67 集

ⒻⒷ:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

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Bear老師的中英雙語故事:聽故事,學英文,學中‪文‬ Bear Weir

    • 兒童與家庭

ⒻⒷ:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

Hosting provided by SoundOn

    EP.67 覺得不舒服就要說/Just say it if you feel uncomfortable(Bear老師原創故事)

    EP.67 覺得不舒服就要說/Just say it if you feel uncomfortable(Bear老師原創故事)

    城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
    【家家生醫】 極澎膠原彈力飲
    限時買2送1優惠,快來看看!👉 https://lihi2.com/XRIXQ
    ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----



    Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,如果有人隨便摸你的身體,你會覺得不舒服嗎?(If someone touches your body casually, would you feel uncomfortable?)是性騷擾嗎?(Is this sexual harassment?)還是你覺得這是對方表達親切的方式,因此不必太在意呢?(Or do you think this is the other person's way of showing affection, so you don't need to take it too seriously?)這個問題真的沒那麼容易,Bear老師也沒辦法直接告訴你答案。(This question is really not that easy, and I can’t tell you the answer directly.)不過,我們可以先來聽聽Amy小朋友的經驗,再回頭來想想這個問題喔。(However, we can first listen to Amy’s experience, and then think about this question later.)
    Robin:你在想什麼啊?(What are you thinking about?)我叫了你好幾聲,你都沒有反應。(I called you several times, but you didn't respond.)
    Amy:我……我……我在想………。(I…I…I was thinking…)
    Robin:怎麼了?(What's wrong?)你好像有心事。(Seems you have something on your mind.)你沒事吧?(Are you OK?)
    Amy:我…我不知道應不應該說。(I…I don't know if I should say it.)
    Robin:到底是什麼事啊?(What’s going on?)我能幫得上忙嗎?(Can I help?)
    Amy:嗯……,我也不知道你能不能幫我。(Hmm… I don't know if you can help me.)
    Robin:你說了我才知道能不能幫你啊。(I won’t know if I can help you unless you tell me.)
    Amy:可是,你答應要幫我保密喔。(But you have to promise to keep it a secret for me.)
    Robin:蛤?你做了什麼壞事嗎?(Huh? Have you done anything bad?)
    Amy:我不確定是不是壞事……可是……(I'm not sure if it's a bad thing…but…)
    Robin:喔~~別怕,我答應你不說,而且我真的想幫助你。(Oh~~Don’t be afraid, I promise you won’t tell, and I really want to help you.)
    Amy:嗯~~~謝謝。那~~我要說了喔!(Yeah~~~Thank you. Then~~I will just say it!)
    Robin:嗯,放心。你可以相信我。(Well, don’t worry. You can trust me.)
    Amy:我剛剛去了William 哥哥家。(I just went to William's house.)
    Robin:就是那個在我們圖書館當志工的大學生William 哥哥。(William? the college student who volunteers in our library?)
    Robin:我也去過他家,他邀請我去他家看漂亮的魚缸,還玩最新的線上遊戲。(I also went to his house. He invited me to his house to see the beautiful fish tank and play the latest online games.)
    Amy:那~~你告訴你爸媽你去了他家嗎?(Then~~did you tell your parents that you went to his house?)

    • 15 分鐘
    EP.66 清明掃墓/ To visit the graves during Tomb Sweeping Day (Bear老師原創故事)

    EP.66 清明掃墓/ To visit the graves during Tomb Sweeping Day (Bear老師原創故事)

    城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
    【家家生醫】 極澎膠原彈力飲
    限時買2送1優惠,快來看看!👉 https://lihi2.com/XRIXQ
    ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----

    背景音樂:電影「可可夜總會」插曲「Remember Me」吉他演奏 by Stephen Chau

    Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,清明節快到了,你會跟家人一起去掃墓嗎?還是你們家有其他祭祀祖先的方式呢?(Kids, Tomb Sweeping Day is coming soon, will you go to visit the graves with your family? Or does your family have other ways of showing respect to ancestors?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友他們家要怎麼度過清明節。(Let's hear how other children's families will spend Tomb-Sweeping Day.)
    Jasper:清明時節雨紛紛,路上行人欲斷魂…。(During the days around Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains non-stop. Those peoplewalking on the road are very sad.)
    Emma:Jasper,你在唸什麼啊?( What are you reading?)
    Jasper:清明節快到了,我忽然想起Bear老師教過的那首詩「清明」。(Tomb Sweeping Day is coming soon, and I suddenly remembered the poem "Qingming" taught by Teacher Bear.)
    Emma:喔~我記得那首詩…。(Oh~ I remember that poem….)我懂那種「欲斷魂」的感覺。(I know the feeling of "very sad ".)
    Jasper:怎麼了?(What's wrong?)
    Emma:我奶奶幾年前去世了。(My grandma passed away a few years ago.)每次我們去祭拜她的時候,都很傷心,尤其是爺爺。(Every time we go to pay our respects, we feel very sad, especially my grandpa.)
    Jasper:我懂,爸爸每年帶我們去掃墓的時候,心情也都很沉重。(I understand. Every year when my father takes us to visit the family grave, he feels very heavy-hearted.)不過我們總是一邊掃墓一邊聊起以前的事,就好像爺爺奶奶還跟我們在一起一樣。(But we always talk about the past while sweeping graves, and it’s as if our grandparents are still with us.)
    Emma:我們家不是去掃墓,我們把奶奶的骨灰放在靈骨塔裡。(Our family doesn’t visit a grave. We placed grandma’s ashes in the columbarium.)爺爺說,他希望將來我們把他的骨灰放在奶奶旁邊。(Grandpa said he hopes we will place his ashes next to grandma in the future.)
    Jasper:所以你沒掃過墓?(So you never visited a grave?)
    Emma:嗯~爸爸說,奶奶生前就交代了不要土葬,要火葬。(Well, Dad said that when grandma was alive, she told him she preferred cremation to burial.)一方面土地真的太貴了,一方面,她覺得放在靈骨塔裡比較方便家人祭拜。(For one thing, land is really too expensive, and she felt it was easier for family members to worship in the columbarium.)
    Jasper:我爸媽也這麼說,(My parents said the same thing.)他們還說不想被放在靈骨塔裡。(And they said they didn’t want to be placed in a columbarium.)所以我爸爸說要樹葬,媽媽說要花葬。他們都說要回歸大自然。(My father said he wanted to be buried under trees and my mother

    • 11 分鐘
    EP.65 英文繪本《忙碌的春天──萬物甦醒》/An English Picture Book “Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up”

    EP.65 英文繪本《忙碌的春天──萬物甦醒》/An English Picture Book “Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up”

    城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
    ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----


    Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,春天到了,所以今天Bear老師要給你們介紹一本跟春天有關的英文繪本。(Spring is here, so today I’m going to introduce to you an English picture book about spring.)讓我們來聽聽吧!(Let’s listen to it!)
    An English Picture Book “Busy Spring: Nature Wakes Up”/英文繪本《忙碌的春天─萬物甦醒》
    Story/故事:Sean Taylor and Alex Morse
    Illustrator/插畫家:Cinyee Chiu
    In the winter time, the garden felt quiet and gray.
    And it looked like it was sleeping.
    Then, one morning, Dad was wearing his sweater with a hole in it.
    That meant it was a good day for going outside to do gardening
    And it was!
    I went. So did my little sister Jasmine.
    我去了花園, 我的妹妹茉莉也一起去了。
    The yard was bright, and birds were singing, hopping, and pecking.
    A big bee flew by in a hurry. Everything smelled like wet earth and sunshine.
    “It's warm!” said Jasmine.
    「很溫暖!」 茉莉說。
    Dad nodded. “It's spring.”
    爸爸點點頭。 「春天到了。」
    Dad told us he had digging to do, and we could carry things to the compost heap, then help plant carrots.
    He said, “Let's see where I left the fork.”
    “Let's see!” said Jasmine.
    「我們來找找!」 茉莉說。
    She splashed through a puddle.
    Birds flew up and continued chattering in the trees.
    “The birds are all busy!” I said.
    「鳥兒們都很忙!」 我說。
    Dad told us, “Everything's busy. The plants are busy. The animals are busy. Spring's a busy time.”
    爸爸告訴我們:「一切都很忙。 植物很忙。 動物們很忙。 春天是個忙碌的季節。」
    Jasmine shouted, “Busy spring!”
    Dad brushed his hand through flowers as tall as Jasmine.
    Bees and bugs and flies zoomed out.
    He told us, “The spring sunlight is nature's alarm clock. Life's waking up. Plants are racing to get more light.
    Some grow high, and then the wind scatters pollen from their flowers. Some paint themselves brilliant colours, to attract insects.”
    他告訴我們:「春天的陽光是大自然的鬧鐘。生命正在甦醒。 植物競爭著得到更多光線。
    Jasmine put her face in some flowers. They made her sneeze!
    “You're not a

    • 17 分鐘
    EP.64 一束花的力量/ The power of a bouquet of flowers(Bear老師原創故事)

    EP.64 一束花的力量/ The power of a bouquet of flowers(Bear老師原創故事)

    本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道/JR Floral Boutique」贊助播出。
    FB:搜尋「草本花道」 https://www.facebook.com/jrfloralstudio/?locale=zh_TW


    Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。

    本集節目由「夢の花屋—草本花道」贊助播出。(This episode is sponsored by the dream flower house "JR Floral Boutique".)這是一間溫暖又美麗的花店喔。(This is a warm and beautiful flower shop.)

    小朋友,中國新年期間,你去拜訪了哪些人呢?(Who did you visit during the Chinese New Year?)去拜訪的時候,你帶了什麼禮物呢?(What gifts did you bring when you visited?)你相不相信有的小禮物能帶來大大的改變呢?(Do you believe that some small gifts can bring about big changes?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友的經驗。(Let’s hear about other children’s experiences.)
    Amy:Jasper,謝謝你陪我一起去探望Vivian奶奶。(Thank you for coming with me to visit Grandma Vivian.)
    Jasper:不客氣,我也很想去探望她。(You're welcome, I'd love to visit her too.)
    Amy:其實,我有點怕一個人去。(Actually, I'm a little afraid of going alone.)她家很昏暗,而且,有點亂。(Her house is very dark and a bit untidy.)
    Jasper:我知道。(I know.)我覺得那是因為Vivian奶奶還沒走出悲傷。(I think that's because Grandma Vivian hasn't gotten over her sadness yet.)
    Amy:一定很痛苦吧!(It must be painful!)唯一的家人走了,換作是我,一定不知道該怎麼辦。(The last of her family is gone. If it were me, I would not know what to do.)
    Jasper:我也是。(Me too.)孤單的感覺很可怕。(To be lonely is terrible.)
    Amy:我好希望她快點走出悲傷,再來我們學校當志工。(I really hope she can get over her grief quickly and come back to volunteer in our school.)

    Jasper:對啊!我也好想念她在圖書館給我們讀繪本的樣子。(Yes! I miss her reading picture books to us in the library.)
    Amy:到了到了。我們要開心點。(We are here. We need to cheer up a bit.)
    Jasper:嗯~~( Yes~~)
    Amy、Jasper:Vivian奶奶。(Grandma Vivian.)
    Vivian奶奶:歡迎歡迎,請進請進。(Welcome, please come in.)
    Amy、Jasper:謝謝。(Thank you.)
    Amy:哇!Vivian奶奶,你家…你家不一樣了!(Wow! Grandma Vivian, your house…your house is different!)
    Jasper:是啊!你家…你家好明亮啊。而且…而且…(Yes! Your house…your house is so bright. And…and…)
    Vivian奶奶:而且不亂了,是嗎?(And it’s not messy anymore, right?)
    Jasper:沒有沒有,我們不是那個意思。(No, no, that's not what we meant.)
    Vivian奶奶:沒關係,我知道。(That’s okay, I know.)我也很喜歡我家現在的樣子。(I also like the way my house looks now.)
    Amy:是誰來幫你整理的?(Who came to help you organize it?)
    Vivian奶奶:這一切啊,都要從朋友送給我的一束花說起。(It all started with a bouquet of flowers given to me by a friend.)你看,就在那個花瓶裡。(See there in that vase.)
    Jasper:哇!好美,看了心情真好。(Wow! So beautiful, it’s really so cheerful to see.)
    Vivian奶奶:是啊!為了放那束花,我把多年前我先生送給我的花瓶找了出來。(Yes! I found the vase that my husband gave me many years ago to arrange the bouquet.)
    Amy:他很愛花嗎?(Did he love flowers?)
    Vivian奶奶:是啊,他總是買花送給我。(Yes, he always used to

    • 13 分鐘
    EP.63 宋詞〈生查子 ── 元夕〉/ A Song Dynasty Lyric “Shēngzhāzǐ ── Yuánxì”

    EP.63 宋詞〈生查子 ── 元夕〉/ A Song Dynasty Lyric “Shēngzhāzǐ ── Yuánxì”

    𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


    Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,西洋情人節剛過,你感受到浪漫的氣氛了嗎?(Valentine's Day has just passed, do you feel the romantic atmosphere?)接下來就是農曆一月十五號華人的元宵節,你打算去燈會欣賞花燈嗎?(Next is the Chinese Lantern Festival on January 15th of the lunar calendar. Do you plan to go to the festival to enjoy the lanterns?)
    今天,Bear老師想給你們介紹一首大約一千年前跟情人、燈會有關的宋詞〈生查子──元夕〉,(Today, I would like to introduce to you a lyric from the Song Dynasty about 1,000 years ago, “Shēngzhāzǐ──Yuánxì”, which is about lovers and lantern festivals.) 作者是宋朝鼎鼎大名的文學家歐陽修。(The author is Ōuyáng Xiū, a very famous Song Dynasty poet and writer.)
    〈生查子〉是曲調的名字 ("Shēngzhāzǐ " is the name of the tune.)。歐陽修為這首曲調寫了新的歌詞,並取名叫「元夕」。(Ōuyáng Xiū wrote new lyrics for this tune and named it "Yuánxì".) 從前的宋詞都配上了音樂,但是因為過了太久了,所以沒有人知道怎麼唱了,只留下美麗的文字讓我們欣賞。(In the past, Song Dynasty lyrics were set to music, but because so much time has passed, no one knows how to sing them anymore, leaving only beautiful words for us to appreciate.)不過,有些人為一些宋詞配上了新的音樂,所以,有的宋詞我們又能唱嘍。(However, some people wrote new music for some Song Dynasty lyrics, therefore, we can sing them again.)
    「元夕」的意思就是「農曆年第一個月圓的夜晚」,("Yuánxì " means "the night of the first full moon of the lunar year",)也就是「農曆一月十五日的夜晚」,(that is, "the night of the 15th day of the first lunar month",)跟「元宵」是一樣的意思喔。(which has the same meaning as " Yuánxiāo".)所以農曆的一月十五日也叫「元宵節」。(Therefore, the 15th day of the first lunar month is also called "Yuánxiāo Festival".)至於為什麼也叫「燈節」,請聽聽第二十九集喔!(As for why it is also called “Lantern Festival”, please listen to the episode 29!)
    現在,讓Bear老師來為你們讀這首詞:(Now, let me read this lyric for you:)
    現在讓Bear老師一句一句地給你們解釋:(Now let me explain it to you sentence by sentence :)
    At last year's Lantern Festival, the flower market was as bright as the daytime

    • 12 分鐘
    EP.62 十二生肖的意義/ The Meaning of The Twelve Zodiac Animals

    EP.62 十二生肖的意義/ The Meaning of The Twelve Zodiac Animals

    城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
    ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
    𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


    Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,中國新快到了。(The Chinese New Year is coming soon.)你知道代表今年的生肖是哪一個動物嗎?(Do you know how this year is represented in the Chinese zodiac?)今年是龍年。(This year is the Year of the Dragon.)你知道十二生肖是哪十二種動物嗎?(Do you know what are the twelve animals?)你知道每一種動物代表什麼意義嗎?(Do you know what each animal represents?)
    十二生肖分別是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬。(The twelve zodiac animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.)每兩種動物是一個互補的組合,每個組合都有一個特別的意義。(Pairs of animals are complementary, and each combination has a special meaning.)
    第一組是鼠和牛。(The first pair is the Rat and the Ox.)
    我是老鼠,我很聰明。(I am a rat, I am smart.)我是牛,我很勤勞。(I am an ox, I am diligent.)如果你只有聰明的頭腦,可是不勤勞,那麼就只是「耍小聰明」,什麼大事也做不了。(If you only have a smart brain but are not diligent, then you are just "playing smart" and can't accomplish anything big.)如果你光勤勞卻不動動你的頭腦,那麼一定事倍功半,沒有效率。(If you are diligent but don't use your brain, you will get half the result with twice the effort and be inefficient.)
    小朋友,想要達到目標,你不但要勤勞,還要動動你的頭腦喔。(Kids, if you want to achieve your goals, you not only have to be diligent, but you also have to use your brain.)
    第二組是虎和兔。(The second pair is the Tiger and the Rabbit.)
    我是老虎,我很勇敢。(I am a tiger, I am brave.)我是兔子,我很謹慎。(I am a rabbit, I am cautious.)如果你很勇敢,可是卻不謹慎,那麼就是魯莽,魯莽的人容易犯錯。(If you are brave but not cautious, then you are reckless. Reckless people are prone to making mistakes.)可是如果你太謹慎,什麼事都不敢放手去做,那麼就是膽小。(But if you are too cautious and dare not do anything, then you are timid.)
    小朋友,你一定要又勇敢又謹慎,膽大心細,才能創新喔。(Kids, you must be brave and cautious, fearless and careful in order to innovate.)
    第三組是龍和蛇。(The third pair is the Dragon and the Snake.)
    我是一條龍,我很剛強。(I am a dragon, I am strong.)我是一條蛇,我很柔軟。(I am a snake, I am soft.)如果太剛強就容易被折斷;就好像在颱風當中,樹容易被吹倒,可是小草卻不會,因為小草特別柔軟。(If something is too unyielding, it will be easily broken; just like in a typhoon, a tree will be easily blown down, but the grass will not, because the grass is very soft.)但是,太柔軟的人沒有主見,就容易被別人牽著鼻子走。(However, people who are too soft have no independent opinions and are easily led by others.)

    • 12 分鐘

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