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與Kiki Yau邱穎琛談雙語文字編排設計 On bilingual typography: a conversation with Kiki Yau (in)visible (de)signs

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粵語 Cantonese

第六集請來我的同事Kiki Yau邱穎琛談雙語文字編排設計。Kiki現職香港知專設計學院傳意設計學系助理講師。本科畢業於香港理工大學傳意設計學科,畢業後留校於信息設計研究室擔任研究助理。及後負笈英國雷丁大學文字與圖像傳意學系修讀研究碩士課程,畢業論文題為〈“Outside Western typography” – The influence of technology on the hybridisation of Chinese-Latin typography in Hong Kong〉,研究雙語文字編排設計和科技的關係。本集跟Kiki詳談她的研究方向,也一窺雷丁大學的學習經歷和一些理論與實踐的問題。
[Conversation, Cantonese] Episode 6 is a conversation on bilingual typography with my colleague Kiki Yau, Assistant Lecturer in Communication Design at the Hong Kong Design Institute. Kiki graduated with an MA by Research from the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication at the University of Reading in the UK. She has previously worked as a Research Assistant at the Information Design Lab at the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Bilingual typography is a familiar sight for people who live in a place like Hong Kong where there are two (or more) official languages. Kiki’s thesis at Reading was on bilingual typography, titled ‘“Outside Western typography” – The influence of technology on the hybridisation of Chinese-Latin typography in Hong Kong’. In this episode, we’ll have a conversation about Kiki’s work on bilingual typography, her influences, and her experiences and the ethos of the typography department at the University of Reading.

粵語 Cantonese

第六集請來我的同事Kiki Yau邱穎琛談雙語文字編排設計。Kiki現職香港知專設計學院傳意設計學系助理講師。本科畢業於香港理工大學傳意設計學科,畢業後留校於信息設計研究室擔任研究助理。及後負笈英國雷丁大學文字與圖像傳意學系修讀研究碩士課程,畢業論文題為〈“Outside Western typography” – The influence of technology on the hybridisation of Chinese-Latin typography in Hong Kong〉,研究雙語文字編排設計和科技的關係。本集跟Kiki詳談她的研究方向,也一窺雷丁大學的學習經歷和一些理論與實踐的問題。
[Conversation, Cantonese] Episode 6 is a conversation on bilingual typography with my colleague Kiki Yau, Assistant Lecturer in Communication Design at the Hong Kong Design Institute. Kiki graduated with an MA by Research from the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication at the University of Reading in the UK. She has previously worked as a Research Assistant at the Information Design Lab at the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Bilingual typography is a familiar sight for people who live in a place like Hong Kong where there are two (or more) official languages. Kiki’s thesis at Reading was on bilingual typography, titled ‘“Outside Western typography” – The influence of technology on the hybridisation of Chinese-Latin typography in Hong Kong’. In this episode, we’ll have a conversation about Kiki’s work on bilingual typography, her influences, and her experiences and the ethos of the typography department at the University of Reading.

1 小時 6 分鐘