51 集

The University of Oulu is an international science university which creates innovation for the future, well-being, and knowledge through research and education. The university consists of eight faculties and many specialised research units.

University of Oulu unioulu

    • 教育

The University of Oulu is an international science university which creates innovation for the future, well-being, and knowledge through research and education. The university consists of eight faculties and many specialised research units.

    Kunniatohtorit tutuksi – Helena Petäistö

    Kunniatohtorit tutuksi – Helena Petäistö

    Kunniatohtorit tutuksi -sarjan viimeisen jakson vieraana on oululaislähtöinen toimittaja ja tietokirjailija Helena Petäistö. Pariisin ja Brysselin kirjeenvaihtajana pitkän uran tehnyt Petäistö on yksi Suomen tunnetuimmista journalisteista. Hän on kirjoittanut useita Ranskaa ja Ranskan politiikkaa sekä Euroopan kaupunkeja ja matkailua koskevia tietokirjoja. Kirjeenvaihtajan työn jälkeen hän jatkaa suosittuna kolumnistina ja Eurooppa-aiheisena esitelmöitsijänä.
    Haastattelussa tutustumme Petäistön monipuoliseen ja menestyksekkääseen uraan journalistina ja tietokirjailijana. Petäistön journalistin työtä on ohjannut periaate ”Without favour, without fear!”, jonka mukaan toimittajan ei tule suosia tai pelätä mitään osapuolta. Pelottomasta asenteesta kertookin Petäistön haastattelussa avaama journalistisen uran tähtihetki, jolloin hän sai Neuvostoliiton presidentti Mihail Gorbatšovilta luvan Suomen EU-jäsenyyden hakemiselle.
    Lisäksi kuulemme millaisen kaupunkikirjan kokenut tietokirjailija kirjoittaisi entisestä kotikaupungistaan. Euroopan kulttuuripääkaupungiksi valitulla Oululla olisi Petäistön mukaan nyt tuhannen taalan mahdollisuus kohottaa kaupungin loistelias tervahistoria ja Oulun lohen historia ansaitsemaansa arvoon.
    Helena Petäistöä haastattelee professori Erkki Karvonen.
    Kunniatohtorit tutuksi -podcastissa tutustutaan Oulun yliopiston 11. tohtoripromootiossa vihittäviin kunniatohtoreihin. Keskusteluissa kuullaan mielenkiintoisia tarinoita tulevien kunniatohtoreiden elämästä, saavutuksista ja yhteydestä Oulun yliopistoon.

    • 1 小時 14 分鐘
    An Interview with Honorary Doctor – Reid Hoffman

    An Interview with Honorary Doctor – Reid Hoffman

    The guest of the 17th episode of An Interview with Honorary Doctor is an American internet entrepreneur, venture capitalist and author Reid Hoffman. He co-founded LinkedIn and is currently a partner at Greylock, one of the leading venture capital firms in Silicon Valley. Hoffman is the co-author of three best-selling books: The Start-Up of You, The Alliance, and Blitzscaling. He is also the host of the podcast Masters of Scale.
    In this interview we will get to know more closely the life and career of Reid Hoffman. As a huge science fiction fan, Hoffman started to reflect essential questions on humanity already in his childhood. He was interested in “who we are, who should we be and what role does technology play into that”. Curiosity for the humanity and human aspirations have been important driving forces in the successful career path of Hoffman.
    During the interview Hoffman reveals his recipe for innovations and how he recognises where to invest. To be successful investor should recognise businesses that have possibilities to bring something fundamentally new to human life and society in global level. This was the case with Airbnb, one of the businesses in which Hoffman believed as an investor from the very beginning.
    Reid Hoffman is interviewed by professor Harri Oinas-Kukkonen.
    An Interview with Honorary Doctor is a podcast series, in which we will get to know the honorary doctors of the 11th Doctoral Conferment Ceremony. The conversations will cover interesting stories about the life and achievements of the guests and their connections to the University of Oulu.

    • 35 分鐘
    Kunniatohtorit tutuksi – Tapani Mäkikyrö

    Kunniatohtorit tutuksi – Tapani Mäkikyrö

    Kunniatohtorit tutuksi -podcastin 16. jakson vieraana on diplomi-insinööri sekä rakennusalan aktiivinen ja palkittu toimija Tapani Mäkikyrö. Hänen asiantuntijatoimintansa on merkittävästi edesauttanut Oulun yliopiston rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikan koulutusvastuun palauttamista sekä uuden DI-koulutuksen suunnittelua ja koulutuksen yhteiskuntasuhteiden kehittämistä.
    Haastattelussa Mäkikyrö kertoo asiantuntija- ja selvitysmiestoiminnastaan rakennus- ja yhdyskuntatekniikan koulutusvastuun palauttamiseksi Oulun yliopistoon. Kuulemme myös, miten Pohjois-Suomen Rakennusklusteri ry:tä uudistettiin hänen johdollaan tehostamaan palautetun koulutuksen, elinkeinoelämän ja viranomaistahon uudenlaista yhteistyötä. Lisäksi Mäkikyrö avaa haastattelussa niin kutsuttua Oulun mallia, joka kehitettiin hänen toimiessaan kaupungin rakennusvalvonnan johtajana. Oulun mallin avulla rakennusvalvontatyöhön luotiin uudenlainen, asiakaslähtöinen toimintamalli, jossa rakentamisen laadunohjaus tuottaa lisäarvoa.
    Kunniatohtorit tutuksi -podcastissa tutustutaan Oulun yliopiston 11. tohtoripromootiossa vihittäviin kunniatohtoreihin. Keskusteluissa kuullaan mielenkiintoisia tarinoita tulevien kunniatohtoreiden elämästä, saavutuksista ja yhteydestä Oulun yliopistoon.

    • 48 分鐘
    An Interview with Honorary Doctor – Eli Amir

    An Interview with Honorary Doctor – Eli Amir

    In the 15th episode of An Interview with Honorary Doctor podcast, we get to know Eli Amir who acts as a Professor of Finance at the University of Tel Aviv. Amir is an internationally recognised researcher known for his contributions to the field of financial reporting and capital markets. His recent research has examined the precision of positive and negative information in daily stock returns, the capital market consequences of cyber-attacks, and the effect of criminal conviction on the decisions of external auditors and corporate executives.
    In this interview, Eli Amir talks about his international academic career, research work, and plans for future. In addition, we hear about Amir's cooperation with accounting researchers of the University of Oulu and his experiences as a visiting professor at the Oulu Business School. Amir considers Oulu to be a relaxing place to which he always likes to return. He is especially attracted to Oulu's peaceful atmosphere, closeness to nature and nice and easy-going people.
    An Interview with Honorary Doctor is a podcast series, in which we will get to know the honorary doctors of the 11th Doctoral Conferment Ceremony. The conversations will cover interesting stories about the life and achievements of the guests and their connections to the University of Oulu.

    • 38 分鐘
    An Interview with Honorary Doctor – Henning Schulzrinne

    An Interview with Honorary Doctor – Henning Schulzrinne

    The guest of the 14th episode of An Interview with Honorary Doctor podcast is Henning Schulzrinne, the Levi Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University in New York. Schulzrinne has made fundamental and pioneering contributions to key protocols used in Internet multimedia applications. For years, he has also advised the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC), for example, in his role as Chief Technology Officer. Henning Schulzrinne is an award-winning expert in the field of computer science, and he has been inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.
    In the interview, Schulzrinne talks about his research work and describes the greatest challenges in Internet research. In the past, the biggest challenge was to make the internet technically functional. Today, the focus is especially on developing the usability of the Internet and directing the development process into a positive direction. We also get to hear what Schulzrinne’s typical workdays include and what kind of ongoing research projects he currently has. His research interest includes for example applications that support the agencies working for public safety.
    An Interview with Honorary Doctor is a podcast series, in which we will get to know the honorary doctors of the 11th Doctoral Conferment Ceremony. The conversations will cover interesting stories about the life and achievements of the guests and their connections to the University of Oulu.

    • 38 分鐘
    An Interview with Honorary Doctor – John McGrath

    An Interview with Honorary Doctor – John McGrath

    The guest of the 13th episode of An Interview with Honorary Doctor is Professor John Joseph McGrath, one of the world’s leading researchers of schizophrenia. Professor McGrath is the Director of the Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, and a conjoint Professor at the Queensland Brain Institute at the University of Queensland.
    In this interview, McGrath talks about his interesting and successful research career during which he has focused on the epidemiology of schizophrenia and risk factors for psychoses. Brain research is important in studying mental disorders. According to McGrath, we can truly understand broken brain only by studying how the brain is built.
    McGrath also defines more closely his philosophy on research and the qualities of a successful researcher. He emphasizes that the researcher should not fall in love with his hypotheses, as most of them are false. A good researcher, on the contrary, challenges his or her own hypotheses, avoids dogmatic thinking, and engages with outside people to gain fresh perspectives on his or her research.
    An Interview with Honorary Doctor is a podcast series, in which we will get to know the honorary doctors of the 11th Doctoral Conferment Ceremony. The conversations will cover interesting stories about the life and achievements of the guests and their connections to the University of Oulu.

    • 52 分鐘

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