4 min


    • Mental Health

Anxiety is like a drug, addictive, and sometimes hard to reverse it. But I know you will never give up, you will do whatever it takes to regain your mental strength, and smile again. But what if something unexpected happens and makes your struggle worse, and challenges your exhausted brain. What would be your reaction? Your feelings?

Why do you become even more anxious in the coronavirus pandemic? The obvious answer is due to your belief of the danger and insecurity. The belief of your bad luck. The belief that you are weak, physically, and mentally.

What if I tell you that there is something you can do every time your thoughts dominate, your negative and you running scared.

It is the Wim Hof Method


Anxiety is like a drug, addictive, and sometimes hard to reverse it. But I know you will never give up, you will do whatever it takes to regain your mental strength, and smile again. But what if something unexpected happens and makes your struggle worse, and challenges your exhausted brain. What would be your reaction? Your feelings?

Why do you become even more anxious in the coronavirus pandemic? The obvious answer is due to your belief of the danger and insecurity. The belief of your bad luck. The belief that you are weak, physically, and mentally.

What if I tell you that there is something you can do every time your thoughts dominate, your negative and you running scared.

It is the Wim Hof Method


4 min