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Latest weekly messages from Kenmore Church of Christ Brisbane.

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Latest weekly messages from Kenmore Church of Christ Brisbane.

    Kingdom Centric: Finding The Heart of God in His Word

    Kingdom Centric: Finding The Heart of God in His Word

    Is your relationship with the Bible primarily about seeking blessings for yourself or accumulating knowledge? Or does it reveal a passionate pursuit of the very heart of God?

    In this sermon, Sandy challenges us to embrace an intimate, transformative connection with the living Word. Through an exposition of Hebrews 5 and personal testimonies, you'll be inspired to taste the sweetness of God's heart pulsing through every page of the Bible. Sandy shares his own journey of having the Word come alive, gripping his soul with a longing to know God more deeply through His revealed character and promises.

    This is an impassioned call to recalibrate your motivation for reading the Bible. Move past treating it as a "lucky dip" for your needs or a merely intellectual exercise. As you pursue this type of biblical maturity, an unquenchable burden will grow to become a teacher of God's Word to others. You cannot help but share the treasures you discover in Scripture when the very heartbeat of God has been unveiled before you through its pages. Be inspired, be equipped, and impart God's heart to your children, younger believers, and the next generation.

    | Scripture |

    Hebrews 5:11-14
    Hebrews 4:12
    Psalm 119
    Jeremiah 29:11

    A Call to Set Ourselves Apart: Consecration and Purification

    A Call to Set Ourselves Apart: Consecration and Purification

    What does it truly mean to consecrate our lives to God? In this sermon, we are challenged to go beyond mere obedience and embrace a deeper level of devotion and surrender to the Lord. Drawing insights from the Apostle Paul's actions in Acts 21, we learn that consecration is not about earning God's favour or gaining something for ourselves, but rather an expression of our love and adoration for Him.

    Through Paul's example of taking a Nazarite vow, we see how a heart fully committed to God desires to lay everything down, not out of obligation but out of a passionate desire to love Him more. The call is issued for us to consecrate ourselves daily - in our workplaces, relationships, and every aspect of life. This may look different for each person, but it invites us to set ourselves apart, going above and beyond in unique ways that demonstrate our zeal for the Lord.

    As we wrestle with what this could look like practically, we are reminded that consecration is ultimately about posturing our hearts towards God, surrendering our rights and freedoms to Him. It's not about outward shows or earning His approval, but simply loving Him because He is worthy. Are we willing to take up this challenge and live as a community consecrated to the Lord? The promise awaits those whose hearts are fully committed to Him - God will strengthen us as we pour ourselves out in love for Him.

    | Scripture |

    Scripture References:
    Acts 21:17-26
    Numbers 6
    Joshua 3
    Exodus 19
    John 10, John 17:19
    Philippians 3:5
    1 Corinthians 9
    Matthew 22:37
    2 Chronicles 16:9

    Kingdom Centric: The Next Generation

    Kingdom Centric: The Next Generation

    Statistics show 50% of people who profess Christianity in Australia are no longer connected to a church, with thousands of young people leaving the faith each year.

    Drawing from Deuteronomy's call to impress the ways of God on the hearts of the next generation, this message is a rallying cry for parents, grandparents and the church community to prioritise activities and create spaces that inspire the younger generation to confidently embrace their identity in Christ.

    Pat provides simple but powerful ways for every believer to be fruitful and multiply disciples in their daily lives. He outlines the "Blessed" framework of life practices - Bless others in prayer, Listen to their stories, Share a meal together, Serve them in love, and Share your own story of faith. This is a practical strategy for engaging those around us with the truth of the gospel through authentic relationship.

    Pat also unpacks how the church is launching key initiatives like a rites of passage program for pre-teen girls, a discipleship track for high schoolers, and partnerships with local schools. These represent a multi-pronged approach to support parents in the critical mission of imparting spiritual foundations.

    | Scripture |

    Scripture References:
    Deuteronomy 6
    2 Timothy 1:2
    Mark 12:30
    Matthew 28:19-20

    Living with true intention

    Living with true intention

    Living with true intention requires making sacrifices and choosing God's way over the world's way. Drawing parallels to Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, this sermon calls believers to surrender their will, saying "Not my will, but Yours be done." It's a call to evaluate our paths, make changes where needed, and follow Christ wholeheartedly by living with clear purpose directed by God. No one arrives at their desired destination by accident - an intentional life requires counting the cost, charting the course, and letting God lead.

    | Scripture |

    Scripture References:
    Acts 21:1-15
    Luke 14:28-33
    Philippians 2:12
    Proverbs 22:3
    Matthew 5:29-30

    Compassion International: Thin Spaces

    Compassion International: Thin Spaces

    Have you considered how you can position yourself to experience God's presence more readily? This week, Simon Ward from Compassion International shares about his recent trip to Solitaire, Indonesia. He introduces the concept of "thin places" – sacred spaces or moments where the veil between heaven and earth seems thinner and we encounter God's presence more tangibly. Through moving accounts of families living in poverty, as well as drawing on the experience of Moses, Abraham and Jesus’ ministry, Simon highlights how compassion and faith can create thin places that bridge the gap between heaven and earth.

    | Scripture |

    Exodus 3
    Exodus 33
    Daniel 3
    1 Samuel 3
    Luke 5:17-26
    1 Corinthians 3:16
    Acts 5:15
    Matthew 18:20

    Finding Life in God's Unmerited Favour

    Finding Life in God's Unmerited Favour

    What does it look like to live a life flavoured by grace? In this sermon, Liam dives deep into the centrality of grace as revealed in the gospel message. Through an exploration of Paul's farewell to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20, we are reminded that the gospel is fundamentally the "Word of His grace" - a message rooted in God's unmerited favour towards us.

    When we immerse ourselves in the depths of God's grace, it begins to shape our hearts, consciences, and faith in profound ways. A grace-flavoured life overflows with sincere love for others, a pure heart, and a clear conscience unburdened by regret.

    This message is an invitation to relinquish self-reliance and give ourselves over to the transformative power of grace. As we let grace permeate our lives, we experience the unmerited favour of God manifesting as love, joy, peace, and all the spiritual blessings He has promised His children.

    | Scripture |

    Acts 20:28-32
    1 Timothy 1:3-7
    1 Corinthians 8:1
    2 Timothy 2:1-2

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