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019 - Why Failure Leads To Success Laugh At Adversity with Gary Savoie: Inspirational Messages to Conquer Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Relationships, Self-Doubt,

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Failure is often defined as a lack of success or falling short. However, most of us associate the word failure with a timeline; forever. And because of this misunderstanding we become afraid to try again. We assume our career, relationship, and futures are over. In the real world, failure is a dreaded word; however, failure leads to success.
Most of us give up way too quickly and far too often. We don’t realize that there are no shortcuts to excellence and that figuring out complicated problems takes time. Because of our previous lack of success we view failure as a permanent condition and as an excuse to not try again.
I’m here to debunk the myth that surrounds failure. In fact, I’m here to prove that failure is much more than just falling short. Failure is such an important aspect of everybody's life. When you take a risk you don't always know what is going to happen, therefore you experiment with failure - it’s part of the journey.  
Failures are literally the seeds of growth, opportunity, and success. They serve as stepping stones that help move you from not achieving your goals to achieving them. You may be wondering how?
It’s important to understand that failure isn’t a permanent condition; it’s a state. As with any state - it doesn’t last forever - it’s temporary. Furthermore, it’s a state that can last as long as you want it to. Since failure and the feelings of rejection that accompany it are so highly dreaded, it becomes easier for us to give up and stay in a state of failure than to push past our obstacles.
One of the biggest problems with failure is the belief that it’s permanent and the chain reaction this causes. How many people do you know who started drinking after a rough breakup? This is an example of someone who viewed the breakup as a permanent condition of failure. Instead of taking the break up for what it is, an end of what was, they resort to alcohol which turns into another failure. As a result, a domino effect occurs.
Years ago, I hated rejection. I hated to fail. Mostly because I was under the same impression that failure was a permanent condition, but then I learned differently.
I learned that there is so much value to be found in failure. Although usually hidden at first, there are many lessons to be learned. These lessons are what you need to make the leap from failure to success. For every time you fail, you learn how to do something better.
You have to be willing to fail with the understanding that you can try again, but this time with more experience. You’re never starting over from scratch, instead you’re giving it another shot, but this time with lessons learned.
Failures are nothing more than a learning opportunity. The only permanent part about them are the lessons you will carry with you throughout your life.
If something didn’t workout in the past, then learn from it. Alter your path to success and don’t make the same mistake again. More importantly, don’t allow one bump in the road, or even a few, change your trajectory towards success.
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” - Thomas A. Edison
You should listen to Edison. Just think, if he gave up on finding a way to create the light bulb, then you wouldn’t be reading this article on your screen right now. Many brilliant minds fail everyday, but only the ones that believe they can change the world, regardless of the failures they encounter have the courage to push past their obstacles.
Let your failures guide you to find new methods, let them teach you valuable lessons, help you grow, and build you into the person you need to be in order to achieve your dreams.

Failure is often defined as a lack of success or falling short. However, most of us associate the word failure with a timeline; forever. And because of this misunderstanding we become afraid to try again. We assume our career, relationship, and futures are over. In the real world, failure is a dreaded word; however, failure leads to success.
Most of us give up way too quickly and far too often. We don’t realize that there are no shortcuts to excellence and that figuring out complicated problems takes time. Because of our previous lack of success we view failure as a permanent condition and as an excuse to not try again.
I’m here to debunk the myth that surrounds failure. In fact, I’m here to prove that failure is much more than just falling short. Failure is such an important aspect of everybody's life. When you take a risk you don't always know what is going to happen, therefore you experiment with failure - it’s part of the journey.  
Failures are literally the seeds of growth, opportunity, and success. They serve as stepping stones that help move you from not achieving your goals to achieving them. You may be wondering how?
It’s important to understand that failure isn’t a permanent condition; it’s a state. As with any state - it doesn’t last forever - it’s temporary. Furthermore, it’s a state that can last as long as you want it to. Since failure and the feelings of rejection that accompany it are so highly dreaded, it becomes easier for us to give up and stay in a state of failure than to push past our obstacles.
One of the biggest problems with failure is the belief that it’s permanent and the chain reaction this causes. How many people do you know who started drinking after a rough breakup? This is an example of someone who viewed the breakup as a permanent condition of failure. Instead of taking the break up for what it is, an end of what was, they resort to alcohol which turns into another failure. As a result, a domino effect occurs.
Years ago, I hated rejection. I hated to fail. Mostly because I was under the same impression that failure was a permanent condition, but then I learned differently.
I learned that there is so much value to be found in failure. Although usually hidden at first, there are many lessons to be learned. These lessons are what you need to make the leap from failure to success. For every time you fail, you learn how to do something better.
You have to be willing to fail with the understanding that you can try again, but this time with more experience. You’re never starting over from scratch, instead you’re giving it another shot, but this time with lessons learned.
Failures are nothing more than a learning opportunity. The only permanent part about them are the lessons you will carry with you throughout your life.
If something didn’t workout in the past, then learn from it. Alter your path to success and don’t make the same mistake again. More importantly, don’t allow one bump in the road, or even a few, change your trajectory towards success.
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” - Thomas A. Edison
You should listen to Edison. Just think, if he gave up on finding a way to create the light bulb, then you wouldn’t be reading this article on your screen right now. Many brilliant minds fail everyday, but only the ones that believe they can change the world, regardless of the failures they encounter have the courage to push past their obstacles.
Let your failures guide you to find new methods, let them teach you valuable lessons, help you grow, and build you into the person you need to be in order to achieve your dreams.

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