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Welcome to the Official ArtScroll Podcast! Tune in to hear behind-the-scenes interviews with your favorite authors!

The Artscroll Studios’ Podcast Artscroll Studios

    • 宗教與靈修

Welcome to the Official ArtScroll Podcast! Tune in to hear behind-the-scenes interviews with your favorite authors!

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 8: Rav Reuven Feinstein

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 8: Rav Reuven Feinstein

    In Reb Reuven Feinstein on the Haggadah, Rav Sholom Reuven Feinstein, the esteemed and beloved Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshiva of Staten Island, guides us through the Seder. Indeed, as we enjoy this Haggadah masterpiece, we begin to actually feel that we are sitting with the Rosh Yeshiva at his Seder table.
    In this Inside ArtScroll interview, the Rosh Yeshivah reminisces for us what Pesach was like at the home of his father, Hagaon Rav Moshe Feinstein. The Rosh Yeshivah also offers fascinating chinuch insights and general chizuk in his trademark down-to-earth manner. Watch and be inspired! [Buy the new Haggadah HERE.]

    • 26 分鐘
    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 7: Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Haggadah Shel Pesach

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 7: Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Haggadah Shel Pesach

    Rav and founder of Machon Maggid Harakiah in Cedarhurst, NY, Rabbi Daniel Glatstein is one of the contemporary Jewish world’s most popular speakers and respected maggidei shiur. In his unique Haggadah Shel Pesach, he treats the Haggadah text not as a series of unconnected “vertlach,” but as a living, unified document, mirroring the slavery, miracles, and ultimate liberation in its words and structure.
    In this fascinating interview, Rabbi Glatstein gives us a deeper understanding of fundamental components of the Haggadah, and, indeed, of the entire experience of Yetzias Mitzrayim. [Buy the new book HERE.]

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    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 6: Shlomo Werdiger - The Beis Yisroel

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 6: Shlomo Werdiger - The Beis Yisroel

    Rav Yisroel Alter, the Beis Yisroel, became the Rebbe of Gur at a time of deep darkness. Just a few years earlier, tens of thousands of Gerrer chassidim had perished in the Holocaust, and the few who’d survived faced the daunting challenge of beginning new lives.
    Rav Yisroel became the Rebbe – and he rebuilt a world, miraculously leading Gerrer chassidus to almost unimaginable levels of greatness.
    At the same time he was a loving, empathetic, wise shepherd, gently and patiently giving people the time and space they needed to grow.
    In this interview, Shlomo Werdiger, who merited a unique relationship with the Beis Yisroel and the other admorim of Gur, speaks about the immeasurable impact of the Rebbe and how the Rebbe was there to help and guide and find the greatness of every Jew. [Buy the new book HERE.]

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    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 5: Rabbi Heshy Kleinman - Living With Hashgachah Pratis

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 5: Rabbi Heshy Kleinman - Living With Hashgachah Pratis

    We call it “hashgachah pratis” — the understanding that Hashem is continuously in our lives, and not just in historic events and obvious miracles. Hashgachah pratis tells us that Hashem is with us in traffic jams, in hospital wards, and while we’re waiting for a delayed plane to take off. He is with us even in our times of suffering. Everything, but everything, reflects His Will and His goodness. And the more we are aware of the hashgachah pratis around us – the more we are able to see it clearly!
    In his new book, Living With Hashgachah Pratis, and in this Inside ArtScroll interview, Rabbi Heshy Kleinman, author of the classic Praying With Fire series, shows us how to become aware of hashgachah pratis in our world, and how such a consciousness will ignite our emunah, enhance our gratitude, increase our merits, and lead us to a happier, more secure and meaningful life. [Buy the new book HERE.]

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    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 4: Rabbi Joey Haber – Vayimaen

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 4: Rabbi Joey Haber – Vayimaen

    In this entertaining Inside ArtScroll Interview, Rabbi Joey Haber, rabbi of the Magen David shul in Flatbush and the Beit Yosef shul in Deal who has inspired tens of thousands of people worldwide with his talks, discusses the impact of the Vayimaen movement and the new book by Rabbi Yechiel Spero based on the inspiration of the renowned speakers of the global Vayimaen initiative. [Buy the new book HERE.]

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    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 3: Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff – Vayimaen

    Inside ArtScroll - Season 5 Episode 3: Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff – Vayimaen

    In this fascinating Inside ArtScroll Interview, Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, venerable rav of Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyomin of Flatbush, discusses the impact of the Vayimaen movement and the new book by Rabbi Yechiel Spero based on the inspiration of the renowned speakers of the global Vayimaen initiative. [Buy the new book HERE.]

    • 40 分鐘

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