72 集


英音朗读者 | 为孤独正‪名‬ 斯蛋Stan

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    20211020 这厚脸皮的小孩像极了我

    20211020 这厚脸皮的小孩像极了我

    “I’m a good uncle for sure, I’m a very affectionate person. I’ll face time them every 2nd day, they’re 3 and 1. They’re cute and I love them. I’ve taught him some bad words. I taught him a year ago and he still says it and every time he sees me he doesn’t even say ‘Hey Uncle Daniel’ he says [cash money b*tches] and I can't help but laugh. He’s ME. So many things I see already: he’s cheeky but he loves cars, he loves bikes… yeah he’s gonna be trouble!”

    • 1 分鐘



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    head on into autumn

    head on into autumn

    Hello,everyone.I'm XXX,I'll be with you on today's good night radio。Because early morning is the most pleasant time of the day in this long, hot summer, I have developed a habit of getting up or going to bed at daybreak, which is around four thirty, for sure. That is the pattern of my life. But last night, I went to bed earlier, at about eleven o'clock. When I wake up, it is still dark outside. I am about to go back to sleep when I suddenly become aware of the unusualness in the buzz of mosquitoes and the flow of the air. They don't seem to be happening during the thick darkness of midnight! Looking at my watch, I find it already five o'clock, as I have expected.After rolling out of bed and rushing through my morning routine, I walk out of my room, which is as hot and smoky as a kitchen. No sooner have I stepped out of the halfway than I run head-on into autumn, almost to be knocked back!

    • 1 分鐘
    20200324 大空城 The Great Empty

    20200324 大空城 The Great Empty

    • 3 分鐘
    20200319 纪伯伦 On Children

    20200319 纪伯伦 On Children

    • 1 分鐘
    20191208 林语堂-生活的目的

    20191208 林语堂-生活的目的


    • 4 分鐘


4.0 滿分 5 粒星
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1 個評分

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