126 episodes

Welcome to the Financial Crime UK Monthly podcast. I’m Chris Kirkbride and I lecture law at the University of Worcester.

This is an introductory podcast to give you a guide as to the sort of things which we will be looking at on this podcast in the first week of every month. However, there will be specials and additional podcasts out of this sequence if something happens which is significant and deserves a special episode.

So, what are the sort of things we’ll be talking about? Well, we will cover news, events, legal developments, and anything else that relates to financial crime, in the UK – obviously, because that is in the podcast title – but also in other jurisdictions. No man is an island and financial crime certainly does not respect national borders.

Broadly, the coverage will be all aspects of:

Fraud | Bribery | Market abuse and insider dealing | Money laundering and terrorist financing | Data and information theft | Cybercrime (phishing / smishing) and the challenges generated by fintech in terms of finance crime threats.

While these might be financial crimes, strictly speaking, but that is not all. It is necessary to reflect on the responses to financial crime which the state adopts. While this is less about fines and imprisonment, we will focus on confiscation and recovery schemes, sanctions imposed on those who have committed financial crimes, together with arrangements designed to allow the offender to avoid/defer prosecution, namely, deferred prosecution agreements.

Consideration will also be given to the regulatory architecture of financial crime, both domestic and international – as stated, financial crime does not respect borders – together with regulatory enforcement and aspects of the compliance industry – the industry which helps commercial entities stay on the right side of the law.

Finally, and this is a particular interest of mine, but I am fascinated by the interface between criminal and civil law where the facts of an event could lead to prosecution or civil action. Consequently, while this is a financial crime podcast, we will also consider those situations where the civil law might bring about a robust response to financial wrongdoing.

So, that’s it from me for now except to say that the podcast is available from the usual places.

Financial Crime Weekly Podcast Christopher Kirkbride

    • Business

Welcome to the Financial Crime UK Monthly podcast. I’m Chris Kirkbride and I lecture law at the University of Worcester.

This is an introductory podcast to give you a guide as to the sort of things which we will be looking at on this podcast in the first week of every month. However, there will be specials and additional podcasts out of this sequence if something happens which is significant and deserves a special episode.

So, what are the sort of things we’ll be talking about? Well, we will cover news, events, legal developments, and anything else that relates to financial crime, in the UK – obviously, because that is in the podcast title – but also in other jurisdictions. No man is an island and financial crime certainly does not respect national borders.

Broadly, the coverage will be all aspects of:

Fraud | Bribery | Market abuse and insider dealing | Money laundering and terrorist financing | Data and information theft | Cybercrime (phishing / smishing) and the challenges generated by fintech in terms of finance crime threats.

While these might be financial crimes, strictly speaking, but that is not all. It is necessary to reflect on the responses to financial crime which the state adopts. While this is less about fines and imprisonment, we will focus on confiscation and recovery schemes, sanctions imposed on those who have committed financial crimes, together with arrangements designed to allow the offender to avoid/defer prosecution, namely, deferred prosecution agreements.

Consideration will also be given to the regulatory architecture of financial crime, both domestic and international – as stated, financial crime does not respect borders – together with regulatory enforcement and aspects of the compliance industry – the industry which helps commercial entities stay on the right side of the law.

Finally, and this is a particular interest of mine, but I am fascinated by the interface between criminal and civil law where the facts of an event could lead to prosecution or civil action. Consequently, while this is a financial crime podcast, we will also consider those situations where the civil law might bring about a robust response to financial wrongdoing.

So, that’s it from me for now except to say that the podcast is available from the usual places.

    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 112

    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 112

    Hello, and welcome to episode 112 of the Financial Crime Weekly Podcast, I’m Chris Kirkbride. I fear that things are getting busy again, as this week is typical of so many recent weeks for this podcast in that there is a wealth of news. The sanctions news comes in the form of a host of stories concerning oil exports from both Iran and Russia, with the latter being the subject of an investigation into possible sanctions evasion in relation to the oil price cap. On fraud news, action taken across the European Union against fraudsters abusing EU funds and citizens by an old-fashioned Ponzi scheme. On money laundering news, in the UK, two bodies have published their submissions to HM Treasury’s consultation on the Money Laundering Regulations. In other news, the European Union Innovation Hub for Internal Security, with assistance from Europol and others, has published its first report on encryption, and finally, there is a round-up of the cyber-attack news this week.
    As usual, I have linked the main stories flagged in the podcast in the description. These are:
    Association for Financial Markets in Europe, Consultation Response: AFME response to HM Treasury’s consultation on improving the effectiveness of the Money Laundering Regulations.
    Centre for Finance, Innovation and Technology, CFIT Forms Industry Coalition – ‘Fighting Economic Crime Through Enhanced Verification’.
    Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, War profiteering: Eight UK-insured tankers violate price cap, boosting Kremlin revenues by GBP 87 mn.
    Chartered Institute of Taxation, Improving the effectiveness of the Money Laundering Regulations Response by the Chartered Institute of Taxation.
    Eurojust, Eurojust supports authorities in dismantling EUR 113 million fraudulent investment scheme.
    European Public Prosecutor’s Office, EPPO conducts searches in Romania and Spain in probe into €10 million fraud.
    European Public Prosecutor’s Office, Italy: EPPO arrests a third suspect in investigation into €50 million VAT fraud.
    European Union Innovation Hub for Internal Security, First Report on Encryption.
    Europol, First Report on Encryption.
    HM Treasury, Improving the effectiveness of the Money Laundering Regulations.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Myanmar.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Financial sanctions, Myanmar.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Russia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Russia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Who is subject to financial sanctions in the UK?
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Personal Staff Payments Licensing Guidance.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury Targets Companies and Vessels Behind Illicit Houthi Shipments.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, As Russia Completes Transition to a Full War Economy, Treasury Takes Sweeping Aim at Foundational Financial Infrastructure and Access to Third Country Support.
    Royal United Services Institute, Weaponisation of the FATF Standards: A Guide for Global Civil Society.
    Royal United Services Institute, Suppression Laundering: Using FATF as a Fig Leaf to Target Civil Society (Policy Brief).
    Royal United Services Institute, Weaponisation of the FATF Standards: A Guide for Global Civil Society (publication).
    The White House, Bilateral Security Agreement Between the United States of America and Ukraine.
    UK Government, New UK sanctions to crack down on Putin's war machine.
    US Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce Announces Additional Export Restrictions to Counter Russian Aggression.
    US Department of Justice, Two Individuals Sentenced to Prison in Connection With $7.5 Million Multi-State PPP Fraud Scheme.
    US Department of Justice, Defendants Sentenced to Prison for Conspiracy to Sell Sanctioned Iranian Petroleum to China.
    US Department of Justice, Founder and Former CEO

    • 36 min
    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 111

    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 111

    Hello, and welcome to episode 111 of the Financial Crime Weekly Podcast, I’m Chris Kirkbride. This week has been, relative to the last few weeks, a quiet week for financial crime news. That is always welcome for a host of reasons. The sanctions news has the usual updates on further action against Russia from the EU and US, but new of an update in relation to sanctions against the International Criminal Court by the US House of Representatives. On bribery news, a former US Admiral has been charged with bribery, as well as some indications from research in the UK suggesting that business may be lost if a bribe is not paid. The money laundering news brings more from Turkey on its moves to come off the FATF’s ‘Grey List’, and a story from the UK about an end to the criminal investigation into Monzo Bank. There is also some market abuse news from the US, and the usual round-up of cyber-attack news.
    As usual, I have linked the main stories flagged in the podcast in the description. These are:
    Association of Chartered Accountants, Bribery and corruption – The hidden social evil on your doorstep.
    Council of the European Union, DPRK: EU sanctions nine additional individuals and entities involved in the country’s activities related to illegal weapons programmes and supporting Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.
    Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation, Sanctions: Joint Statement on DPRK-Russia.
    Interpol, INTERPOL action leads to anti-corruption operation in Moldova.
    Monzo Bank, Annual Report 2024.
    National Crime Agency, NCA uncovers corrupt officials who helped wanted criminals to circumvent international Red Notice system.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, Iran-related Designations; Non-Proliferation Designations.
    Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Kosovo’s judiciary to treat organized crime and corruption cases more vigorously, OSCE Mission report says.
    Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC Obtains Final Judgment Against Former Arista Networks Chairman Andy Bechtolsheim for Insider Trading.
    Securities and Exchange Commission, SEC Charges Former Lumentum Executive with Insider Trading.
    Spotlight on Corruption, Letter from the National Crime Agency highlights problems with the UK’s political finance enforcement regime.
    Spotlight on Corruption, National Crime Agency Letter to Spotlight on Corruption.
    US Department of Justice, Retired Navy Admiral and Business Executives Arrested for Bribery Scheme.
    US Department of Justice, Pharmacy Owner Sentenced for Paying Illegal Kickbacks and Engaging in a Money Laundering Conspiracy.

    • 22 min
    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 110

    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 110

    Hello, and welcome to episode 110 of the Financial Crime Weekly Podcast, I’m Chris Kirkbride. This week’s mass of financial crime news looks at action across the globe on sanctions, with the principal target being Russia and its overseas operations in Africa. The bribery and anti-corruption news comes from Nigeria where Glencore is centre stage, and an interesting story from Queensland, Australia. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in the US has raised a scan email warning. On money laundering news, more on Turkey’s attempts to come off the FATF’s ‘Grey List’, and MONEYVAL has news on Bulgaria, the Vatican City, and San Marino. There is also the usual round-up of cyber-attack news, which includes aggressive action from the US on the 911 S5 Botnet. Let’s crack on.
    As usual, I have linked the main stories flagged in the podcast in the description. These are:
    Council of Europe, Stricter regulation is needed to prevent corruption in top executive functions of central governments, says the Council of Europe’s GRECO.
    Council of Europe, GRECO Annual Report.
    Council of the European Union, Russia: EU sets up new country-specific framework for restrictive measures against those responsible for human rights violations, and lists 20 persons.
    Council of the European Union, G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Communiqué, Stresa, 23-25 May 2024.
    Council of the European Union, Anti-money laundering: Council adopts package of rules.
    Eurojust, Major operation to take down dangerous malware systems.
    European Securities and Markets Authority, ESMA reminds on rules for sharing information during pre-close calls.
    Europol, Largest ever operation against botnets hits dropper malware ecosystem.
    General Court of the European Union, Farkhad Teimurovich Akhmedov v Council of the European Union.
    Europol, Crackdown on money mule service providers laundering over EUR 10 million.
    HM Treasury, Policy paper: Joint EU-UK Financial Regulatory Forum.
    Homeland Security Investigations, HSI Joins the Department of Treasury in Announcing Sanctions Against Wagner Group-linked Companies in the Central African Republic.
    MONEYVAL, MONEYVAL publishes follow-up reports on Bulgaria, the Holy See and San Marino.
    MONEYVAL, Bulgaria strengthened its preventive framework to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism, says Council of Europe body.
    MONEYVAL, The Holy See (including Vatican City State) improved Anti-Money Laundering and combating the financing of terrorism measures with respect to banking and legal persons.
    MONEYVAL, San Marino strengthened its sanctions for breaches of application of some of the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of terrorism measures.
    National Crim Agency, National Crime Agency part of international operation to destroy cyber crime services.
    National Cyber Security Centre, Raising the cyber resilience of software 'at scale'.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: OFSI General licence INT/2024/4761108.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, General Licence – Funds of non-designated third parties involving designated credit or financial institutions (“Personal Remittances”) INT/2024/4761108.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Russian Oil Services ban.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, General licences - INT/2024/4423849, INT/2023/3074680, INT/2022/2470156 and INT/2022/2470056.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, General Licence - Russian Banks – UK subsidiaries – Guernsey subsidiary – EU subsidiaries - Basic needs, routine holding and maintenance, the payment of legal fees and insolvency related payments: INT/2022/1280876.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, General Licence – Oil Price Cap  INT/2024/4423849.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Russia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Russia.
    Office of Fin

    • 25 min
    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 109

    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 109

    Hello, and welcome to episode 109 of the Financial Crime Weekly Podcast, I’m Chris Kirkbride. Another busy week this week, but they are all busy weeks. New designations from the UK and EU. Other sanctions news includes a new report detailing Russian fossil fuel exports and an incredible story from the US about possible sanctions on members of the International Criminal Court. More bribery and corruption news from the conflict in Ukraine, on both sides of the battlefield. The fraud news comes with reports of a disrupted ‘pig butchering’ scheme in the US and the publication of UK Finance’s annual report. There is a host of money laundering news, including updates from Turkey on its effort to escape the FATF’s ‘grey list’. And, there is a round-up of this week’s cyber-attack news. Let’s crack on.
    As usual, I have linked the main stories flagged in the podcast in the description. These are:
    Cyber Security Expert Advisory Board, Ausgrid response to the 2023-30 Australian Cyber Security Strategy: Legislative Reform Consultation Paper.
    BBC, Can romance scam victims get their money back?
    Centre for Research on Energy and Clear Air, April 2024 — Monthly analysis of Russian fossil fuel exports and sanctions.
    Coalition for the ICC, Letter to US President: Threats to the International Criminal Court.
    Council of the European Union, Text (PE-CONS 36/24) of the Regulation on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing (2021/0239(COD)) (AML Regulation).
    Council of the European Union, Text (PE-CONS 35/24) of the Regulation establishing the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) (2021/0240(COD)) (AMLA Regulation).
    Council of the European Union, Text (PE-CONS 37/24) of the Sixth Money Laundering Directive (2021/0250(COD)) (MLD6).
    Department for Business and Trade, Notice: NTE 2024/11: Russia sanctions – Sales of oil tankers to third countries.
    European Commission, Commission welcomes new sanctions against disinformation and war propaganda.
    Financial Conduct Authority, FCA fines CGML £27,766,200 for failures in its trading systems and controls.
    Financial Conduct Authority, Final Notice: Citigroup Global Markets Limited.
    Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK and partners target Russia-DPRK ‘arms-for-oil’ trade with new sanctions.
    FT Adviser, SFO director appears to be levelling the playing field in latest strategy.
    Human Rights Watch, Biden Should Oppose US Sanctions on ICC.
    Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center, In 2023-2024, the Kharkiv OVA concluded contracts for the construction of fortifications and the supply of materials for almost 8 billion hryvnias: analytics of the Ukrainian Center.
    National Crime Agency, Peter Virdee charged with bribing a foreign official.
    National Cyber Security Centre, Business email compromise: new guidance to protect your organisation.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Somalia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Financial sanctions, Somalia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Who is subject to financial sanctions in the UK?
    Prudential Regulation Authority, The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) fines Citigroup Global Markets Limited (CGML) £33,880,000 for failures in its trading systems and controls.
    Prudential Regulation Authority, Final Notice: Citigroup Global Markets Limited (FRN 124384).
    Rabihah Butler, Are government sanctions successful?
    Stanford Law school, SLS Report Analyzes How Lawyers Enable Sanctions Evasion—and How to Address the Problem.
    Stephenson Harwood, Four key lessons from the Binance case.
    UK Finance, Fraud remains a major problem as over £1 billion is stolen by criminals in 2023.
    UK Finance, Annual Fraud Report 2024.
    UK Financial Intelligence Unit, Requesting a defence from the NCA under POCA and TACT.
    US Department of Justice, Secret Service Seizes a Web Domain Used in Furtherance of a Cryptocurrency

    • 32 min
    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 108

    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 108

    Hello, and welcome to episode 108 of the Financial Crime Weekly Podcast, I’m Chris Kirkbride. A busy week this week, but they are all busy weeks. New designations and guidance issued by OFSI in the UK, and new designations directed at Russia, Sudan, and North Korea. On bribery, action taken against the political and military establishments in Ukraine and Russia from OFAC in the US. A host of money laundering news, including a new strategy report on terrorist and illicit financing from the US Treasury. Action against finfluencers in the UK for promoting CFD while not authorised to do so, and a round-up of this week’s cyber-attack news. Let’s crack on.
    As usual, I have linked the main stories flagged in the podcast in the description. These are:
    Federal Register, Reporting, Procedures and Penalties Regulations.
    Financial Action Task Force, Urgent action needed to fight money laundering and terrorist financing, say Heads of FATF, INTERPOL and UNODC.
    Financial Conduct Authority, Stuart Bayes sentenced for insider dealing.
    Financial Conduct Authority, Three charged over CFD trading pension fraud.
    Financial Conduct Authority, 'Finfluencers’ charged for promoting unauthorised trading scheme.
    Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada, FINTRAC imposes an administrative monetary penalty on Binance Holdings Limited.
    Home Office, Circular 022/2015: Money laundering: the confidentiality and sensitivity of suspicious activity reports (SARs) and the identity of those who make them.
    House of Commons’ Justice Committee, Work of the Serious Fraud Office - Oral evidence (recording).
    Information Commissioner’s Office, Organisations must do more to combat the growing threat of cyber attacks.
    Information Commissioner’s Office, Learning from the mistakes of others – A retrospective review.
    INTERPOL, Urgent cooperation needed to fight money laundering and terrorist financing.
    Law Commission, Annual Report 2023-24.
    National Cyber Security Centre, Guidance for organisations considering payment in ransomware incidents.
    National Cyber Security Centre, NCSC ramps up support for those at high risk of cyber attacks ahead of election.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial sanctions general guidance amended.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: OFSI General Licence INT/2022/1839676.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Notice: General Licence – Russian Travel INT/2022/1839676.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, UK financial sanctions general guidance.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial sanctions guidance for Russia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Counter-Terrorism sanctions: guidance.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial sanctions enforcement and monetary penalties guidance.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Reporting information to OFSI – what to do.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Russia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Financial sanctions, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Financial sanctions, ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida organisations.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Exposes Attempted Sanctions Evasion Scheme Connected to Russian Oligarch.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury Sanctions Sudanese Rapid Support Forces Commanders Expanding War.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury Sanctions Nicaragua-Based Russian Institution and Gold Companies.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury Designates Sanctions Evaders Facilitating Illicit Arms Transfers between the DPRK and Russia.
    Politico, EU prosecutors threaten to sue Commission in spending spat.
    Treasury Select Committee, Are the UK’s Russian financial sanctions working? – O

    • 34 min
    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 107

    Financial Crime Weekly Episode 107

    Hello, and welcome to episode 107 of the Financial Crime Weekly Podcast, I’m Chris Kirkbride. This week has been yet another busy week for financial crime. To be frank, they are almost always busy. Perhaps I need to be a bit more brutal in the edit. On sanctions, actions against human rights abuse of Palestinians, and coordinated action against the head of the LockBit ransomware group. On bribery and anti-corruption GRECO reports on progress made by Belgium, and some interesting research on Ukraine and anti-corruption. The money laundering news provides progress from the Council of Europe’s anti-money laundering body, MOVEYVAL on Georgia and Slovenia, and the market abuse news is focused on the publication of Market Watch 79 by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. There is also a round-up of this week’s cyber news. Let’s crack on.
    As usual, I have linked the main stories flagged in the podcast in the description. These are:
    American Bankers Association, ABA Letter to FATF re: R.16 Revision Proposal.
    Baker McKenzie, US: Sanctions Enforcement in 2024: A Fireside Chat with OFAC Associate Director, Lawrence Scheinert.
    Council of Europe, Council of Europe evaluates anti-corruption progress in Belgium.
    Council of Europe (MONEYVAL), Council of Europe anti-money laundering body: Georgia strengthened preventive measures applicable to politically exposed persons, further progress needed.
    Council of Europe (MONEYVAL), Slovenia has improved its criminal legislation against terrorist financing, says Council of Europe body.
    Europol, New series of measures issued against the administrator of LockBit.
    EY, Cybersecurity fears on the rise among US workers, with a vast majority concerned about AI in cybersecurity.
    Financial Action Task Force, Türkiye.
    Financial Conduct Authority, Market Watch 79.
    Financial Conduct Authority, CP24/2: Our Enforcement Guide and publicising enforcement investigations - a new approach.
    Financial Services Regulation Committee, Committee examining FCA consultation CP24/2 on publicising enforcement investigations.
    Information Commissioner’s Office, Statement in response to reports of a cyber breach at the Ministry of Defence.
    National Crime Agency, LockBit leader unmasked and sanctioned.
    National Cyber Security Centre, Blog Post: What's happened to my data?
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Global Human Rights.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Financial sanctions, Global Human Rights.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Consolidated List.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Russia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Financial sanctions, Russia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Russia.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Financial Sanctions Notice: Cyber.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Financial sanctions, Cyber.
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Who is subject to financial sanctions in the UK?
    Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation, Guidance: Financial sanctions guidance for ransomware.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, United States Sanctions Senior Leader of the LockBit Ransomware Group.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, Formal Launch of New OFAC Sanctions List Service Application.
    Office of Foreign Assets Control, Sanctions List Service.
    Royal United Services Institute, The FATF Gains Momentum in Breaking Africa's Cycle of Grey Listing.
    Securities and Exchange Commission, "Adam Smith, the SEC, Data, and the Public Good" Prepared Remarks Before the 11th Annual Conference on Financial Market Regulation.
    Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Corruption in Ukraine and EU Accession.
    The Commonwealth, Landmark anti-corruption conference in Ghana.
    United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals.
    UK government, Second US-UK Strategic Sanctions Dia

    • 27 min

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