7 分鐘

The FairTax Right Wing Nut Job

    • 新聞

An introductory discussion of the concept of the FairTax, following the ideas outlined by Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder in their book "The FairTax Book." This is part 1 of a 3 part discussion. Part 1 focuses on the history of the income tax in America, and how politicians over the past century have hoodwinked the American public into accepting it as inevitable. The FairTax is a national sales tax which would replace all other federal taxes.

An introductory discussion of the concept of the FairTax, following the ideas outlined by Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder in their book "The FairTax Book." This is part 1 of a 3 part discussion. Part 1 focuses on the history of the income tax in America, and how politicians over the past century have hoodwinked the American public into accepting it as inevitable. The FairTax is a national sales tax which would replace all other federal taxes.

7 分鐘

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