIn
    Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community
    Watch on YouTube

    • 1 hr 5 min
    241: What is the Feminine? How Can "It" Support & Guide Us Now

    241: What is the Feminine? How Can "It" Support & Guide Us Now

    What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us in the present time - both individually and collectively?
    In this episode, Christine and Jennifer conversate on the inquiry: What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us now? They explore this inquiry through the lenses of Cyclical Living, Changing Relationships with our Creations, and the Feminine archetypal energies of Compassion and Creativity.
    They also introduce the upcoming 9-part Season of Light series, beginning next week. The intention for the Season of Light is to create a container for all of us to come and recharge our radiance so that we can Stay Light amidst the swirl and chaos of the present time.
    Between now and the next episode, Christine and Jennifer invite you to reflect on where you are in your current life cycle, and in the cycles of anything you’ve created. Recognize what’s calling you to seed, what’s ready to sprout, what’s coming into full blossom. This is a way to connect to the cycles within and around you in order to bring your being into greater harmony with both the natural world and your own unique design.
    What’s next?
    Tune in to the 9-part Season of Light series, running now through August - and invite a friend to join you!
    Participate in the Mid Year Power Pause retreat that begins in June.
    Remember to SHARE this podcast episode with at least one friend or colleague. Then conversate on the cycles you’re currently in, how your relationship to your creations might be shifting and changing, and where you can lean into the feminine superpowers of Compassion and Creativity in this next season.
    Ways to Connect:
    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters
    Connect with Christine on LinkedIn
    Join us in the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, a private online community
    Watch on YouTube
    00000239 00000239 00004BFF 00004C00 000FA3FA 000FA3FA 00007E86 00007E54 0033639C 0033639C

    • 56 min
    240 What's Evolving Within You & Around You? 8th Anniversary Episode, Creating Space for What's Next

    240 What's Evolving Within You & Around You? 8th Anniversary Episode, Creating Space for What's Next

    So excited to be landing here with you on the 8th anniversary of The Feminine Power Time podcast for a special segue conversation and exploration we navigate and co-create the next - for ourselves, those we guide & influence and the world. 
    I have been asking myself, "What is next for this podcast? What is next for me? What is next for us?". Which led me to creating the centerpoint of our conversation today: "What is Evolving Within You?  Around You?" ...  How Do We Create Space for What's Next While Tending to the Now... How Do We Preserve What We've Already Created in Ways that Create Momentum?" 
    Another way of saying that to yoruself is ... "How do I allow the process to unfold through and around me ... stay attuned to my design ...  accept (savor) where I am, while expanding into what is possible, even while I cannot see cleary yet?" 
    Per usual here at Feminine Power Time, I will share less answers, and more inquiries and perspectives to support us to move through the shifts happening, supporting us to evolve so we can elevate, with grace, power, purpose, sustainability, compassion and wisdom. 
    First, a personal share on:
    My own evolution journey calling me to make shifts now that have been in motion for several years.  What changes and shifts of focus I am saying yes to + still exploring  How I am dancing between the next and the now Second, practices, inquiries and perspectives to support you to work with what is evolving WITHIN you and AROUND including:  
    Evolve from Essence  Create a co-creative incubator space to play, listen, not have to create or know  Bring language to what is at the center of your vocation, wellbeing & life for this next bigger cycle  Feel for where the flow is going and leading you to naturally 5 ways to preserve what you've created & garnered over the years, and receive from the momentum. Third, what's next for Feminine Power Time, starting with:
     Season 8 1/2 vs 9, A Spacer for us all called A Season of Light Inviting you into a 3 month / moon cycle container devoted to those of us here on the planet to re-imagine, re-design and elevate - guiding, influencing, and supporting people and systems to elevate. Inquiries and wisdom to receive INSIGHT and WISDOM to keep your light bright, stay centered and attuned to your design, and evolve and elevate into the next expression. I look forward to sharing with you what's been on my heart for months now. 
    And for a Season of Light to come at a time those of us daring to do things differently and lead through our voices, choices and presence into the next era, can use as much light as we can open to receive.
    And seeing many of you for the annual Mid Year Power Pause - starts June Solstice week - www.FlowPowerPause.com 
    See you there.
    *** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague. And then conversate on what is evolving within and around each of you. 
    Mid Year Power Pause - Reset, Realign, Refocus-for second half of the year www.FlowPowerPause.com . Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine - https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/ *** CONNECT:

    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters - https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/ Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/ Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community: http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo  

    • 1 hr 11 min
    239: Dancing Through The Collective Patterns Playing Out (# 3 of 3)

    239: Dancing Through The Collective Patterns Playing Out (# 3 of 3)

    As the world turns and shifts, things seem to go sideways, uncertainty rises, intensity & anxiety wratches up, how do you stay centered, calm and clear? How do you work WITH the energy vs be WORKED OVER by the energy? 
    These are fundamental inquiries and practices we have been exploring and implementing here at Feminine Power Time since we started this podcast in 2016 ... because we are in transformational times, and during such times, we need access to insight, tools and wisdom to dance through.
    Consider this: What if this cycle of time is about breaking free of systemic and self created patterns that no longer serve? So we can rise into realities rooted in harmony, sustainability, wholeness and connection?
    And while there may be forces that would do anything to keep things the same, the force of our collective heart power has the ability to lead the way forward into a better world for people & planet? 
    This is not wishful thikning or spiritual bypassing. It's co-creating the next while we stabilize in the now and heal from the past. Here's what we "do" ... 
    For this last part in our series, we will shine a light on some of the "Collective" patterns playing out - we are all influenced by these because we are part of the "WE" of people living on the planet. When you can name and see these patterns, they stop having power over you, and you gain power to lead your way and others way through. 
    Then I will share with you 3 'dance' patterns - wisdom to put it play within your life now  to dance through these collective shifts - these can support us to release the things we no longer neeed so we can be free to create and rise into this next evolution - of me + we. 
    Tune in to #3 of 3: Dancing Through The Collective Patterns Playing Out
    Join us for this year's annual Mid Year Power Pause - starts every June Solstice - to reflect, reset, refocus-  www.FlowPowerPause.com  
    Here's a sneak peek at the practices/patterns to put into play the rest of this year that I'll walk us through. 
    Be Here Now Take Space to Experiment Focus on Your Part and Purpose for this Next Cycle Preserve. Let Go. Create the Next. See you there!
    *** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague. And then conversate on how you can support each other through your transformation.
    Mid Year Power Pause - Reset, Realign, Refocus- www.FlowPowerPause.com . Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine - https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/ *** CONNECT:

    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters - https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/ Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/ Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community: http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

    • 55 min
    238: 3 Practices for Breaking Through Patterns Ready to Release (#2 of 3 in Series)

    238: 3 Practices for Breaking Through Patterns Ready to Release (#2 of 3 in Series)

    How do we breakthrough patterns and imprints that we are ready to release? What are the practices? What works? How does this invisible transformation actually work to make shifts in the material world?
    Consider this: Change takes place over time, but if we can't see the progress, we don't receive the energy we need to stay devoted and focused.  
    Good news - choosing to engage in what I call "Sacred Transformation" - yours and the worlds, isn't about waiting until all things are perfect and the way you'd like them to be ... that's a path for suffering for sure! 
    Sacred transformation - when you put the word sacred in front of transformation here's what you get: "change devoted to / for the sake of creating wholeness, without violence to self or others, done with respect." This is a way of working with and breaking through long-held pattern in way we can expereince, receive and I dare say enjoy (even in the struggle) all along the way. 
    As we see the shifts happening in little ways... we start to feel them in bigger ways... the dense shadow transforms with gratitude into a lighter brigthter frequency that maintains it's depth (and darkness now rooting in wholeness).... and we gain the energy to continue evolving and elevating.
    Tune in to #2 of 3: 3 Pratices for Breaking Through Patterns Ready to Release.
    And join us for this year's annual 40-Day From Burnout to Balance Practice - www.burnouttobalancepractice.com  
    Here are some of the practices for Sacred Transformation I'll share + here for you to explore. 
    Release + Embrace (Replace) 4 S's - Space + Structure + Support + Sangha  4 Stages of Transformation Triangle of Transformation   See you there!
    *** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague. And then conversate on how you can support each other through your transformation.
    From Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice - learn more. Align to Your Design - Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine - https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/ *** RESOURCE MENTIONED:

    4 Stages of Transformation Triangle of Transformation  *** CONNECT:

    Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters - https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/ Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/ Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community: http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

    • 40 min

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