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第2202期:Which foods will survive 2,000 years from now‪?‬ 英语每日一听 | 每天少于5分钟

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Imagine for a moment you've travelled 2,000 years into the future. Which human foods do you think would stand the test of time, and would any of it still be edible? To find out, we first need to understand what makes food go off. 
想象一下您穿越到 2000 年后的未来。您认为哪些人类食物能够经受住时间的考验,其中有哪些仍然可以食用?为了找到答案,我们首先需要了解食物变质的原因。 
Food preservation's main opponent is microbial growth. An expert in food chemistry, Michael Sulu, says most foods spoil for that reason. When things like bacteria, mould and yeast grow on your food, it can become pathogenic, and food causing disease is best avoided! So, how can we limit their growth? 
Microbes love oxygen and water, so the key is to starve them of it. We can do this by drying, salting, chilling, or storing the food in airtight containers. According to Sulu, drying is the most effective because without water, microbes can't multiply. Freezing works in the short-term, but explorers who have found ancient frozen animals initially thought the meat looked edible, but once defrosted, it immediately became putrid, which doesn't sound at all palatable! 
But how can we make our favourite foods longer-lasting if we don't want to dry, salt or freeze them? That's where additives and preservatives come in. These chemicals help to improve the shelf life of our supermarket items, but it means the food becomes ultra-processed. High consumption of ultra-processed food is linked to problems like depression and obesity, according to a review of the research by Pagliai and colleagues in the British Journal of Nutrition. 
但是,如果我们不想干燥、加盐或冷冻我们最喜欢的食物,如何才能让它们保存得更长久呢?这就是添加剂和防腐剂的用武之地。这些化学物质有助于延长超市商品的保质期,但这意味着食品会被过度加工。根据 Pagliai 及其同事在《英国营养学杂志》上发表的一项研究综述,大量食用超加工食品与抑郁和肥胖等问题有关。 
So, what's going to be safe for us to eat in our hypothetical time travel scenario? "I would start off with anything that is vacuum-packed or dried as well," says Sulu. If you can't find any of that, you could go to the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, Norway, where there are almost one million samples of seeds from all over the world. They're in vaults designed to last forever, buried beneath the Arctic permafrost, so either eat the seeds, or start repopulating the plant world! 
stand the test of time 经得起时间的考验edible 可食用的go off (食物)变坏food preservation 食品保存microbial growth 微生物生长spoil (食物)变坏,变质bacteria 细

Imagine for a moment you've travelled 2,000 years into the future. Which human foods do you think would stand the test of time, and would any of it still be edible? To find out, we first need to understand what makes food go off. 
想象一下您穿越到 2000 年后的未来。您认为哪些人类食物能够经受住时间的考验,其中有哪些仍然可以食用?为了找到答案,我们首先需要了解食物变质的原因。 
Food preservation's main opponent is microbial growth. An expert in food chemistry, Michael Sulu, says most foods spoil for that reason. When things like bacteria, mould and yeast grow on your food, it can become pathogenic, and food causing disease is best avoided! So, how can we limit their growth? 
Microbes love oxygen and water, so the key is to starve them of it. We can do this by drying, salting, chilling, or storing the food in airtight containers. According to Sulu, drying is the most effective because without water, microbes can't multiply. Freezing works in the short-term, but explorers who have found ancient frozen animals initially thought the meat looked edible, but once defrosted, it immediately became putrid, which doesn't sound at all palatable! 
But how can we make our favourite foods longer-lasting if we don't want to dry, salt or freeze them? That's where additives and preservatives come in. These chemicals help to improve the shelf life of our supermarket items, but it means the food becomes ultra-processed. High consumption of ultra-processed food is linked to problems like depression and obesity, according to a review of the research by Pagliai and colleagues in the British Journal of Nutrition. 
但是,如果我们不想干燥、加盐或冷冻我们最喜欢的食物,如何才能让它们保存得更长久呢?这就是添加剂和防腐剂的用武之地。这些化学物质有助于延长超市商品的保质期,但这意味着食品会被过度加工。根据 Pagliai 及其同事在《英国营养学杂志》上发表的一项研究综述,大量食用超加工食品与抑郁和肥胖等问题有关。 
So, what's going to be safe for us to eat in our hypothetical time travel scenario? "I would start off with anything that is vacuum-packed or dried as well," says Sulu. If you can't find any of that, you could go to the Global Seed Vault in Svalbard, Norway, where there are almost one million samples of seeds from all over the world. They're in vaults designed to last forever, buried beneath the Arctic permafrost, so either eat the seeds, or start repopulating the plant world! 
stand the test of time 经得起时间的考验edible 可食用的go off (食物)变坏food preservation 食品保存microbial growth 微生物生长spoil (食物)变坏,变质bacteria 细

2 min