34 min

Top Insights From the Best: Chris Lytle Top Insights from the Best: Top Insights for CEOs, Sales & Marketing Leaders and Investors from the best experts in the world

    • Marketing

Chris Lytle has conducted more than 2200 seminars throughout the English-speaking world. A gifted speaker and teacher, Chris inspired and educated countless radio advertising sales professionals for 44 years. He is famous for providing “more usable information-per-minute” than anyone else in the business. Chris is the author of the business bestsellers, The Accidental Salesperson: How to Take Control of Your Sales Career and Earn the Respect and Income You Deserve and The Accidental Sal...

Chris Lytle has conducted more than 2200 seminars throughout the English-speaking world. A gifted speaker and teacher, Chris inspired and educated countless radio advertising sales professionals for 44 years. He is famous for providing “more usable information-per-minute” than anyone else in the business. Chris is the author of the business bestsellers, The Accidental Salesperson: How to Take Control of Your Sales Career and Earn the Respect and Income You Deserve and The Accidental Sal...

34 min