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Queers of Color Against YIMBY - An Explainer Gay Shame

    • 政治

Warning to all Marys everywhere: YIMBYs are a front for the real estate industry, and they are coming to evict you.
James Baldwin's 'Take this Hammer' film, on racist gentrification in San Francisco, 1974 - https://diva.sfsu.edu/collections/sfbatv/bundles/187041
Unhoused Folks Deserve All These Vacant Condos and More - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKnd2NSh8pr/
'YIMBYs: The Alt-Right Darlings of the Real Estate Industry,' Truthout - https://truthout.org/articles/yimbys-the-alt-right-darlings-of-the-real-estate-industry/
'The Racial Contours of YIMBY/NIMBY Bay Area Gentrification,' Berkeley Planning Journal - https://escholarship.org/content/qt4sw2g485/qt4sw2g485.pdf?t=qb8x8c
'YIMBYs Exposed: The Techies Hawking Free Market “Solutions” to the Nation’s Housing Crisis,' In These Times - https://inthesetimes.com/features/yimbys_activists_san_francisco_housing_crisis.html
'Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space' - https://www.versobooks.com/books/2163-extrastatecraft 
Video depicting YIMBYs being YIMBYs by the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project - Facebook video: https://fb.watch/5gAYay0iFW/ (archived at https://gayshame.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/sonja-trauss-vincent-woo-city-hall.mp4)
'Take This Hammer,' LA Tenants Union on their action against the Hammer Museum holding a pro-YIMBY event - https://latenantsunion.medium.com/dropping-the-hammer-on-yimbyism-97724dfdb6a9
@shooktwinks deconstructs the YIMBY myth that building more luxury condos will solve San Francisco's affordable housing crisis - https://www.instagram.com/p/COXI1BmBIAi/
This jester - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CN-qwbvBoIR/
More on conservatorship -> Gay Shame Podcast Episode 3: 'FreeBritney, Free Them All' - https://gayshame.net/index.php/gay-shame-the-podcast/gay-shame-podcast-episode-3-freebritney-free-them-all-october-15-2020/
Recorded May 3, 2021. Transcripts and resources at gayshame.net/index.php/gay-shame-the-podcast/.

Warning to all Marys everywhere: YIMBYs are a front for the real estate industry, and they are coming to evict you.
James Baldwin's 'Take this Hammer' film, on racist gentrification in San Francisco, 1974 - https://diva.sfsu.edu/collections/sfbatv/bundles/187041
Unhoused Folks Deserve All These Vacant Condos and More - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CKnd2NSh8pr/
'YIMBYs: The Alt-Right Darlings of the Real Estate Industry,' Truthout - https://truthout.org/articles/yimbys-the-alt-right-darlings-of-the-real-estate-industry/
'The Racial Contours of YIMBY/NIMBY Bay Area Gentrification,' Berkeley Planning Journal - https://escholarship.org/content/qt4sw2g485/qt4sw2g485.pdf?t=qb8x8c
'YIMBYs Exposed: The Techies Hawking Free Market “Solutions” to the Nation’s Housing Crisis,' In These Times - https://inthesetimes.com/features/yimbys_activists_san_francisco_housing_crisis.html
'Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space' - https://www.versobooks.com/books/2163-extrastatecraft 
Video depicting YIMBYs being YIMBYs by the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project - Facebook video: https://fb.watch/5gAYay0iFW/ (archived at https://gayshame.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/sonja-trauss-vincent-woo-city-hall.mp4)
'Take This Hammer,' LA Tenants Union on their action against the Hammer Museum holding a pro-YIMBY event - https://latenantsunion.medium.com/dropping-the-hammer-on-yimbyism-97724dfdb6a9
@shooktwinks deconstructs the YIMBY myth that building more luxury condos will solve San Francisco's affordable housing crisis - https://www.instagram.com/p/COXI1BmBIAi/
This jester - https://www.instagram.com/tv/CN-qwbvBoIR/
More on conservatorship -> Gay Shame Podcast Episode 3: 'FreeBritney, Free Them All' - https://gayshame.net/index.php/gay-shame-the-podcast/gay-shame-podcast-episode-3-freebritney-free-them-all-october-15-2020/
Recorded May 3, 2021. Transcripts and resources at gayshame.net/index.php/gay-shame-the-podcast/.

52 分鐘