1 小時 17 分鐘

Typography的迷思與謬誤 Myths about typography (in)visible (de)signs

    • 設計

粵語 Cantonese

Typography這領域在前電腦時代總帶著點點神秘。二十年前,在飛機上遇到鄰坐的陌生人問到你做什麼時,你說typography或typeface design,相信會引來滿臉問號。2023年的今天,社交媒體,博客,網媒,甚至主流媒體如報章雜誌和電視也討論著字體和文字編排設計。當科技令人人日常也可接觸和使用到字體和文字編排的時候,我們也發現有很多關於typography和typeface design的迷思或謬誤,今集我們一一探討。


伸延閱讀:文字設計教育的四種思想流派Martin Heijdra: The development of modern typography in East Asia, 1850–2000

Typography in the pre-digital era was mysterious to most people. Even merely 20 years ago, if you meet a stranger on a plane and you tell her that you’re a typographer or type designer, you would be looked at strangely. In 2023, typography and type design are all over social media, blogs, websites or even mainstream media. When typography and typefaces become accessible to everyone, many myths also abound. Keith and Kiki try to dispel some of these myths in this episode.

粵語 Cantonese

Typography這領域在前電腦時代總帶著點點神秘。二十年前,在飛機上遇到鄰坐的陌生人問到你做什麼時,你說typography或typeface design,相信會引來滿臉問號。2023年的今天,社交媒體,博客,網媒,甚至主流媒體如報章雜誌和電視也討論著字體和文字編排設計。當科技令人人日常也可接觸和使用到字體和文字編排的時候,我們也發現有很多關於typography和typeface design的迷思或謬誤,今集我們一一探討。


伸延閱讀:文字設計教育的四種思想流派Martin Heijdra: The development of modern typography in East Asia, 1850–2000

Typography in the pre-digital era was mysterious to most people. Even merely 20 years ago, if you meet a stranger on a plane and you tell her that you’re a typographer or type designer, you would be looked at strangely. In 2023, typography and type design are all over social media, blogs, websites or even mainstream media. When typography and typefaces become accessible to everyone, many myths also abound. Keith and Kiki try to dispel some of these myths in this episode.

1 小時 17 分鐘