4 min

Day 21: Spiritual Liberation Enchanted Empath

    • Spirituality

Hello and welcome back! We've arrived at day 21 of our 22-day psychic cleanse journey, and what a journey it's been! As we pause to reflect on our path so far, it's clear that we've undergone a profound transformation.

Imagine this: you've navigated through the twists and turns of your own hero's journey, facing challenges head-on, and emerging stronger and wiser on the other side. You've embraced the call to adventure, crossed the threshold into the unknown, and now, you stand on the brink of a new chapter in your life.


Today, we're embodying the energy of the Judgement card in the Tarot. It's a symbol of awakening, renewal, and forgiveness—a reminder that you've done the work, and now, you're ready for the next iteration of your life, new and improved.

But let's talk about where you've come from. Remember when ignoring the call of spiritual awakening felt like the easier path? You've moved past that now. You've answered the call, and you've embraced the journey with courage and conviction. And as a result, you've undergone a spiritual rebirth—a shedding of the old to make way for the new.

Forgiveness has been a cornerstone of this journey. You've let go of old wounds, released resentments, and forgiven both others and yourself. And in doing so, you've liberated yourself from the chains of the past and opened yourself up to a world of endless possibilities.

Now, as you stand on the threshold of this new chapter, take a moment to acknowledge how far you've come. You are the hero of your own story, and you've emerged from this journey stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

So, as we approach the end of our 22-day psychic cleanse, let's celebrate this moment of transformation. Let's embrace the new and improved version of ourselves with open hearts and open minds. Because the future is bright, and you are ready to step boldly into it.

"The universe is conspiring on your behalf to unfold your highest good and greatest potential. This is your moment to liberate yourself from the past, re-envision the future, and step boldly into the next phase of your soul's evolution."

Michael bernard beckwith

Cleansing Exercise 

Let's take a final sweep... Are there any lingering resentments or burdens that you're ready to release? Are there any phone calls you need to make? Apologies or amends to make to yourself or anyone else? Make it a priority.

Journal Prompt 

Looking back on your journey of spiritual growth and reinvention, what moments stand out to you as pivotal in your personal transformation? How have you embraced the call to spiritual awakening in your life? Reflect on the challenges you've faced and the growth you've experienced along the way.

Creative Meditation  

As you approach the next phase of your journey, what aspects of yourself are you most excited to nurture and cultivate? What new possibilities do you envision for your life? Imagine that!


"I forgive myself and others, freeing myself from the past and opening up to a brighter future."


Take my Intuition Quiz to discover your intuitive gifts: https://charlenemurphy.com/intuition-test/

Did you download your free 22-Day Spring Psychic Cleanse Journal? Do that here: a href="https://rb.

Hello and welcome back! We've arrived at day 21 of our 22-day psychic cleanse journey, and what a journey it's been! As we pause to reflect on our path so far, it's clear that we've undergone a profound transformation.

Imagine this: you've navigated through the twists and turns of your own hero's journey, facing challenges head-on, and emerging stronger and wiser on the other side. You've embraced the call to adventure, crossed the threshold into the unknown, and now, you stand on the brink of a new chapter in your life.


Today, we're embodying the energy of the Judgement card in the Tarot. It's a symbol of awakening, renewal, and forgiveness—a reminder that you've done the work, and now, you're ready for the next iteration of your life, new and improved.

But let's talk about where you've come from. Remember when ignoring the call of spiritual awakening felt like the easier path? You've moved past that now. You've answered the call, and you've embraced the journey with courage and conviction. And as a result, you've undergone a spiritual rebirth—a shedding of the old to make way for the new.

Forgiveness has been a cornerstone of this journey. You've let go of old wounds, released resentments, and forgiven both others and yourself. And in doing so, you've liberated yourself from the chains of the past and opened yourself up to a world of endless possibilities.

Now, as you stand on the threshold of this new chapter, take a moment to acknowledge how far you've come. You are the hero of your own story, and you've emerged from this journey stronger, wiser, and more resilient than ever before.

So, as we approach the end of our 22-day psychic cleanse, let's celebrate this moment of transformation. Let's embrace the new and improved version of ourselves with open hearts and open minds. Because the future is bright, and you are ready to step boldly into it.

"The universe is conspiring on your behalf to unfold your highest good and greatest potential. This is your moment to liberate yourself from the past, re-envision the future, and step boldly into the next phase of your soul's evolution."

Michael bernard beckwith

Cleansing Exercise 

Let's take a final sweep... Are there any lingering resentments or burdens that you're ready to release? Are there any phone calls you need to make? Apologies or amends to make to yourself or anyone else? Make it a priority.

Journal Prompt 

Looking back on your journey of spiritual growth and reinvention, what moments stand out to you as pivotal in your personal transformation? How have you embraced the call to spiritual awakening in your life? Reflect on the challenges you've faced and the growth you've experienced along the way.

Creative Meditation  

As you approach the next phase of your journey, what aspects of yourself are you most excited to nurture and cultivate? What new possibilities do you envision for your life? Imagine that!


"I forgive myself and others, freeing myself from the past and opening up to a brighter future."


Take my Intuition Quiz to discover your intuitive gifts: https://charlenemurphy.com/intuition-test/

Did you download your free 22-Day Spring Psychic Cleanse Journal? Do that here: a href="https://rb.

4 min