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IWT - Episode #11 Tobacco Cessation with LCSWs Laura Burkhardt and Micaela Romero It’s wellness Time

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.Calling someone a quitter is one of the meanest things that you can do to a person, but if that person was working on quitting tobacco I’d bet they would welcome that title.  Quitting tobacco is hard, the CDC says most tobacco users want to quit, only one out of ten will be successful this year and those that have conquered it report that quitting tobacco was the hardest thing that they had ever done.

With such a hard task it's good to call in some support like the members of the behavioral health team here at SLV Health.  Laura Burkhardt, and Micaela Romero join me on the podcast today to talk about how they approach helping folks quit tobacco.  They are both licensed clinical social workers and they have been working to craft a tobacco cessation specific protocol to help folks modify their tobacco use.

Prior to hitting the record button for this interview I shared my personal story of using tobacco for six years so when reference my experience it is coming from the place of a former avid tobacco user,  I do mention tobacco use as being fun which is not intended as an endorsement but rather an acknowledgement of the intense physiological effects of nicotine.

In this interview we talk about the role that tobacco plays for us in our lives, the power of patterns, the difficulty of quitting, resources available, how to program new behaviors and we wrap things up with an overview of the mindfulness based approach that the behavioral health team is using.  Laura even takes us through a 60 second  guided visualization exercise.

If you want to get a hold of the behavioral health team for tobacco cessation help you can call 719-589-8008 to schedule an appointment.  If you are an employee of SLV Health you can get four free sessions.

I am AJ Webb wellness coordinator and wellness enthusiast and i know this next 15 minutes could be what you or a friend need to change your relationship with tobacco.  Like, subscribe, and share…..let’s go.

Behavioral Health Number - 719-589-8008

Great American Smokeout - https://www.cancer.org/healthy/stay-away-from-tobacco/great-american-smokeout.html

Colorado Quitline - https://www.google.com/search?q=colorado+quitline&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS787US787&oq=colorado+quitline&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.5717j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

.Calling someone a quitter is one of the meanest things that you can do to a person, but if that person was working on quitting tobacco I’d bet they would welcome that title.  Quitting tobacco is hard, the CDC says most tobacco users want to quit, only one out of ten will be successful this year and those that have conquered it report that quitting tobacco was the hardest thing that they had ever done.

With such a hard task it's good to call in some support like the members of the behavioral health team here at SLV Health.  Laura Burkhardt, and Micaela Romero join me on the podcast today to talk about how they approach helping folks quit tobacco.  They are both licensed clinical social workers and they have been working to craft a tobacco cessation specific protocol to help folks modify their tobacco use.

Prior to hitting the record button for this interview I shared my personal story of using tobacco for six years so when reference my experience it is coming from the place of a former avid tobacco user,  I do mention tobacco use as being fun which is not intended as an endorsement but rather an acknowledgement of the intense physiological effects of nicotine.

In this interview we talk about the role that tobacco plays for us in our lives, the power of patterns, the difficulty of quitting, resources available, how to program new behaviors and we wrap things up with an overview of the mindfulness based approach that the behavioral health team is using.  Laura even takes us through a 60 second  guided visualization exercise.

If you want to get a hold of the behavioral health team for tobacco cessation help you can call 719-589-8008 to schedule an appointment.  If you are an employee of SLV Health you can get four free sessions.

I am AJ Webb wellness coordinator and wellness enthusiast and i know this next 15 minutes could be what you or a friend need to change your relationship with tobacco.  Like, subscribe, and share…..let’s go.

Behavioral Health Number - 719-589-8008

Great American Smokeout - https://www.cancer.org/healthy/stay-away-from-tobacco/great-american-smokeout.html

Colorado Quitline - https://www.google.com/search?q=colorado+quitline&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS787US787&oq=colorado+quitline&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.5717j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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