28 分鐘

*第四季*【EP. 169】#518 看經濟學人學英文 feat. 經濟學人新聞評論【歐盟的碳邊境調整機制 (EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism)、課稅減碳排、碳排高之產業、金磚五國 (BRICS)、每日單字精選‪】‬ 每日一經濟學人 LEON x The Economist

    • 政治

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👍Chester 老師 - 英文文法與寫作班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Gmaxod
👍Leon 老師 - 總編輯家教班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/o9OaZM

🔴Wednesday July 14th 2021

🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條

🍃🇪🇺🍃Green ambitions: Europe’s carbon border-adjustment mechanism

In a bid to beef up the European Union’s green ambitions, today the European Commission will unveil proposed legislation in support of its goal to reduce the EU’s greenhouse-gas emissions by 55% by 2030, compared with the levels in 1990. The centerpiece is expected to be a “carbon border-adjustment mechanism”: a tariff on imported goods based on the amount of carbon emitted in the course of producing them. The levy is meant to protect European businesses, which must pay for using carbon, from being undercut by foreign competitors operating under less stringent climate regulations. It should also, in theory, stop carbon-intensive manufacturing from being moved overseas. The mechanism will initially apply to only a few industries, notably aluminium, cement, steel and electricity. Even so, it will be tricky to pull off. The commission insists the mechanism will respect global trade rules. But Brazil, China, India, and South Africa, among others, are complaining that it will unfairly discriminate against their products.

為了強化本身綠色新政的雄心壯志,今天歐盟執委會 (European Commission) 將公佈草擬的新法案,以期望能夠達成 2030年的溫室氣體排放量應與 1990年的標準相比,減少 55%之目標。法案重點預計落在「歐盟碳邊境調整機制 (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism)」上。這個機制主要會依據進口商品在生產過程中的碳排,課徵相當的關稅,以保護必須為碳排付費的歐盟企業免受其他那些不受嚴格氣候法規管制的外國企業削價競爭。理論上來說,它還應該能誘使碳排高的製造業留在歐盟境內。該機制最初僅適用於,特別是煉鋁、水泥、鋼鐵和電力等少數產業。不過即便如此,想要確實地成功操作這個機制卻不簡單。執委會堅稱,該機制將尊重全球的貿易規則。但巴西、中國、印度和南非等國都在抱怨這項制度會不公平地歧視它們的產品。

⚜️Daily takeaway⚜️

✅Ambition (n.): 志向、抱負、野心 (名)
✅Beef up (v.): 加強 (動)
✅Unveil (v.): 揭露 (動)
✅Reduce (v.): 減少、降低 (動)
✅Greenhouse-gas (n.): 溫室氣體 (名)
✅Compared with (adj.): 與…相比較 (形)
✅Mechanism (n.): 機制 (名)
✅Stringent (adj.): 嚴格的 (形)
✅In theory (adv.): 理論上來說地 (副)
✅Intensive (adj.): 密集的 (形)
✅Initially (adv.): 最初地、原來地 (副)
✅Unfairly (adv.): 不公平地 (副)

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💪您的一杯咖啡錢 = 我們遠大的目標!捐款支持我們:https://pse.is/3jknpx

👍Chester 老師 - 英文文法與寫作班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/Gmaxod
👍Leon 老師 - 總編輯家教班,等你/妳來報名:https://reurl.cc/o9OaZM

🔴Wednesday July 14th 2021

🔱Espresso - Today’s agenda
每日濃縮 - 今日頭條

🍃🇪🇺🍃Green ambitions: Europe’s carbon border-adjustment mechanism

In a bid to beef up the European Union’s green ambitions, today the European Commission will unveil proposed legislation in support of its goal to reduce the EU’s greenhouse-gas emissions by 55% by 2030, compared with the levels in 1990. The centerpiece is expected to be a “carbon border-adjustment mechanism”: a tariff on imported goods based on the amount of carbon emitted in the course of producing them. The levy is meant to protect European businesses, which must pay for using carbon, from being undercut by foreign competitors operating under less stringent climate regulations. It should also, in theory, stop carbon-intensive manufacturing from being moved overseas. The mechanism will initially apply to only a few industries, notably aluminium, cement, steel and electricity. Even so, it will be tricky to pull off. The commission insists the mechanism will respect global trade rules. But Brazil, China, India, and South Africa, among others, are complaining that it will unfairly discriminate against their products.

為了強化本身綠色新政的雄心壯志,今天歐盟執委會 (European Commission) 將公佈草擬的新法案,以期望能夠達成 2030年的溫室氣體排放量應與 1990年的標準相比,減少 55%之目標。法案重點預計落在「歐盟碳邊境調整機制 (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism)」上。這個機制主要會依據進口商品在生產過程中的碳排,課徵相當的關稅,以保護必須為碳排付費的歐盟企業免受其他那些不受嚴格氣候法規管制的外國企業削價競爭。理論上來說,它還應該能誘使碳排高的製造業留在歐盟境內。該機制最初僅適用於,特別是煉鋁、水泥、鋼鐵和電力等少數產業。不過即便如此,想要確實地成功操作這個機制卻不簡單。執委會堅稱,該機制將尊重全球的貿易規則。但巴西、中國、印度和南非等國都在抱怨這項制度會不公平地歧視它們的產品。

⚜️Daily takeaway⚜️

✅Ambition (n.): 志向、抱負、野心 (名)
✅Beef up (v.): 加強 (動)
✅Unveil (v.): 揭露 (動)
✅Reduce (v.): 減少、降低 (動)
✅Greenhouse-gas (n.): 溫室氣體 (名)
✅Compared with (adj.): 與…相比較 (形)
✅Mechanism (n.): 機制 (名)
✅Stringent (adj.): 嚴格的 (形)
✅In theory (adv.): 理論上來說地 (副)
✅Intensive (adj.): 密集的 (形)
✅Initially (adv.): 最初地、原來地 (副)
✅Unfairly (adv.): 不公平地 (副)

✔︎ 按讚【每日一經濟學人】Facebook 粉專:https://reurl.cc/Lddode
✔︎ 追蹤【每日一經濟學人】Instagram 帳號:https://reurl.cc/Oqqoq3
✔︎ 訂閱【每日一經濟學人】YouTube 頻道:https://reurl.cc/Y665dX
✔︎ 閱讀【每日一經濟學人】Medium 平台:https://reurl.cc/k00WZr


28 分鐘