764 episodes

GGTHW discusses a variety of topics. Knowing that praying is our line of communication to God. Seeking him through his word. Then finding encouragement through his word. For all of the daily challenges of life. The triune GOD wants us to lean on him. Sharing his word is his command. That is the goal to share, pray, and encourage keeping the focus always on GOD!

Thank you for any your financial gift.


God's Gift Through His Word T.Drake

    • Religion & Spirituality

GGTHW discusses a variety of topics. Knowing that praying is our line of communication to God. Seeking him through his word. Then finding encouragement through his word. For all of the daily challenges of life. The triune GOD wants us to lean on him. Sharing his word is his command. That is the goal to share, pray, and encourage keeping the focus always on GOD!

Thank you for any your financial gift.


    💁🏾‍♀Make your decision💭🤔💭

    💁🏾‍♀Make your decision💭🤔💭

    All right. Hello, hello, everyone. How are you doing tonight? I hope you are doing well. And you see the lights, we're going to get into our message about making your decision. We're going to talk about it. And first of all, let me get myself into this live on my other device. So I can be part of the conversation with our Bible study. So we're going to do that real quick. Make sure I mute my house. There's no weird noises coming. Take that down. Hopefully that helps out. We'll see what happens. Okay. I think we should be good to go. Turn that all the way down so there's no extra Background noise. Okay. Okay. Well, here we go. Do this here. All right. Boom. Here we go. So let me close this one off for a minute. You just want to get the minute. So right now we're just going to get into this. And before we do, I am going to go ahead and have our music. And then when I come back, we'll get into this message and we'll pray and we'll do our thing. OK, so you know what I'm going to do. Here we go. All right, so I am back. And what I'm going to do right now is I am going to go ahead and pull up my screen. So we're going to talk about making a decision. So we're going to go and jump into James. So let me go ahead and pull that up. Let me present my screen so I can let you guys see what I will be reading. It wasn't working. I can't even say it. So let's do that. All right. And look, you guys, I figured it out. Oh, yeah. Okay. So we are here. So I'm going to go ahead and read that. Hopefully you guys can see it. And we're going to be in, of course, James chapter 1, verses 2 through 8. And it reads as such, my brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, but let patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, With no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. So let me go ahead and pause the cause. Let's go ahead and pray before I get into the rest of our message and our scripture. Holy Father, Lord, I thank you right now. for this time to be with you, Lord God, to be in your word. I pray that this message, Lord God, would bless someone and help them, encourage them along their way. Lord God, as you show us, Lord God, in your word, what you would have us to do, Lord, let us not have you in our life as an afterthought. Lord, let us consult you in every decision that we make. And Lord, when we make the decision, Lord, let us stand on it. Let us walk by faith and not by what we see, Lord God, and help us to trust Lord God, that you will redirect us if we're going the wrong way. Lord, I thank you for the time and this allowance for God. Just to share a little bit of this word with Lord, these are precious, amazing, and lovely people. Lord, I thank you for the meeting of different people. I thank you for a beautiful day today. Lord, I thank you for the friends and family. Lord, I thank you for the roof over my head and the things that you have provided for me. Lord, it is not lost on me and I don't forget it. Lord God, I don't want to ever Thank you, Lord God, that I did anything on my own. Because, Lord God, that would be false and a fallacy. So, Lord, as I go ahead and share, Lord, let the Holy Spirit have his way on today. In the name of your precious son, Jesus, I pray. Amen. All right. So, as we've read that, let me go ahead and pull up our next set of scriptures. And I will jump in that. We think it will do it better this way. Let me do it. I'll do it like this. Okay. This. Two. Like what? And three. One, two, and three. Yes, okay. So we are going to be in Proverbs 16. We're going to use this passage as well.

    • 28 min
    ✨Friendship is a gift do not abuse it!✨

    ✨Friendship is a gift do not abuse it!✨

    Enjoy this episode!! Please like share and subscribe.

    00:00:02.411 --> 00:00:03.032

    All right.

    00:00:03.072 --> 00:00:03.373


    00:00:03.412 --> 00:00:04.113

    Hello everyone.

    00:00:04.192 --> 00:00:05.134

    How are you guys doing?

    00:00:05.174 --> 00:00:07.936

    Hope you guys are having a fabulous day.

    00:00:07.976 --> 00:00:09.276

    Hope you had a fabulous day

    00:00:09.297 --> 00:00:11.557

    I know I did my arm is

    00:00:11.618 --> 00:00:13.298

    still a little bit messed up.

    00:00:13.919 --> 00:00:15.480

    I went in yesterday I think

    00:00:15.521 --> 00:00:17.341

    I guys told you guys that I

    00:00:17.402 --> 00:00:19.303

    went to the va got my shot

    00:00:19.422 --> 00:00:20.824

    and my arm was banging

    00:00:20.884 --> 00:00:23.425

    yesterday It is still yet banging now

    00:00:24.263 --> 00:00:25.664

    But it's okay because that's

    00:00:25.704 --> 00:00:26.864

    not going to stop me My arm

    00:00:27.405 --> 00:00:28.405

    is just going to do what it

    00:00:28.446 --> 00:00:30.486

    does and it will eventually

    00:00:30.646 --> 00:00:32.106

    of course come around to

    00:00:32.167 --> 00:00:34.188

    being back to normal so for now,

    00:00:34.228 --> 00:00:35.088

    it's just a little bit sore,

    00:00:35.209 --> 00:00:37.389

    but Before we get into all

    00:00:37.450 --> 00:00:38.649

    the good stuff and juicy

    00:00:38.689 --> 00:00:40.310

    stuff about what we're

    00:00:40.350 --> 00:00:41.811

    talking about Which is

    00:00:41.831 --> 00:00:42.752

    talking about friendship

    00:00:42.951 --> 00:00:45.273

    and I love talking about friendship Uh,

    00:00:45.353 --> 00:00:46.713

    but before we do that,

    00:00:46.832 --> 00:00:47.814

    we are going to do what

    00:00:48.173 --> 00:00:49.475

    what we always do So I'm

    00:00:49.494 --> 00:00:50.414

    not even going to tell you guys

    00:00:50.969 --> 00:00:52.375

    because I'm just going to do

    00:00:52.435 --> 00:00:53.899

    my Q and I'll be back.

    00:01:27.424 --> 00:01:29.906

    All right, so I am back.

    00:01:30.445 --> 00:01:30.745


    00:01:30.805 --> 00:01:32.287

    Hello Okay,

    00:01:32.307 --> 00:01:33.867

    so we are going to talk about

    00:01:33.968 --> 00:01:35.748

    friendship and friendship

    00:01:36.230 --> 00:01:38.450

    is a gift It's a gift and I

    00:01:38.510 --> 00:01:40.191

    said friendship is a gift

    00:01:40.331 --> 00:01:44.174

    do not abuse it and I've been uh,

    00:01:44.194 --> 00:01:45.736

    I guess this has been a

    00:01:45.775 --> 00:01:48.957

    thing For me and I have

    00:01:49.117 --> 00:01:51.920

    always really Enjoyed

    00:01:51.959 --> 00:01:54.021

    having good friends solid friends

    00:01:54.772 --> 00:01:56.034

    But it's when you have those

    00:01:56.114 --> 00:01:57.114

    friends that you thought

    00:01:57.155 --> 00:01:57.954

    were friends and they

    00:01:57.974 --> 00:01:59.736

    really turned out to not be friends.

    00:01:59.757 --> 00:02:01.317

    Oh, my.

    00:02:01.578 --> 00:02:03.700

    It turns out to be something else.

    00:02:04.319 --> 00:02:05.960

    So I was just watching a

    00:02:06.021 --> 00:02:08.103

    couple of clips that were on Instagram.

    00:02:08.242 --> 00:02:12.126

    One was one of these actresses was saying,

    00:02:12.145 --> 00:02:13.486

    if you want to if you want

    00:02:13.507 --> 00:02:14.587

    to have a friendship,

    00:02:14.668 --> 00:02:16.649

    if you want to have friends, guess what?

    00:02:16.789 --> 00:02:17.569

    The great verse.

    00:02:17.610 --> 00:02:18.730

    And I'm going to quote the

    00:02:18.751 --> 00:02:19.572

    verse that she said and

    00:02:19.592 --> 00:02:20.532

    read the whole thing.

    00:02:21.133 --> 00:02:22.514

    KJV, it says a man.

    00:02:23.014 --> 00:02:26.176

    that hath friends, show himself friendly.

    00:02:27.056 --> 00:02:28.337

    And there is a friend that

    00:02:28.377 --> 00:02:30.620

    sticketh closer than a brother.

    00:02:31.259 --> 00:02:32.461

    So basically you got to be


    • 54 min
    📣Don't get caught up: Sexual Sin🤔💭

    📣Don't get caught up: Sexual Sin🤔💭

    Enjoy this episode!!! Please like share and subscribe!!! Take the poll and leave a comment about what you liked about this episode.

    00:00:35.366 --> 00:00:36.506

    All right.

    00:00:37.167 --> 00:00:37.787


    00:00:37.887 --> 00:00:38.368


    00:00:38.448 --> 00:00:39.607

    How are you guys doing?

    00:00:40.289 --> 00:00:41.069


    00:00:41.189 --> 00:00:41.588


    00:00:41.649 --> 00:00:42.009


    00:00:42.048 --> 00:00:42.509


    00:00:42.529 --> 00:00:44.070

    How are you guys doing?

    00:00:44.090 --> 00:00:46.930

    I hope you guys had a great, great day.

    00:00:47.470 --> 00:00:49.131

    And now we are, for me,

    00:00:50.072 --> 00:00:52.311

    having a great time right now.

    00:00:52.932 --> 00:00:54.232

    Excited to be with you guys

    00:00:54.832 --> 00:00:57.753

    and happy Thursday.

    00:00:59.314 --> 00:01:00.554

    And of course, when you hear this,

    00:01:00.975 --> 00:01:01.875

    you'll be like, hey,

    00:01:02.115 --> 00:01:03.435

    it is totally not that time.

    00:01:03.936 --> 00:01:05.236

    But I got out of here late.

    00:01:05.816 --> 00:01:08.257

    You know, sometimes you get tired, right?

    00:01:08.697 --> 00:01:10.358

    You're like, ooh, me.

    00:01:12.117 --> 00:01:13.957

    But I woke up.

    00:01:14.358 --> 00:01:14.838

    So anyway,

    00:01:15.638 --> 00:01:17.759

    I know that my consistency about

    00:01:18.459 --> 00:01:20.219

    what I've set myself to do,

    00:01:20.900 --> 00:01:21.939

    I'm going to stick with

    00:01:21.980 --> 00:01:24.760

    that and I'm going to do it.

    00:01:25.340 --> 00:01:28.341

    So today we are going to be

    00:01:28.402 --> 00:01:32.423

    talking about sexual sense.

    00:01:33.903 --> 00:01:34.882

    You can get caught up.

    00:01:35.743 --> 00:01:36.164

    You can.

    00:01:37.623 --> 00:01:39.484

    And we're going to get into that.

    00:01:39.905 --> 00:01:42.864

    But before I talk about that,

    00:01:43.085 --> 00:01:44.305

    let's go ahead and pray.

    00:01:44.965 --> 00:01:46.105

    And then I've got some

    00:01:47.887 --> 00:01:48.927

    scripture for you guys.

    00:01:49.486 --> 00:01:51.108

    So I got a lot of scriptures

    00:01:51.248 --> 00:01:53.608

    and we'll just talk because

    00:01:53.628 --> 00:01:54.688

    that's what we do over here

    00:01:54.808 --> 00:01:55.549

    in these streets.

    00:01:55.989 --> 00:01:56.888

    And if you're new to me,

    00:01:57.409 --> 00:01:58.650

    my name is T. Drake,

    00:01:58.730 --> 00:02:00.629

    podcasting godmother of connection.

    00:02:01.471 --> 00:02:03.111

    And this is what I do.

    00:02:03.932 --> 00:02:05.914

    I sometimes have Bible

    00:02:05.933 --> 00:02:07.314

    studies and go through different books,

    00:02:08.015 --> 00:02:09.377

    and sometimes I just have

    00:02:09.817 --> 00:02:11.217

    conversations either about

    00:02:11.618 --> 00:02:13.080

    some topics that are going

    00:02:13.240 --> 00:02:15.262

    on in the world or some

    00:02:15.301 --> 00:02:16.902

    things I've gone through personally,

    00:02:17.604 --> 00:02:18.865

    and whatever the Lord leads

    00:02:18.925 --> 00:02:21.407

    me to share about, that's what I do.

    00:02:21.667 --> 00:02:23.889

    So we're going to go ahead and pray,

    00:02:23.968 --> 00:02:25.931

    and then we'll get right into this.

    00:02:26.771 --> 00:02:27.151

    Here we go.

    00:02:27.853 --> 00:02:29.114

    Gracious Heavenly Father, Lord,

    00:02:29.174 --> 00:02:31.515

    thank you for this time where God did

    00:02:32.222 --> 00:02:33.562

    once again, be in your word.

    00:02:33.703 --> 00:02:33.923


    00:02:33.943 --> 00:02:37.627

    it is always a privilege and an honor,

    00:02:37.646 --> 00:02:37.926

    and Lord,

    00:02:37.947 --> 00:02:40.808

    I am humbled to be able to do it.

    00:02:41.229 --> 00:02:41.409


    00:02:41.430 --> 00:02:43.531

    I thank you for the allowance to even

    00:02:43.570 --> 00:02:44.651

    be in your word and that

    00:02:44.692 --> 00:02:46.614

    you are allowing

    • 36 min
    Peace is possible #TDRAKE #GGTHW ##ShiftingBillions @air1radio

    Peace is possible #TDRAKE #GGTHW ##ShiftingBillions @air1radio

    Jesus can provide peace that surpasses all understanding. You can have peace, not like world gives. Peace the way the Lord gives it is so much.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ggthw/message

    • 58 min
    Continue to share the message

    Continue to share the message

    There will be people who act like they supported you. The message you shared was important then, and now they want to change their tune. Remember, the Lord knows all and sees all. He knows the hard work you are doing. Continue on the path set before you.


    Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ggthw/message

    • 48 min
    Don't Let Abuse Change You #TDRAKE #GGTHW #ShiftingBillions @air1radio

    Don't Let Abuse Change You #TDRAKE #GGTHW #ShiftingBillions @air1radio

    Alright, hello, hello everyone. How are you doing? So, it is late night and of course I am on sharing and this is going to be the start of my 16th days. But before we get into this, you guys know what I'm going to do. What I'm going to do, I'm going to go ahead and get the theme music and then we'll come back and talk about our topic, which is... Don't let abuse change you. Definitely don't want to do that. So let me be quiet and here we go. Alright, I am back with you guys. So yes, I was just giving you a slight intro into the title of this particular podcast slash content slash stream and it is called Don't Let Abuse Change You. So definitely don't want to do that. So I wanted to talk about that because there's just there's always something that needs to be talked about. And because I have just done that PBS special with those lovely ladies and Miss Laura Flanders. I wanted to still continue talking about that because there's other abuses that happen and sometimes we kind of don't talk about any of them. But in particular, we'll be talking just about general abuse. And I think we're going to just tailor this one to, of course, domestic violence. It might go somewhere else as well, but for now, we'll just do that. So before we get started, I normally... do bible studies on here but and not on here because I haven't been on in a while but normally do my bible studies whenever I'm going live but today I will be pulling a little bit of scripture and hopefully during this entire 60 days, I will definitely be utilizing more scripture, and I'll be definitely using John 15 for a lot of this with the relationship between Christ, the relationship between others, the relationship between the world, and definitely want to talk about that. But we're going to go ahead and just jump into this topic right now. So we do have a purpose and you have a purpose I have a purpose the lord has set a purpose for us long before our parents even knew who we were and sometimes going along our journey we run into abuse And you could either have abuse in family, abuse with relationships with significant others. You could have abuse in all myriad ways and different venues and different places and spaces in your life. And sometimes those different types of abuse, they can cause a lot of damage. And we know it. I know it. You know it. And those damages can be mental and emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual, digital, and they're hard to deal with. And as I share with you guys, I share from a lot of experience of having to really navigate the abuse of And I'm not going to put a trigger warning on here because I'm hoping I'm not going to say anything triggering. If I do, I might go back and edit it to say trigger warning, but I'm hoping this is benign enough that it doesn't cause anyone to be triggered. But if you are, if something happens, doesn't sound right or it troubles you please turn this off take care of yourself because I definitely want you to do that I don't think I'm going to be bringing up a whole bunch of things uh as far as the situation of of old abuse so it should be okay So when I talk about this, and I talk about it for a myriad of reasons, not because I'm trying to give myself a pity party and not because I'm trying to put anybody on blast, but I am trying to help others to be aware and be cognizant of abuse. And as long as I have breath to talk about it and speak about it, I will. So when I was going through my different abuses and domestic violence in my life, it was just easier to bury all of it. And some of the abuses I went through when I was younger kind of led to the abuse that I had when I was older and all these different things, kind of these escapes. And when I look back, I saw that I was trying to navigate and handle That was harmful to me. And it wasn't always easy. So sometimes people will think that you're just doing stuff and they have things to say about you.


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    • 45 min

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