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Side Hustle to Main Hustle: Growing Your Online Business While Working 9 to 5 Social Media Decoded

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This episode discusses the topic of turning a side hustle into a main hustle while balancing a nine-to-five job. The host shares tips on setting realistic goals, maximizing time, mastering schedule, building a brand, networking, learning and adapting, and knowing when to make the transition. The episode emphasizes the importance of hard work, patience, perseverance, and planning in the journey of transitioning from a side hustle to a main hustle.TakeawaysSet realistic goals and prioritize tas...

This episode discusses the topic of turning a side hustle into a main hustle while balancing a nine-to-five job. The host shares tips on setting realistic goals, maximizing time, mastering schedule, building a brand, networking, learning and adapting, and knowing when to make the transition. The episode emphasizes the importance of hard work, patience, perseverance, and planning in the journey of transitioning from a side hustle to a main hustle.TakeawaysSet realistic goals and prioritize tas...

12 分鐘