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Weekly Intuitive Reading for August 23rd - 29th, 2021 Sacred Soul Empowerment

    • 心靈教育

02:30 Stones of Choice 

08:40 Astrological Energies this Week 

19:00 Messages from our Angels and Guides 

31:50 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

This week starts with Venus, planet of love and relationships in her home sign of Libra, in a positive connection to Saturn, the Great Teacher of Lessons, in Aquarius, the sign of equality and freedom. There are lessons to be learned and a restructuring of our relationships that is occurring. We are asked to have patience with the process.   

On Tuesday, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in logical Virgo is opposing Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in ethereal Pisces. Our thoughts, perceptions and communications may be lacking in focus and understanding right now.   

Thursday sees Venus in Libra, sign of "the other" opposing Chiron, the ruler of past life wounds, in Aries, sign of the self. There are situations and energies that need healing regarding the balance of self and other now. It is time to balance our needs with the needs of the other people in our lives. Also on this day, Mercury is in a positive connection with Pluto so we are thinking and speaking in a more empowered way.  

On Friday Mercury in Virgo makes an odd connection to Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion. Our perceptions and words can be exaggerated now and we should try to look at things from a different perspective.   

On Saturday Venus in Libra is in an odd connection to Uranus, the Great Awakener. Freedom energies are strong now and we may have to adjust for more balance and equality within our relationships.   Finally, on Sunday, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is shifting into Libra until November 5th, spending an extra amount of time in this sign because of a retrograde motion in September and October. This gives us the time to work on our interaction and communication skills with others. Libra wants all things to be just and fair and we are going to be learning how to express that through our words better over these next few weeks.  

The message from our angels and guides starts by speaking about the Universal Karmic Law of Cause and Effect. What we put out will return to us. How have we been treating others and ourselves? There are new depths of soul growth and evolution taking place at this time. Ancient energies are at play. It is a time to clean up past karma so that we can move forward.  Speaking of moving forward, it may be a time where we are needing to trust and take a leap of faith now into a new direction. Be more light-hearted and trust like the child in the path that is right for you. Tap into your inner wisdom and learn to not take life so seriously. Laugh and play more, as the child does.  Maintain your inner strength in these times and do not give in or give up. Stand strong in your beliefs regarding yourself, your life and the direction in which you desire to go. Stay balanced and use moderation and patience as you move towards your dreams. New realms will be unfolding but you must have patience in the timing. Maintain a state of harmony and grace as you calmly move through lessons towards the changes that you wish to make. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

02:30 Stones of Choice 

08:40 Astrological Energies this Week 

19:00 Messages from our Angels and Guides 

31:50 Special Message based on Stone of Choice  

This week starts with Venus, planet of love and relationships in her home sign of Libra, in a positive connection to Saturn, the Great Teacher of Lessons, in Aquarius, the sign of equality and freedom. There are lessons to be learned and a restructuring of our relationships that is occurring. We are asked to have patience with the process.   

On Tuesday, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in logical Virgo is opposing Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in ethereal Pisces. Our thoughts, perceptions and communications may be lacking in focus and understanding right now.   

Thursday sees Venus in Libra, sign of "the other" opposing Chiron, the ruler of past life wounds, in Aries, sign of the self. There are situations and energies that need healing regarding the balance of self and other now. It is time to balance our needs with the needs of the other people in our lives. Also on this day, Mercury is in a positive connection with Pluto so we are thinking and speaking in a more empowered way.  

On Friday Mercury in Virgo makes an odd connection to Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion. Our perceptions and words can be exaggerated now and we should try to look at things from a different perspective.   

On Saturday Venus in Libra is in an odd connection to Uranus, the Great Awakener. Freedom energies are strong now and we may have to adjust for more balance and equality within our relationships.   Finally, on Sunday, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is shifting into Libra until November 5th, spending an extra amount of time in this sign because of a retrograde motion in September and October. This gives us the time to work on our interaction and communication skills with others. Libra wants all things to be just and fair and we are going to be learning how to express that through our words better over these next few weeks.  

The message from our angels and guides starts by speaking about the Universal Karmic Law of Cause and Effect. What we put out will return to us. How have we been treating others and ourselves? There are new depths of soul growth and evolution taking place at this time. Ancient energies are at play. It is a time to clean up past karma so that we can move forward.  Speaking of moving forward, it may be a time where we are needing to trust and take a leap of faith now into a new direction. Be more light-hearted and trust like the child in the path that is right for you. Tap into your inner wisdom and learn to not take life so seriously. Laugh and play more, as the child does.  Maintain your inner strength in these times and do not give in or give up. Stand strong in your beliefs regarding yourself, your life and the direction in which you desire to go. Stay balanced and use moderation and patience as you move towards your dreams. New realms will be unfolding but you must have patience in the timing. Maintain a state of harmony and grace as you calmly move through lessons towards the changes that you wish to make. Blessings of Love and Light to All!

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