166 episodios

A podcast for Christian women sharing encouragement Tuesdays/Thursdays at 11am Central/US.

Blooming Inspired Network Michelle Bentham

    • Religión y espiritualidad

A podcast for Christian women sharing encouragement Tuesdays/Thursdays at 11am Central/US.

    Blooming Inspired Podcast | Episode 169: The Greatest Love [Clean, Christian, Women, Podcast]

    Blooming Inspired Podcast | Episode 169: The Greatest Love [Clean, Christian, Women, Podcast]

    Show Transcript:
    You are listening to the Blooming Inspired Podcast on the Blooming Inspired Podcast Network. We exist to empower the voices of women who live their lives #BloomingAlive through Podcast Community. Now, here is your host.

    Blooming Inspired Podcast equipping and empowering the voices of women who live their lives Blooming Alive.

    This week Michelle continues her very personal series about Mirror Moments with God where she found the courage to receive His forgiveness, trust His love and walk in who He created and redeemed her to be.

    Greetings to God’s Beautiful Wildflowers! This is Michelle Bentham, host of Blooming Inspired Podcast. Last week I began sharing my mirror moments testimony here on the podcast.

    As I shared last week, Embracing Identity is a core value here at Blooming Inspired Network. In my own experiences I’ve found spiritual identity is not at all about discovering who YOU are in Christ, but rather settling your heart in intimacy to know Him - just Him - discovering who He is and how He wants to express Himself through you.

    Last week I shared the messier parts of my testimony and how God used these practical mirror moments to reveal not only His heart for me, but also to help me embrace my identity and who He says I am. Today I’ll share a final mirror moment in the context of the story of a biblical woman. As I share with you today, I want to encourage you to put yourself in today’s passage as we look at the adulterous woman who was cast at Jesus feet for judgment and found herself receiving mercy instead.

    Let’s Pray, Father God, I ask that You would give each person within the sound of my voice eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to know you more. I pray that we would be able to step into the story and find you there, meeting with us and speaking to our hearts personally - up close. I ask Lord for you to allow us to encounter you and realize the truths revealed for ourselves today! Show us Your Glory Lord! I ask these things in Jesus’ Holy Name, AMEN.

    Would you allow your heart to engage with Jesus and settle on Him today?

    Last week I shared that somehow in leading women’s Bible study I missed the idea of God taking my confession of sin and cleansing me of all unrighteousness. So as we begin today I want to turn to a familiar passage of scripture and begin with an encounter activation today.

    Rather than turn in your Bible’s I want to encourage you to do something completely different. Today, I want you to get in a comfortable position sitting in a comfy chair or your couch. If you can do so safely of course… Please don’t do this next part if you are driving in your car… But, now I’d encourage you - let your shoulders drop back, close your eyes and let whatever cares you are holding onto go. Now, take a few deep breaths (in through your nose, out through your mouth), and as you do I want you to think about the place in your body you are most aware of the presence of God when He shows up. Once you have settled on where you are most aware of GOd’s presence, I want you to focus from that place of awareness on who you know Jesus to be from Scripture. What do you know about Him to be true? And when you have that place of awareness, I’ll call it your heart, when you have your heart set on Jesus then join me in the reading.

    Lord, come and meet with your children today. We ask you to come and introduce yourself to us in real and tangible ways. Thank you Lord, for your goodness and grace today.
    If you remember, last week I shared that I had a moment when God woke me from my sleep and had me recall all of the unconfessed sins I had committed. And as I confessed them to Him, grieved over what they had cost Him… He gave me His perspective of me in exchange - “Look what a mess you made out of the beauty I created.”

    I feel sure some of you need to encounter the Lord’s goodness much the same way I did that night. If, at any time during

    Blooming Inspired Podcast |168: Mirror Moments (Testimony Psalm 45:11)

    Blooming Inspired Podcast |168: Mirror Moments (Testimony Psalm 45:11)

    Show Transcript:
    You are listening to the Blooming Inspired Podcast on the Blooming Inspired Podcast Network. We exist to empower the voices of women who live their lives #BloomingAlive through Podcast Community. Now, here is your host.

    Blooming Inspired Podcast equipping and empowering the voices of women who live their lives Blooming Alive.

    This week Michelle shares from the heart about a very personal series of Mirror Moments with God. Last February she was preparing to speak at a conference and share her testimony - and, God was gracious in allowing her to prepare the glory story of all the victories she’s known in her life with Him. As she put the final period on the end of the last sentence - she felt Him nudge her heart. “Now that you have that out of your system, would you like to know what I want to say?”

    This testimony was her response to that question!

    Hello Wildflowers! This is Michelle Bentham, host of Blooming Inspired Podcast. We’re moving in a new direction this week - over the next two or three weeks I’ll be sharing my personal testimony - really, it’s my identity journey into Poppa, Jesus & the Holy Spirit’s heart for me.

    This is a word straight from the deep places of healing and messy life I’ve walked with God as I’ve grown in knowing Him. For the last 10 years my prayer has been “God, I want to know you the way you know me.” And in that time, I’ve come through these beautiful mirror moments, learning to see His image in me.

    Embracing Identity is a core value here at Blooming Inspired Network. In my own experiences I’ve found spiritual identity is not at all about discovering who YOU are in Christ, but rather settling your heart in intimacy to know Him - just Him - discovering who He is and how He wants to express Himself through you.

    As I pray for you today, I want you to keep in mind in Genesis 1 & 2 we learned that we - as human beings - were born in the image of God. Our life as believers should be an ever increasing journey toward becoming what we behold in Him - seeing, as Paul wrote to the Corinthians, faintly as in a mirror but as we grow more like Him looking forward to that day when we finally know Him as He knows us - FULLY - Face to Face.

    Let’s Pray, Father God, I ask that You would give each person within the sound of my voice eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to know you more. I pray that every person would encounter and be reminded that You think thoughts toward us and those thoughts are plans to prosper us and to bring about our future and hope in You. That as I share the testimony of the truth I’ve lived in you, that those within the sound of my voice would find a resonating life song they can begin to sing in their own experiences with you. Let our hearts be inspired to press into You more, to live for more and to experience more so Your glory may be known upon the earth. I ask these things in Jesus’ Precious Name, AMEN.

    Would you allow that reality to settle deep in your heart as you hear my testimony of Jesus today?

    Last February I prepared to speak at a conference and share a sweet little testimony about my life with Jesus. God’s grace allowed me to prepare that glory story of all the victories I’ve known in my life with Him.

    I settled down after the final period landed on the end of the last sentence of that testimony. Satisfied. Excited. I had two weeks until the conference and all I needed to do was tweak it, read it again and again so I could deliver it from my heart. And that’s when it happened…

    I felt Him nudge my heart. “Now that you have that out of your system, would you like to know what I want to say?”

    How else would I respond? My simple reply in that moment was yes, Lord. It still took me two full weeks to let go of my glory story complete with a cute anecdote my daddy loves to tell about how I thought the preacher was God at a revival meeting when I was just 3 years old.

    At 9:30

    Blooming Inspired Podcast | 167: Not Missing My Appointment (Philippians 3)

    Blooming Inspired Podcast | 167: Not Missing My Appointment (Philippians 3)

    This week Michelle shares from the heart about revelation she feels is critical to the coming new year and season we find ourselves in as believers, global citizens and as women! Join her as she unpacks what she means when she says, “I’m Not Missing My Appointment!” reading from Philippians 2 and 3 about what it means to press into what’s ahead, leave what’s behind and move forward into God’s unlimited potential in your life!
    Show Transcript:
    You are listening to the Blooming Inspired Podcast on the Blooming Inspired Podcast Network. We exist to empower the voices of women who live their lives #BloomingAlive through Podcast Community. Now, here is your host.

    Blooming Inspired Podcast equipping and empowering the voices of women who live their lives Blooming Alive.

    Hello Wildflower Friend! This is Michelle Bentham, host of Blooming Inspired Podcast. A NEW PODCAST EPISODE!!! I’m so excited. I’ve been getting back into my flow around the podcasting mic this week publishing our In All Seasons podcast yesterday and working up this powerful episode as a follow up.

    To say this year has been challenging is an understatement. Can I get an AMEN? n addition to all the Corona craziness and political posturing going on in the world around us - we’ve suffered the loss of my father-in-law in September, welcomed our very first grandchild in July (while on vacation) no less. Just this past week we also welcomed our first great nephew - to his big sister’s delight! And, we have a daughter getting married in November. It’s been a year full of high highs and low lows and everything in between.

    Life has been a series of unexpected heartbreaking events alongside expectant and exciting events! This year and the ups and downs of life ebbed and flowed in a maximized and magnified fashion. Scott and I in many instances have had to rely solely on God to both comfort and provide the way as we sought to return home to family in the midst of medical crises and to care for our family in the loss of my husband’s beloved dad.

    I’ve spent my time since we got the word Dad went to the hospital splitting my time between helping my mother-in-law and my momma. It’s been a beautiful blessing in the midst of deep sorrow, and a tremendous challenge figuring out how to balance moving to a new office and jumping back into ALL THE THINGS I’ve been working toward these last few years.

    And that is just my story… There are millions of people around the world who have had their best laid plans and their lives turned upside down this year. Yesterday as I met with a client God dropped a truth so powerful in my spirit I had to write it down: “The only way to miss your appointment in this season, is to allow disappointment to rule over things you feel you haven’t done instead of focusing on what God is calling you to do now!”

    As I’ve weighed that thought and talked to God about it I felt Him pointing me to Paul’s writings in Philippians. Specifically: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14, and that’s in the New American Standard Bible.

    Now For This Week’s Reading…
    Let’s Pray, Father God, I ask that You would give each person within the sound of my voice eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to know you more. I pray that every person would encounter and be reminded that You think thoughts toward us and those thoughts are plans to prosper us and to bring about our future and hope in You. That as we read Your words of Truth, inspired by the Holy Spirit, we would be changed by them. Let our hearts be inspired to press into You more, to live for more and to experience more so Your glory may be known upon the earth. I ask these things in Jesus’ Holy Name, AMEN.

    As we move toward the end of this upside down kinda’ year, I’m going to be talking about the importance of vision and moving forward.

    Last October I was in much

    Blooming Inspired Podcast |Episode 166: We Need You, Holy Spirit! (Isaiah 11)

    Blooming Inspired Podcast |Episode 166: We Need You, Holy Spirit! (Isaiah 11)

    This week Michelle begins a new series “We Need You, Holy Spirit!” about these times of escalation and seasons of turbulence that we are finding ourselves in and how to move forward with God with everything else around us seems to be falling apart.
    Show Transcript:
    You are listening to the Blooming Inspired Podcast on the Blooming Inspired Podcast Network. We exist to empower the voices of women who live their lives #BloomingAlive through Podcast Community. Now, here is your host.

    Blooming Inspired Podcast equipping and empowering the voices of women who live their lives Blooming Alive.

    Good Afternoon!! This is Michelle Bentham, host of Blooming Inspired Podcast.

    Last week I had Beverly Flanagan on my show - she is a brand new host here on the Blooming Inspired Podcast Network! She is an elder in our network who is full of wisdom and life experience with a passion for God, His Spirit and His Word. Her show, In All Seasons: Living Wisely, Aging Well airs each week on Thursdays. I want to encourage you to check that out!

    This Week’s Reading
    Let’s Pray, Father God, I ask that you would give each person within the sound of my voice eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to know you more. I pray that every person would encounter your living presence and power through the Scriptures today and that as we do we would be changed by them. Let our hearts be inspired to believe for more, to live for more and to experience more so your glory may be known upon the earth. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to know! I ask these things in Jesus’ Precious Name, AMEN.

    The title for this episode and series is “We Need You. Holy Spirit!” I’m going to focus on Isaiah 11 today, where we learn about the seven fold ministry of God, or what is called The Seven Spirits of God.

    Today as we read, I want you to pay attention to the powerful promise of this passage and what God is saying to us about our circumstances today. As we read, don’t just listen for my insights - grab a notebook and pen, have your Bible open as we read and make notes about what you hear Him saying to you about where we are in this hour as a world, a nation, a city and the church. So much has been happening these last few months - and I’ve been in two positions since I last brought a word here in March. 1) Warring in the heavenly realms through intercession. Friends, if we do not understand that the war being waged around the world - especially here in the United States - is not of human origin, but it is of Dark Principalities, Powers and Spiritual Forces that are raging in the heavenlies right now then we will not rightly respond to this hour.

    I’ll share more on this in the weeks to come, but for now I will move on to that second position I’ve held these last few months. 2) I’ve been still in heart and mind, set on God and trusting Him. Living from rest and peace. I have traveled a few times and sat on a beach twice now that seemed so beautifully unaffected by the world raging around it. I’ve taken road trips to see my husband who is working out of town.

    With all the focus on the underlying conditions that bring complications with the Coronavirus and CoVid19, I also came to a decision and began a weight loss journey in June. I’ve spent the last nine weeks learning to manage and discipline my appetites and as a result I’ve lost 29 pounds and am now 69 pounds from my goal weight. I’ve also seen my total cholesterol drop from 257 to 174. My energy levels are better, and I’ve realized that I really don’t enjoy the processed and inflammatory foods that I ate in the past. I’m learning that I turned to food for comfort and to destress, that SUGAR totally handicapped not only my body but also my brain. I’ve learned that I can enjoy, explore and create a meal I love with healthy food choices and those choices don’t need to include fat, most sugars, starchy carbohydrates, soy products, or dairy -

    Blooming Inspired Podcast | Episode 165: In All Seasons (w/ Beverly Flanagan)

    Blooming Inspired Podcast | Episode 165: In All Seasons (w/ Beverly Flanagan)

    This week Michelle is back with guest and new #BloomingInspired podcaster, Beverly Flanagan! Beverly continues to walk as a woman of wisdom in all the seasons of her life. She is a woman who wears many hats: wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, advocate, minister and friend. Her career and her faith define the story she tells today as she shares her heart about the podcast she is hosting that will air each week on Thursdays right here on the Blooming Inspired Podcast Network!

    More about Beverly:
    Beverly is a graduate of Excelsior College, with certificates & certifications relating to her work in health & human services, which she has been doing for several decades.

    Currently she is Ombudsman Program Director for Senior Care Inc, out of Gloucester, Massachusetts; ombudsmen are advocates for residents in nursing homes. She looks forward to retirement in the near future, and an encore career as an independent writer and editor, and she is also the up and coming hostess for the podcast IN ALL SEASONS: LIVING WISELY, AGING WELL, on Blooming Inspired Podcast Network. Beverly has been married and divorced twice, never imagining she would meet someone as wonderful as John in this life.

    John is a graduate of Suffolk University with a BSBA & of the University of Massachusetts/Boston with an MS in Public Affairs; was a professional government auditor for 35+ years. Semi-retired, he is a certified driving instructor for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a Licensed Tour Guide in the City of Salem on the Salem Trolley, a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, currently serving as Division Commander, and a volunteer Money Manager for an elder services agency for clients unable to take care of their finances. John was previously married to his high school sweetheart Patricia for nearly 25 years, when she died of complications due to Muscular Dystrophy, he was widowed for almost a decade prior to meeting Beverly.

    They married in 2008, and share a blended family . They all live close to one another in the area with three amazing sons, one beautiful daughter, two wonderful daughters-in-law, and three fabulous grandchildren.

    Both John and Beverly serve their local Catholic parish as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and on the Visitation Ministry Team to Catholics who are home-bound or in nursing homes.

    They currently live in Danvers Massachusetts. Their hope is to someday retire to a quiet community elsewhere in New England. There they plan to continue to volunteer, and serve in parish ministry, as long as possible.

    Blooming Inspired Podcast | Episode 164: Fasting & Prayer (Daniel 9:3 & 1 John 4)

    Blooming Inspired Podcast | Episode 164: Fasting & Prayer (Daniel 9:3 & 1 John 4)

    This week Michelle begins a new series with commentary on the CoVid19 Pandemic from a biblical perspective and talking the next few weeks about turning the posture of our hearts to fasting and prayer. Today, we will look at how perfect love casts out fear and how turning our hearts to receive God’s Perfect Love helps us to in turn love others well.
    Show Transcript:
    You are listening to the Blooming Inspired Podcast on the Blooming Inspired Podcast Network. We exist to empower the voices of women who live their lives #BloomingAlive through Podcast Community. Now, here is your host.

    Blooming Inspired Podcast equipping and empowering the voices of women who live their lives Blooming Alive.

    Good Morning! This is Michelle Bentham, host of Blooming Inspired Podcast.

    Over the last 6 weeks we’ve been having a conversation with Karen Dearmand Gardener sharing her testimony about walking out of a 30 year marriage where she suffered Domestic Abuse and Violence, and how God spent the last 15 years redeeming her past and her pain as she has learned to heal and overcome those years of trauma and abuse. Be sure to keep up with Karen and the publication of her book on the subject scheduled for publication in 2021. Her Facebook Page is: facebook.com/crackthesilence

    This Week’s Reading
    Let’s Pray, Father God, I ask that you would give each person within the sound of my voice eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to know you more. I pray that every person would encounter your living presence and power through the Scriptures today and that as we do we would be changed by them. Let our hearts be inspired to believe for more, to live for more and to experience more so your glory may be known upon the earth. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to know! I ask these things in Jesus’ Precious Name, AMEN.

    The title for this episode and series is “Fasting & Prayer” It comes from Daniel 9:3 (ESV) “Then I turned my face to the Lord God, seeking him by prayer and pleas for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes.”

    Today we’re going to look at this posture of Fasting & Prayer represented in Daniel’s prayers throughout the book that bears his name. A posture of mourning, solitude and prayer where he allowed himself to be afflicted in order to draw near to God.

    Before we jump into Scripture I’d like to speak a bit on the CoVid19 Pandemic and just how I plan to spend my days in solitude as we watch for God’s healing power to overcome this deadly disease and bring peace and healing to all the people afflicted by it’s symptoms.

    I’ve been watching the “panic button” type fears as our stores are emptying with shoppers stocking up on anything and everything concerned about quarantines, and reading the posts of individuals who are living in what is now more than 50 days of isolation in Wuhan. Watching the “Flash Mob” on balconies in Italy and the ever darkening reports of increasing numbers of those who are testing positive, being hospitalized and the climbing death toll.

    I returned home with my husband last Friday night after going to the store to pick up groceries to get us through a couple of weeks and wept in his arms. Not because I am afraid, but because I am dismayed.

    Dismayed by people so selfish in their thinking that they would buy up all the toilet paper in the county daily. I mean really, toilet paper? I understand staple food products like bottled water, powdered milk or juice concentrates, flour, sugar, rice, beans, milk, cheese, bulk meats like ground beef, chicken and sausage. But the first thing to disappear is toilet paper?

    Dismayed by the mainstream media and Fox News for their fear mongering, politicizing and downright irresponsible reporting. Everything is exaggerated, dramatized and criticized. It is crazy out there.

    And as I felt myself spinning with all this dismay, wrapped in my husband’s arms - we prayed. I turned my heart to God, the Fathe

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