26 min

Abundance and Slavery Are in Your Limbic System! http://natu.io Natu.io

    • Entrepreneurship

Natu.io for more on Natu Myers' legendary principles.

Why is it important to know that Abundance and Slavery Are in Your Limbic System?

Pareto's Principle states that most (also known as the 80/20 rule states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Some of the most profound changes can come from understanding some of the simplest things in the human mind
It is important to be a master of the limbic system rather than be a slave to it
It will help you be more self-aware in business

What Do You Have to Be More Aware of Your Limbic System? 

Fear and Greed: Most people are slaves to fear and greed. Slaves to fear are more likely to be driven purely by emotion and short term or no planning. To be the master of fear, understand the fears and desires of your market, connect those to their problems and solve their problems. 
Mental Contrasting (i.e., Cognitive diffusion) and Not Reacting: Separate your automatic emotional reaction from your feeling. This is also a well-researched practice in goal-attainment science, called Mental-Contrasting and Implementation Intentions (MCII). It means you think about what you want, think about the obstacles that will stand in the way, and set up specific intentions about how you will handle those obstacles. Interestingly, just visualizing what you want (à la The Secret) is often negatively correlated with goal attainment. But visualizing success and thinking through a plan to deal with obstacles is highly associated with goal attainment. See Duckworth, A. L., et al. (2011a) and Oettingen, G., et al. (2001). For a discussion of self-talk in the third person, see Kross, E., et al. (2014). " My automatic emotions don’t have to be in charge. My feelings are my own." Brendon Burchard

How to Use the Habits to See Abundance and Slavery Are in Your Limbic System!

Weekly, reflect:

Mental triggers I'll set up are ________

A time my identity held me back was ________.

Fear ruled me when ________.

I need to react better to ________.

Natu.io for more on Natu Myers' legendary principles.

Why is it important to know that Abundance and Slavery Are in Your Limbic System?

Pareto's Principle states that most (also known as the 80/20 rule states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Some of the most profound changes can come from understanding some of the simplest things in the human mind
It is important to be a master of the limbic system rather than be a slave to it
It will help you be more self-aware in business

What Do You Have to Be More Aware of Your Limbic System? 

Fear and Greed: Most people are slaves to fear and greed. Slaves to fear are more likely to be driven purely by emotion and short term or no planning. To be the master of fear, understand the fears and desires of your market, connect those to their problems and solve their problems. 
Mental Contrasting (i.e., Cognitive diffusion) and Not Reacting: Separate your automatic emotional reaction from your feeling. This is also a well-researched practice in goal-attainment science, called Mental-Contrasting and Implementation Intentions (MCII). It means you think about what you want, think about the obstacles that will stand in the way, and set up specific intentions about how you will handle those obstacles. Interestingly, just visualizing what you want (à la The Secret) is often negatively correlated with goal attainment. But visualizing success and thinking through a plan to deal with obstacles is highly associated with goal attainment. See Duckworth, A. L., et al. (2011a) and Oettingen, G., et al. (2001). For a discussion of self-talk in the third person, see Kross, E., et al. (2014). " My automatic emotions don’t have to be in charge. My feelings are my own." Brendon Burchard

How to Use the Habits to See Abundance and Slavery Are in Your Limbic System!

Weekly, reflect:

Mental triggers I'll set up are ________

A time my identity held me back was ________.

Fear ruled me when ________.

I need to react better to ________.

26 min