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Listen to the teachings from New Life Gillette Church in Gillette, WY where they invite you to come as you are and become who God created you to be.

New Life Gillette Church Teachings New Life Gillette Church

    • Religion & Spirituality

Listen to the teachings from New Life Gillette Church in Gillette, WY where they invite you to come as you are and become who God created you to be.

    More Than Animals - Week 4 - Violence

    More Than Animals - Week 4 - Violence

    More Than Animals: Violence
    Before diving into today's topic, I want to start with a brief word about politics. I firmly believe that neither political nor military solutions can fully address the deep issues America faces today. While we do need good Christian people engaged in political battles, the core problem is too profound to be solved solely through these means. We need to win hearts first.
    In 1973, a major shift occurred in American politics. Previously, Democrats and Republicans primarily contested economic and legal issues. However, once politicians entered the realm of morality, they struggled. Now, choosing between Democrat and Republican often means choosing a set of morals. We must stop trusting politicians to define our morals. There is no political solution to our problem; we need a spiritual solution.
    We often speak about the revival sparked by John Wesley, but we seldom discuss its societal impact. The Wesleyan revival, along with George Whitfield's efforts, saved England from a revolution similar to France's. Secular media rarely tells this story.
    Consider Tiananmen Square, known for the iconic image of a man standing before a tank. The secular narrative frames it as a victory for democracy, but that oversimplifies the truth. In reality, thousands of Christians were baptized in Tiananmen Square during a Christian revival.
    We need a spiritual revival. Amen?
    Violence: An Introduction
    We’re in a series called More Than Animals, exploring what sets humans apart from animals. When someone says, "I’m not an animal," they mean they won't let their emotions control them. Today’s topic is one you might not have heard a sermon on before: Violence.
    Watching nature shows about animals killing other animals is unsettling. The world is unimaginably violent, from fish eating fish in the sea to the constant struggles for survival. We must acknowledge that:
    The world has a violence problem.
    In recent years, both illegal and legal violence (war) have increased significantly. While I am not a pacifist and support fighting for those who cannot defend themselves, Paul’s words resonate deeply:
    Romans 12:19-21: "Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, 'I will take revenge; I will pay them back,' says the Lord. Instead, 'If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.' Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good."
    Just War
    We must consider what constitutes a just war. Here are five criteria based on Scripture:

    Legitimate Authority: War must be waged by a recognized authority, not by mobs, terrorists, or anarchists. God establishes rulers to govern people.

    Defensive, Not Offensive: Governments often label wars as defensive, but we must honestly evaluate the true motivations—protecting people or seizing resources.

    Fight Fighters: Avoid intentionally harming civilians. Target the aggressors, not the innocent.

    Preserve Life: Use proportional force, ensuring more lives are preserved than taken.

    Last Resort: War should be a last resort, not a knee-jerk reaction. We must be slow to respond.

    The War of Hearts
    The conflict in Israel is fundamentally a war of hearts. As long as the people of Gaza harbor hatred towards Israelis, groups like Hamas will continue to rise. Military action alone cannot change hearts, as we learned in Afghanistan.
    This principle applies to our personal

    • 33 min
    More Than Animals - Week 3 - Monogamy

    More Than Animals - Week 3 - Monogamy

    We’re in a series called More Than Animals, where we're exploring the unique aspects of being human. Today’s topic is Monogamy.
    MonogamyIn our current culture, everything is sexualized. It’s pervasive on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and various dating apps. They elevate sex to a level it doesn’t deserve. Our vocabulary even reflects this overemphasis on sex. For example, I once used the term "hookup" in a sermon, and everyone gasped.
    Sin sexualizes everything it touches.We teach our kids an illusion of thoughtless freedom with the idea that if we can’t stop them, we should at least teach them safe sex. But we need a higher standard. Parents, it’s crucial to talk to your kids about sex earlier than you think necessary. By fifth grade, they already know about it. I recommend a practical guide:

    Sex is dangerous, but it's good.There's tremendous power in sex, and kids aren't ready for that much power. But this doesn’t mean sex is bad. Only God could have created the pleasures of sex. From an evolutionary perspective, reproduction could be just a mechanical exchange of bodily fluids. But for humans (and maybe dolphins), sex isn’t just an urge. It’s a gift.
    God created sex.Sex is morally good. A sinless life is not a sexless life. Coming out of youth group, I thought sex was evil. It’s not. But God did put parameters on sex. I don’t expect non-Christians to follow these, but here are some Biblical parameters for sex:

    One Marriage: The ideal is that divorce is never necessary. God wants your marriage to last forever. While we believe in forgiveness, God does hate divorce.
    Two People: Be creative in the bedroom, but don’t bring others into it. Make a lifelong marriage commitment before having sex.
    Make Babies: This largely explains why two different genders are necessary in a sexual relationship. If you can't have babies, you can still have sex, but we're talking about God's ideal.

    Why did God create sex?

    To Make Disciples: Sex literally makes disciples. The primary way Christianity grows is by having kids and teaching them to love God. Christians, we’re not doing enough of this. Throughout Scripture, God says:
    Genesis 9:1: "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth."
    On making babies, the Bible is not unbiased. Have lots of babies. Our culture discourages large families and calls them irresponsible, which is absurd. If you can't have babies, adopt.
    Psalm 127:4-5: "Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!"

    To Strengthen Relationships: Sex builds intimacy between a husband and wife that goes beyond the bedroom. Humans are the only "animals" that have sex face-to-face because it helps build healthy relationships.
    To Reflect God’s Image: When a man and a woman have sex, they become a new person. This is why the Church is called the bride of Christ. When a man and woman are united, they reflect God’s image.
    Genesis 2:24-25: "A man leaves his father

    • 34 min
    More Than Animals - Week 2 - Identity

    More Than Animals - Week 2 - Identity

    More Than Animals: Identity
    Welcome to Week 2 of our teaching series, "More Than Animals." Today, we dive into a topic that’s been at the forefront of cultural conversations: Identity. We’re exploring what separates us from animals in terms of identity, dreams, hopes, and spiritual purpose.
    The Concept of Identity
    Animals don't have a sense of identity the way humans do. They don't differentiate themselves, dream big dreams, or ponder eternity and purpose. In contrast, our kids are inundated with a new religion called Gender Identity. This topic is complex and sensitive, often better addressed in one-on-one conversations, but given its cultural dominance, we need to discuss it openly and with love.
    I must give credit to those who have informed my understanding of this topic. I’ve read and listened to experts, compiling their insights here. My aim isn’t to take a political stand or fight a cultural battle but to offer Freedom and Clarity in Jesus. This is a spiritual issue, and while you may disagree with me, my motivation is love.
    Many people today experience deep pain, believing they were born in the wrong body. This belief is widespread, but as a Christian community, we must address it with truth and compassion.
    Ground Rules

    I don't have time to address everything. This topic is extensive, and a 30-minute sermon won't cover it all. I recommend Preston Sprinkle's book "Embodied" for a comprehensive understanding.

    It's okay to disagree. We must stop separating ourselves from those we disagree with. My goal is to present what Scripture says.

    Don't clap. Let's not alienate anyone. This is a journey we walk together.

    Speak the truth in love. Welcome Graciously is one of our core values. We don't start fights over secondary issues and don’t expect everyone to agree.

    Ephesians 4:15: "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ."
    You Are Welcome Here
    If you struggle with gender identity, you are welcome in this church. If you disagree with me, you’re still welcome. Jesus can transform your life for the better. Today, we’ll discuss three things:

    What makes a biological male and female?
    What does the Bible say about being male and female?
    How should we respond to people who have transgender struggles?

    1. What Makes a Biological Male and Female?
    Biologists generally agree on three characteristics that define the difference between male and female: roles in reproduction, external anatomy, and the presence of a Y chromosome. But how does this help those struggling with gender identity?
    Gender Dysphoria is a real, painful condition, affecting about 0.005% - 0.014% of the population. For many, the issue isn’t gender dysphoria but Gender Stereotypes.
    Parents often worry when their children defy gender norms, but such behavior doesn’t necessarily indicate transgender identity. Gender stereotypes are culturally constructed, not biblically mandated.

    Lady's Home Journal (1918): "Pink, being a more decided and strong color, is more suitable for boys. While blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for a girl."

    In the Bible

    • 36 min
    More Than Animals - Week 1 - Chastity

    More Than Animals - Week 1 - Chastity

    Welcome to our teaching series, "More Than Animals." This series explores the aspects of human life that set us apart from animals. Today's message is particularly sensitive and carries a PG-13 warning as we delve into the topic of Chastity.
    Celebrating Singleness and Chastity
    A Message for Singles
    Many single people in our church feel left out. Much of our teaching focuses on parenting and marriage, which might make singles feel like second-class citizens in Heaven. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Many great fathers of our faith were never married. Consider Jesus and the apostle Paul—two of the most influential figures in human history who never married.
    Redefining Marriage
    Before we proceed, let’s define what we mean by marriage. The world has co-opted the term to control us with taxes and legalities. However, when we speak of marriage, we refer to a covenant before God—a commitment to monogamy that is more spiritual than legal. The early church even held celibacy ceremonies, highlighting the importance of commitment, whether to chastity or marital fidelity.
    The Concept of Chastity
    Chastity often carries misconceptions. When we hear the term, images of Catholic priests or chastity belts come to mind, but it’s much more than that. Chastity means refraining from sexual intercourse, which is a good thing at times. Some people are called to live a life of complete chastity, giving up sex but not relationships.
    The Gift of Chastity
    Paul talks about this special calling in his letter to the Corinthians:

    "But I wish everyone were single, just as I am. Yet each person has a special gift from God, of one kind or another" (1 Corinthians 7:7, NLT).

    However, the word "single" isn't in the original text. A more accurate translation would be:

    "I wish now all men to be like even myself, but each has his own gift from God, one has indeed this, others that" (1 Corinthians 7:7).

    Paul wasn’t single in the lonely sense. He always had companions. He continues:

    "So I say to those who aren’t married and to widows—it’s better to stay unmarried, just as I am. But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust... I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him. But a married man has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife. His interests are divided" (1 Corinthians 7:8-9, 32-34, NLT).

    Therefore, a better term than "single" might be "devout." Someone who decides to remain unmarried should do so to fully dedicate themselves to God.

    "But if he has decided firmly not to marry and there is no urgency and he can control his passion, he does well not to marry" (1 Corinthians 7:37, NLT).

    The Church’s Role
    Unfortunately, the church has idolized marriage, implying that it will fulfill you. This has alienated unmarried people and placed undue pressure on marriages. We need to celebrate those who choose a different path, one of chastity and devotion to God.
    The Greatest Love
    Jesus highlighted the highest form of love:

    "There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends" (John 15:13, NLT).

    • 32 min
    Awaken Sunday 2024

    Awaken Sunday 2024

    Awaken Sunday 2024
    Caleb Smith shared this message titled "The Fourth Man in the Furnace," drawing from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3:16-30. This story speaks powerfully to faith, courage, and God's presence in our most challenging times.
    Historical Context and The Challenge of Faith
    The narrative begins with the three young men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who faced a life-or-death situation. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon demanded they worship a golden statue he had erected. Defiance meant a horrifying death in a blazing furnace. Despite the dire consequences, these men refused to bow, demonstrating an unshakeable faith.
    Their response to the king, recorded in Daniel 3:16-18, reflects their profound trust in God: “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us... But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” They chose integrity over life, standing firm in their devotion to God.
    Nebuchadnezzar's Rage and the Fiery Trial
    Nebuchadnezzar's fury reached its peak, and he ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than usual. The heat was so intense that it killed the soldiers who threw the three men into the flames. This scenario was not only a test of physical endurance but also a profound spiritual trial. Facing one of the most excruciating and dehumanizing forms of execution, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's faith was unyielding.
    Divine Intervention and The Fourth Man
    In a miraculous turn of events, Nebuchadnezzar observed not three but four men walking unharmed in the furnace. The fourth man, who appeared like a divine being, is believed by many to be a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus. This divine presence transformed a moment of potential despair into an extraordinary encounter with God.
    The Outcome and Nebuchadnezzar’s Transformation
    Amazed and awed, Nebuchadnezzar called the men out of the furnace. Not only were they unharmed, but even their clothes were untouched by the fire, and they didn't smell of smoke. This profound miracle led Nebuchadnezzar to praise the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, acknowledging His unparalleled power and issuing a decree that no one should speak against their God.
    The king promoted the three men to higher positions, providing them with greater opportunities to serve and influence their nation for God.
    Lessons for Us Today

    Faith in the Face of Persecution: The steadfast faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego serves as a powerful example. They trusted God entirely, even if it meant their death. Their story reminds us that true faith does not waver under pressure.

    God's Presence in Our Trials: God often meets us in our "furnaces"—our trials and challenges. These experiences, while daunting, are opportunities for divine encounters. Jesus said He would be with us in the furnace, just as He was with these three men.

    The Cost and Reward of Discipleship: Following Jesus can lead us into difficult and risky situations. However, these are also the places where we experience God's presence most profoundly. Church planting, for example, is a "furnace experience" where we meet God in new and powerful ways.

    Avoiding Furnace Avoidance: There is a temptation in modern life to avoid discomfort and seek a smooth, easy existence. However, the greatest experiences of God often come through trials and challe

    • 32 min
    Your Work

    Your Work

    Galatians: Rescued & Recruited - Week 6
    Welcome to the final teaching of our church series, Galatians: Rescued and Recruited. Today's message, titled "Your Work", delves into our role as believers in the grand mission of God. Let's journey together through the insightful words shared in this message.
    Deadbeat or Disciple?
    God, in His infinite grace, has chosen us to be in a relationship with Him. But the question remains: What kind of partner will we be? Will we passively watch from the sidelines, hoping someone else will do the work, or will we actively engage as disciples in the game of life?
    Embracing the Mission
    The call to be missionaries transcends geographical boundaries. It's not just about relocating; it's about embracing a heart posture of service wherever we are. True missionary work involves deeds, not just words. It's about serving within the family of faith, nurturing and building up one another.
    Galatians 6:9-10
    9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. 10 Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.
    The Role of the Church
    Our church serves as the training ground for future leaders, influencers, and world-changers. Each member has a vital role to play in nurturing the next generation of spiritual warriors. From teaching Bible stories to welcoming newcomers, every act of service contributes to the kingdom's growth.
    Rise to the Challenge
    As our church enters a season of transition, it's time for mentees to become mentors, for followers to become leaders. We are all called to be missionaries, both within and outside the church walls. Let's step up, fill the gaps, and actively participate in the mission of God.
    Join the Winning Team
    While God's mission will prevail with or without us, we have the privilege of being invited to participate. Just like a parent allowing their child to "drive" the car from their lap, God delights in involving us in His divine work. Let's not miss out on the joy of playing on God's team.
    Take Action Today
    Now is the time to take action. Fil out this form. Our church needs each one of us to step up and serve. Together, let's embrace the call to serve where we are and make a difference in our community.
    As we conclude this teaching series on Galatians, let's remember that we are not just passive recipients of God's grace but active participants in His mission. Let's commit to being faithful stewards of the opportunities He has given us and live out our calling as missionaries in our homes, our church, and our world

    Did you like Galatians - Rescued & Recruited – Week 6? If so, check out more of our Sunday teachings here.

    • 34 min

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