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Episode 2 - Regency Rebels part a: re-enactors One Cup of Perfect Tea

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The first part of our Regency Rebels theme: we dive into the world of people who re-enact the Regency era.


Napoleonic ball music: Margarita Martinez

Interviewees: Helen, Christopher, Karen, Margarita and Professor Devoney Looser

Theme music: Martin Klapwijk

Special thanks to: The Hampshire Regency Dancers

For further viewing: https://youtu.be/UvEdancsU_o

More from Alexandra Elroy:


Regular narrator for: https://play.acast.com/s/theotherstories 

The first part of our Regency Rebels theme: we dive into the world of people who re-enact the Regency era.


Napoleonic ball music: Margarita Martinez

Interviewees: Helen, Christopher, Karen, Margarita and Professor Devoney Looser

Theme music: Martin Klapwijk

Special thanks to: The Hampshire Regency Dancers

For further viewing: https://youtu.be/UvEdancsU_o

More from Alexandra Elroy:


Regular narrator for: https://play.acast.com/s/theotherstories 

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