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September 2021 Monthly Intuitive Reading Sacred Soul Empowerment

    • 心靈教育

01:11 Stones of Choice 

03:38 Numerology  

11:22 Astrological Energies 

24:20 Messages from our Angels and Guides

 34:44 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

This month of September is a 5 Universal Month in a 5 Universal Year. This signifies that the energies of change and freedom are strong this month. The full double digit in numerology for September is karmic number 14. This is about past life karmic challenges regarding our sense of freedom. This is both on a collective, as well as a personal level.   

The 14th Major Arcana in the Tarot is Temperance. Temperance is about the blending of various energies to create something new. It is also about balance and moderation in all things. Try not to move into extremes this month, and have patience as things unfold. In the Sirian Starseed Tarot the Temperance Card is called Alchemy. This is about taking an energy and transforming it into something different. Perhaps we can transform a situation in our lives this month.  

The astrological highlights for the month are:  September 6th - New Moon at 14 degrees Virgo to signify new beginnings with our thoughts, perceptions and communications. Also on this day, the Sun in Virgo is connecting with Uranus, planet of freedom and sudden shifts in direction. We may be breaking free of a circumstance or belief system at this time. The South Node is at 5 degrees Sagittarius and connecting with the Lunar Eclipse Point from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of May 26th. This also supports that the Virgo New Moon time is strong with endings and new beginnings.  

September 10th - Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, is moving into Scorpio until October 7th. In relationships she is more passionate and intense. In finances she is more empowered and focused.  

September 14th  - Mars, planet of energy and action, is shifting into Libra until October 30th. This warrior planet is now actively looking for balance, fairness and equality in all relationship matters. 

 September 20th - We have a Full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces. Full Moons are about healing, letting go and the completion of a cycle. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so is also about completion and wrapping up a cycle of energy.  

September 26th - Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is turning to retrograde motion at 25 degrees Libra and will stay retrograde until October 18th. If we include the "shadow period" of his retrograde motion is starts on September 7th and lasts until November 3rd. During this time we are revisiting, revising, re-examining, researching and re-evaluating situations that involve the "others" in our lives,  The message from our angels and guides starts out by telling us that we need to reflect and rest. Our minds may be overburdened or overwhelmed from what is going on in our lives. Meditation and alone time to recuperate is necessary. Both our mental bodies and emotional bodies are in need of self-care. When looking at possibilities, make sure to look for an idea that is not readily seen or perceived.   

There could be a karmic purging or healing that takes place. Perhaps we are undergoing a karmic redirection in our lives. Keep your heart in a place of unconditional love for all, realizing that we are all going through our own spiritual challenges at this time. The spiritual unfolding of a higher situation is at hand. Listen to the "calling" that the Universe is sending out. Messages are coming that can guide and direct you to the next steps.  We are feeling dis-enchanted lately and are ready to walk away from a situation or an energy that no longer serves us. Emotionally we are feeling jaded or disempowered. Walk with courage towards what will empower you and bring you joy and happiness again. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

01:11 Stones of Choice 

03:38 Numerology  

11:22 Astrological Energies 

24:20 Messages from our Angels and Guides

 34:44 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

This month of September is a 5 Universal Month in a 5 Universal Year. This signifies that the energies of change and freedom are strong this month. The full double digit in numerology for September is karmic number 14. This is about past life karmic challenges regarding our sense of freedom. This is both on a collective, as well as a personal level.   

The 14th Major Arcana in the Tarot is Temperance. Temperance is about the blending of various energies to create something new. It is also about balance and moderation in all things. Try not to move into extremes this month, and have patience as things unfold. In the Sirian Starseed Tarot the Temperance Card is called Alchemy. This is about taking an energy and transforming it into something different. Perhaps we can transform a situation in our lives this month.  

The astrological highlights for the month are:  September 6th - New Moon at 14 degrees Virgo to signify new beginnings with our thoughts, perceptions and communications. Also on this day, the Sun in Virgo is connecting with Uranus, planet of freedom and sudden shifts in direction. We may be breaking free of a circumstance or belief system at this time. The South Node is at 5 degrees Sagittarius and connecting with the Lunar Eclipse Point from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of May 26th. This also supports that the Virgo New Moon time is strong with endings and new beginnings.  

September 10th - Venus, ruler of partnerships and personal resources, is moving into Scorpio until October 7th. In relationships she is more passionate and intense. In finances she is more empowered and focused.  

September 14th  - Mars, planet of energy and action, is shifting into Libra until October 30th. This warrior planet is now actively looking for balance, fairness and equality in all relationship matters. 

 September 20th - We have a Full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces. Full Moons are about healing, letting go and the completion of a cycle. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so is also about completion and wrapping up a cycle of energy.  

September 26th - Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is turning to retrograde motion at 25 degrees Libra and will stay retrograde until October 18th. If we include the "shadow period" of his retrograde motion is starts on September 7th and lasts until November 3rd. During this time we are revisiting, revising, re-examining, researching and re-evaluating situations that involve the "others" in our lives,  The message from our angels and guides starts out by telling us that we need to reflect and rest. Our minds may be overburdened or overwhelmed from what is going on in our lives. Meditation and alone time to recuperate is necessary. Both our mental bodies and emotional bodies are in need of self-care. When looking at possibilities, make sure to look for an idea that is not readily seen or perceived.   

There could be a karmic purging or healing that takes place. Perhaps we are undergoing a karmic redirection in our lives. Keep your heart in a place of unconditional love for all, realizing that we are all going through our own spiritual challenges at this time. The spiritual unfolding of a higher situation is at hand. Listen to the "calling" that the Universe is sending out. Messages are coming that can guide and direct you to the next steps.  We are feeling dis-enchanted lately and are ready to walk away from a situation or an energy that no longer serves us. Emotionally we are feeling jaded or disempowered. Walk with courage towards what will empower you and bring you joy and happiness again. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

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