109 episodes

The Go-To Podcast for Christian Women Who Want to Dive into Their Purpose!


Do you wish you could find time to balance everything and still walk in your purpose? Are you constantly feeling like you don’t know which way God wants you to go or what He wants you to do? Tired of getting too overwhelmed, fighting the battlefield in your mind, and questioning yourself, How do I know if I’m being purposeful?

I’m so excited that you’re here! This podcast will help you understand your purpose, find time to work on what you’re actually called to do (even while working full-time), and go deeper in your relationship with God!

Hey, I’m Shayla. Executive Pastor, Nonprofit Director and Entrepreneur. For 10+ years, I was completely stressed out. Doing all of the things: trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I started several businesses that flopped, signed up for multiple courses and training programs, and created random content for my blog, my YouTube channel and social media.

I finally realized that if I was going to confidently walk in my calling then I needed to create habits that allowed me to dig deeper with God and let Him lead me into the purpose that He has for me.

I now have a blueprint to identify my calling and the action steps needed to make it happen and I’m ready to share it with you!

If you’re ready for some simple strategies designed for busy Christian women like you, who desire to get clear on their next steps, so they can move forward in Kingdom impact - like those empowerment sessions you’ve dreamed of hosting, then this podcast is for you!

So…it’s time for some girl chat, you grab the popcorn, I’ll grab the peanut M&Ms, and meet me on the couch…let’s get started!

Next Steps:
Check Out the FREE Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebies
Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/
Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

Called and Confident for Christian Women | Destiny, Purpose, Skills, Ministry, Goals Shayla Hilton - Purpose Coach, Mentor, CEO

    • Religion & Spirituality

The Go-To Podcast for Christian Women Who Want to Dive into Their Purpose!


Do you wish you could find time to balance everything and still walk in your purpose? Are you constantly feeling like you don’t know which way God wants you to go or what He wants you to do? Tired of getting too overwhelmed, fighting the battlefield in your mind, and questioning yourself, How do I know if I’m being purposeful?

I’m so excited that you’re here! This podcast will help you understand your purpose, find time to work on what you’re actually called to do (even while working full-time), and go deeper in your relationship with God!

Hey, I’m Shayla. Executive Pastor, Nonprofit Director and Entrepreneur. For 10+ years, I was completely stressed out. Doing all of the things: trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I started several businesses that flopped, signed up for multiple courses and training programs, and created random content for my blog, my YouTube channel and social media.

I finally realized that if I was going to confidently walk in my calling then I needed to create habits that allowed me to dig deeper with God and let Him lead me into the purpose that He has for me.

I now have a blueprint to identify my calling and the action steps needed to make it happen and I’m ready to share it with you!

If you’re ready for some simple strategies designed for busy Christian women like you, who desire to get clear on their next steps, so they can move forward in Kingdom impact - like those empowerment sessions you’ve dreamed of hosting, then this podcast is for you!

So…it’s time for some girl chat, you grab the popcorn, I’ll grab the peanut M&Ms, and meet me on the couch…let’s get started!

Next Steps:
Check Out the FREE Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebies
Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/
Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

    106. Feeling Uncomfortable in a Season of Change? How Your Purpose in Life can Help You Move Forward.

    106. Feeling Uncomfortable in a Season of Change? How Your Purpose in Life can Help You Move Forward.

    Come and join our free community: calledandconfidentcommunity.com

    The Nature of Life and Change

    Life is filled with swift transitions, often catching us off guard.
    Emphasizing the importance of purpose even during times of change.

    Embracing Your Purpose Amidst Change

    Developing Character: Purpose work first changes and develops you. God uses these transitions to build character and prepare you for future challenges.
    Realigning Desires: Your desires and needs align more with God’s will as you grow in your purpose, leading to a more fulfilling life.
    Finding Meaning: Walking in your purpose gives your life meaning, helping you feel connected, fulfilled, and motivated.
    Connecting the Dots: Over time, the seemingly random events and experiences in your life will start to make sense as they connect to your purpose.

    Staying on the Right Path

    Cling tightly to your purpose to stay on the right path, even when the journey is messy and unpredictable.
    Be prepared for detours and extended timelines; persistence and faith are key.

    Understanding the Messiness of Purpose Work

    Purpose work can be messy and is often not what we expect. It requires resilience and determination.
    Embrace the challenges and frustrations, knowing they are part of the journey.

    The Unfolding Nature of Purpose

    Your purpose and God’s plan for your life will unfold over time. Flexibility and trust are essential.
    Be willing to adjust and flow with changes, holding your plans loosely while clinging to the overarching vision.

    Encouragement and Closing

    Reassurance that listeners will make it through their current season of change.
    Reminder to stay close to God, trust in His plan, and keep moving forward one step at a time.
    Encouraging words to hold on to purpose and remain determined, despite the messiness and unpredictability.



    Next Steps:

    Check Out the Free Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebies  

    Join the Free Community: calledandconfidentcommunity.com

    Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/

    Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

    • 22 min
    105. Instead of Feeling Stuck, Try These 4 Tips to Finally Grow with Christ.

    105. Instead of Feeling Stuck, Try These 4 Tips to Finally Grow with Christ.

    - Many women feel stuck; like their relationship with God has become stagnant

    Tip 1: Get Active 
    - Find simple ways to serve others through volunteering or helping at church, in your community, family, or workplace
    - Serving makes you feel closer to Christ and purposeful

    Tip 2: Find a Biblical Role Model
    - Look in the scriptures for someone going through a similar season
    - Study their life, context, struggles and how they persevered 
    - Let their story provide wisdom for your own situation

    Tip 3: Join a Community
    - Don’t go through this season alone, find a community of like-minded believers
    - Being around others who understand provides support and encouragement

    Tip 4: Study God’s Character  
    - When stuck, we may start questioning God’s goodness/love
    - Deliberately study who God is - His nature, names, sovereignty  
    - This builds faith that He is in control even when we don’t understand



    Next Steps:

    Check Out My FREE Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebies  

    Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/

    Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

    • 17 min
    104. 5 Truths about the Calling on Your Life & Why You’re Feeling Overwhelmed, Friend.

    104. 5 Truths about the Calling on Your Life & Why You’re Feeling Overwhelmed, Friend.

    FREE 5-DAY BIBLE READING PLAN: Go Deeper with God to Know Your Purpose in Life: https://www.shaylahilton.com/godeeper

    Description: In today’s episode of the Called and Confident Podcast, Shayla Hilton dives into the challenges many women face when trying to understand and embrace their calling. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, uncertain, or unsure about what God has called you to do, you’re not alone. Join Shayla as she discusses five key truths about the calling on your life and shares practical steps to help you move forward with confidence and clarity.

    Key Topics Discussed

    The Overwhelming Nature of Callings:

    Feeling overwhelmed and nervous about your calling is common.
    Many women struggle with understanding what God wants them to do and how to achieve it.

    Five Truths About Your Calling:

    Specificity: Your calling is very specific and unique to you. God has a deliberate plan for your life.
    Productivity: God seeks productive individuals who are already working diligently. Your current work ethic is crucial.
    Visionary Mindset: You must be a visionary, able to see the big picture even without all the details.
    Obedience: Quick and complete obedience to God’s direction is essential.
    Community: God will place you in a supportive community to help accomplish your calling.

    Biblical Reference:

    Shayla explores Mark 1:16-20 (NIV) to highlight how Jesus called his disciples and the principles we can learn from their immediate obedience and productivity.

    Practical Application:

    Encouragement to maintain excellence in current work as preparation for future calling.
    Emphasis on the importance of being visionary and trusting God’s plan without needing all the steps outlined.

    Invitation to Deeper Engagement:

    Shayla invites listeners to join a transformative journey through the book of Nehemiah to explore God’s calling and purpose further.
    Actionable Steps

    Reflect on Your Specific Calling:

    Spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to reveal the specific work He has for you.

    Maintain Productivity:

    Continue to work diligently in your current roles, developing a habit of excellence.

    Embrace a Visionary Mindset:

    Look beyond your current situation and trust that God has a bigger picture for your life.

    Practice Quick Obedience:

    When you sense God’s direction, act on it promptly without hesitation.

    Seek Community:

    Engage with a supportive community that shares your faith and vision to encourage and uplift each other.
    Final Encouragement

    Shayla reminds listeners that feeling overwhelmed by a big calling is natural. It’s a high calling from God, and it requires faith, vision, productivity, and quick obedience. Trust that God has a specific plan for you and that He will bring it to completion. Keep pressing forward in faith, and remember, you are not alone on this journey.

    Scriptural Reference: Philippians 4:13 (KJV) - ”I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”



    Next Steps:

    Check Out My FREE Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebies  

    Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/

    Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

    • 24 min
    Welcome to Called and Confident for Christian Women! Listen in for Simple Strategies to Dive into Your Purpose!

    Welcome to Called and Confident for Christian Women! Listen in for Simple Strategies to Dive into Your Purpose!

    The Go-To Podcast for Christian Women Who Want to Dive into Their Purpose!

    Do you wish you could find time to balance everything and still walk in your purpose? Are you constantly feeling like you don’t know which way God wants you to go or what He wants you to do? Tired of getting too overwhelmed, fighting the battlefield in your mind, and questioning yourself, How do I know if I’m being purposeful?

    I’m so excited that you’re here! This podcast will help you understand your purpose, find time to work on what you’re actually called to do (even while working full-time), and go deeper in your relationship with God!

    Hey, I’m Shayla. Executive Pastor, Nonprofit Director and Entrepreneur. For 10+ years, I was completely stressed out. Doing all of the things: trying to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. I started several businesses that flopped, signed up for multiple courses and training programs, and created random content for my blog, my YouTube channel and social media.

    I finally realized that if I was going to confidently walk in my calling then I needed to create habits that allowed me to dig deeper with God and let Him lead me into the purpose that He has for me.

    I now have a blueprint to identify my calling and the action steps needed to make it happen and I’m ready to share it with you!

    If you’re ready for some simple strategies designed for busy Christian women like you, who desire to get clear on their next steps, so they can move forward in Kingdom impact - like those empowerment sessions you’ve dreamt of hosting, then this podcast is for you!

    So…it’s time for some girl chat, you grab the popcorn, I’ll grab the peanut M&Ms, and meet me on the couch…let’s get started!

    Next Steps:
    Check Out the FREE Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebies
    Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/
    Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

    • 1 min
    103. Struggling with Your Relationship with God? 3 Tips to Walk in Purpose as a Busy Christian Woman.

    103. Struggling with Your Relationship with God? 3 Tips to Walk in Purpose as a Busy Christian Woman.

    FREE 5-Day Bible Reading Plan: Go Deeper with God to Know Your Purpose in Life: https://www.shaylahilton.com/godeeper

    Episode Description: In this episode, Shayla addresses a common struggle many Christian women face: feeling distant from God. If you’ve ever questioned your relationship with God or felt like you’re not as close to Him as you used to be, you’re not alone. Shayla offers three practical tips to help you reignite that spiritual fire and walk in your purpose, even in the midst of a busy life.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Tip 1: Spend 10 Minutes of Quiet Time with God

    Carving out at least 10 minutes a day for quiet time with God can help refresh and renew your spirit.
    Quiet time helps you feel more centered, focused, and less irritable.

    Tip 2: Give Yourself Permission to Dream Again

    Dreaming again can reignite hope and expectation, which positively impacts your relationship with God.
    Revisit old dreams and goals that you may have set aside due to life’s busyness.

    Tip 3: Try a Short Bible Reading Plan

    A short Bible reading plan can help you consistently get into the Word and deepen your relationship with God.
    Shayla offers her own five-day Bible reading plan, “Go Deeper with God to Know Your Purpose in Life,” as a starting point.

    Listener Action Items:

    Spend 10 minutes of quiet time with God each day.
    Reflect on and revisit your old dreams and goals.
    Start a short Bible reading plan to build the habit of daily scripture reading.
    Leave a written review on Apple Podcasts.
    Share this episode with another sister who is ready to confidently walk in her calling.



    Next Steps:

    Check Out the FREE Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebies  

    Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/

    Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

    • 17 min
    102. 3 Ways to Know You’re Following the Right Calling…Listen In!

    102. 3 Ways to Know You’re Following the Right Calling…Listen In!

    FREE CHECKLIST: 7 Steps to Launch into Your Calling: https://www.shaylahilton.com/checklist


    -Look for confirmations from God that you’re on the right path.
    -These can come through people, scriptures, or seemingly coincidental signs.
    -Examples include someone mentioning something you’ve prayed about or stumbling upon a relevant Bible verse.


    -God will bring the right people into your life to help you on your path.
    -These ”destiny helpers” can be mentors, supporters, or gatekeepers who open doors for you.
    -Be discerning to avoid connections that could distract or derail you from your calling.


    -Clarity often comes after you give your initial yes to God and start taking action.
    -As you take steps, more details will unfold, often through interactions with others or new insights.
    -Patience and trust in God’s timing are crucial.



    Next Steps:

    Check Out the FREE Resources: https://www.shaylahilton.com/freebies  

    Join Path to Purpose Academy (PPA): https://bit.ly/3Gxk0oq 

    Visit the Website: https://www.shaylahilton.com/

    Email Us: hello@shaylahilton.com

    • 22 min

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