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Episode 7 - The up’s and down’s L.A Project

    • 個人日誌

Hai, disini gue hanya sekedar sharing dan hopefully can be an inspiration or mood booster for all of us who’s facing the unfairness of life... Let’s stand together and support each other more in life and maaf baru sempat upload lagi, I’m also in my social media break jadi sering lupa mau upload podcast hehehe, I’ll see you guys next time^^

Hai, disini gue hanya sekedar sharing dan hopefully can be an inspiration or mood booster for all of us who’s facing the unfairness of life... Let’s stand together and support each other more in life and maaf baru sempat upload lagi, I’m also in my social media break jadi sering lupa mau upload podcast hehehe, I’ll see you guys next time^^

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