1 小時 9 分鐘

0116: What's Going On?, Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?, Family Feud tbs eFM The Steve Hatherly Show

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0116: What's Going On?, Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?, Family Feud

What's Going On?: Chinese YouTuber Li Ziqi’s kimchi-making video sparks controversy

We’re putting our general knowledge to the test! Each of us will be given multiple choice questions to answer and each question will become harder and harder to increase the prize fund.

Family Feud: go head-to-head answering questions that have been put to 100 people, to determine the most popular responses.

0116: What's Going On?, Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?, Family Feud

What's Going On?: Chinese YouTuber Li Ziqi’s kimchi-making video sparks controversy

We’re putting our general knowledge to the test! Each of us will be given multiple choice questions to answer and each question will become harder and harder to increase the prize fund.

Family Feud: go head-to-head answering questions that have been put to 100 people, to determine the most popular responses.

1 小時 9 分鐘

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