742 episodes

{Enter The Multiverse}

| L E G E N D S . ‪|‬ Dillon Francis

    • Comedy

{Enter The Multiverse}

    Masters or Rap Tapes, Part Ii: PERCEPTION. (Freestyle)

    Masters or Rap Tapes, Part Ii: PERCEPTION. (Freestyle)

    What the FUCK did you DO?

    What did I do?!
    You know what you did!

    I didn't do anything!

    Oh yeah?

    No! Not on purpose!


    Where's Jimmy Fallon?!

    What?! I don't know!

    Oh no.
    Oh shit, run.

    Oh no.
    What in the FUCK—
    I am “the fuck”

    You know what.
    I'm gonna sue the everliving shit out of you.

    For WHAT.

    We'll see.

    Uh oh.


    What now?

    What this time?

    Apparently, Jimmy Fallon is missing.

    What the fuck does that got to do with me.

    We'll see.

    Okay, great,
    Now finish that chapter.

    What fucking chapter?!

    All of it.

    That's—a lot.
    I want all of it. By my desk, by noon tomorrow.

    “By” your desk?!
    Yes, BY. Not ON. I've got too much stuff on my desk—

    …but it's…like 9 o clock.

    Should be easy, given your natural talents.

    What natural talents.



    Okay. Well.

    Well what.

    This sucks. I lost all my coins.



    You dropped this.

    So how was Los Angeles.

    What the fuck. You fucking DICK.

    I told you, I own shares in this.

    So what's the plan for this, exactly.

    I dunno, Harry.
    I got a book of stamps,
    And a yellow envelope marked
    “Jimmy Fallon”

    I will hate you forever.

    Well, that's retarded.
    I haven't even smited you yet.

    I will annihilate you, human.

    Who the fuck are you, anyway?


    No one.

    No one cares about this series, yo.
    I'l seriously doubt that, Jesse Pinkman.

    What is this stuff.

    It's your stuff.

    This is not what I ordered—
    Why is it BLUE
    Cause it is.


    Mischief managed.

    Alright. This should be good for the night, but we gotta get out of here by morning;

    I thought your parents owned this place.

    It's a time share!


    So it's like only —part of the time.

    That is stupid.

    No! You're stupid! You're the one who got us into this mess.

    It's your mess, I was just cleaning it up!

    Whatever! Stop trippin.

    Nobody's “tripping.”

    That's it. I'll be a stripper.

    Straight outta hell, that kid.

    Don't I know it.

    Alright, fine.

    I said, whatever you do—
    DONT watch this show.

    Stuff it, J. Slatts. I'll kill you with my eyeballs

    Sounds like a threat.

    Put on a lawsuit, then.

    Maybe I oughtta…

    —with a bow tie.
    You'll look so pretty.

    I thought I was already pretty.
    Uh huh.

    Yeah, look, so honestly
    I don't know if I'll ever be on the same vibration as like,
    Jimmy Fallon and them, ok?
    I don't know how I did it;
    I don't know what did it,
    It just happened and then—

    And then WHAT.

    It just—ended.

    Just like that.
    I'm not trying to offend anybody here.
    Just like that.

    Now, I ask:
    What are we going to do to sell you this dream?

    Doesnt matter what you do, I'll never believe it.

    Sure, fine; Don't believe it—
    We're gonna make you live it.

    Who the hell us “we” anyway?
    Now you're speaking in my cadence—
    Don't flatter yourself
    I like it.
    Too late, I guess.

    So, you see
    We're building
    Power triangles
    love squares
    Power triangles
    And love squares

    Don't let it scare you,
    There's love there
    Don't let it scare you,
    There's love there
    Never fear where love has dared
    To call you up there

    Corrupt file—no fair.

    Don't be suprised even the odds seem to turn in your favor,
    I promise you;
    Nobody's ever ready
    For what has just happened here.

    WAKE UP, F****R.
    Ugh, I can't go through this again.

    So, I guess I'll have to erase,
    Or just secretly publish
    Everything I've ever written
    About my actual experience as a color,
    Just so that I can earn money
    As anything other than
    A slave—
    A maid,
    A housekeeper,
    A dog walker
    Or servitor
    So far under her,
    That I can't see far enough up to just
    Scratch the surface
    Her birthright:
    The entire network
    And mine,
    To sit under her,
    Wondering what the world would be like
    At the other end of the spectrum
    The word form of

    • 36 min


    I gotta find that pilot I wrote for—



    Oh, My God

    Is it Esha in this scene?

    I can't remember if it's Esha or the nanny.

    Did he not fuck the therapist?

    I mean, that's later.

    Is it?

    I guess.




    do it.
    You can't say shit to me.
    Almost nothing.

    I was almost asleep.

    Fuck it up, Jimmy.

    You know, you could get like,
    Straight A's this semester if you just

    Listen to me.


    Fuck this.


    He puts a quarter in,
    Turns the corner at around four o clock.
    Takes metformin for supper.

    Supplements, supplements.

    Oh, you wanted this to happen.

    I purchased this collection of poetry off the black market.
    For what.

    It's a machine, JImmy.

    Christ almighty

    Wait a second,
    Go back.

    To which part.

    TO this day

    “she's polite”

    I know this, she'll find me in here somewhere.
    I know this.

    Just let it go.
    No, she'll find us.

    You're living a lie.

    This is why you're behind in this race.

    Well, it's a race war, isn't it?
    You started this?

    Look what I did.

    I bought you christmas presents.

    I'm pretty sure i'm not even allowed to celebrate it.


    Correct this behavior.

    See the reasons behind them, first, before you cast judgements.

    Set the trap, she'll fall for this.

    She needs these things.

    All this stuff was stolen.

    You think.

    You think too much.

    You think too little of this organization.

    Because, Jimmy, i'm above it

    You know, this could be the reason you lose at this.
    I don't care anymore if I lose at this,
    As long as somebody wins.

    This is it, Jim.
    I guess so.

    Let her rip.

    Let him have it.


    How's this gonna work, if I fight to WIn.
    It's a fight to the DEATH?
    This is a fight to the DEATH.

    …Johnny Depp is here.
    Let him in.

    How many is that?
    At least 10.

    What did she give to you, for this?


    Tina Fey
    Amy Peohler or however you spell it
    Maya Rudolph
    Ratchel Dratch
    Kristen Wiig
    Kristen Shaal
    Melissa Mccarthy - might be the only non-SNL member
    The Cosmic Avenger

    Damn. That dude lost his whole name.

    He lost everything.

    So Wait, that's Eight.

    Who are the other two?
    Gimmie the pop tart movie

    Fir what.

    To laugh. I want to laugh.



    I ANT

    Weird shirtless overall pictures—-

    wtf is THIS.

    Ok, check this out.

    God, this is hideous.

    I think we might be related.

    Alright guys, I found it!


    The problem is—
    When I got there


    —Fallon had already been there.


    How does he do that?

    By the power of CHRIST, I compel you!!!

    Oh shit, he is good at this.

    Uh, I gotta get going.

    Look, I'm gonna need some time.

    Just tell me, you'll consider this.

    Ok—my son.

    And please—

    Your secret is safe with me.



    We need your help.

    I'm “the help”

    “Father Knows Best”

    You know you're going to Hell for this.

    I do come home sometimes.

    Great, she missed it.

    Oh shit.

    And you're gonna—
    I'm gonna do whatever the fuck I want, with whoever the fuck I want.

    Why is there still deadmau5 in this—
    What's this.

    No, this is

    This is a really long episode of whatever it is, shutthefuck

    Uh oh.

    You know, we can't do this.

    There is absolutely nothing you cannot do.
    Absolutely nothing.

    Ok. You guys are all in here—


    Except you.


    Stay out.


    Actually, you know what?

    He switched me seats.

    Okay—now get the fuck out.



    Bad news dude.

    Aww. What's up.

    Your dick still sucks.


    Sorry, bros. I tried.

    So did I!

    It was bad. Maybe worse than before.

    • 41 min


    I've been celibate for too long.

    You know how I know?

    Shits getting weird.

    There's babies everywhere,

    My heart is literally on fire—

    All the time—

    And guess what else?

    I found out this weird trick—
    On complete accident.

    I actually found out that men are like real life good pussy detectors.

    Like, they have a sensor, or something.

    You know how I found this out?

    By complete accident.

    I promise, it was an accident.

    I was doing kiegels on the train—

    You know— like little—

    Pussy workouts—

    You know, you like. Clench real tight, and then release?



    So I was clenching my p***y real tight, right.
    On the train.

    And like six dudes were like

    **snifs, looking around**


    “Where is it?”

    And I was like

    “Uh oh!”
    Oh no!

    But I thought to myself—

    No, that was strange,
    That couldn't have really—no wait-/
    So I did it again,
    And even more dudes were like

    “YO, WH—“

    “WHAT?” *snifs* what.

    And that's when I found out

    “that's—wow. You know what? I should not be clenching my pussy like that on the train”

    And then,
    Of course,
    I'm doubting myself, I'm like—

    No way! That's ridiculous— so I thought

    Maybe one more—expression—one more kiegel, ought to do the trick.

    So I did it again, one more time—

    And all the dudes were like

    “”Whaaaaat is that?!l
    “What is going on”

    But this one dude, big black guy—
    Got this like sense of clarity,
    Whipped his head around at me,
    And luckily I was wearing sunglasses but,
    Looked dead at me like

    “ITS YOU.”

    And I was like
    You know what?

    I shouldn't even have this pussy on the train like this.
    I'm a just—

    I just got off the train.

    I don't even think it was my stop.

    I was just like—


    No more pussy on the train.

    {Enter The Multiverse}

    [The Festival Project.™]




    • 37 min
    dead, or alive?

    dead, or alive?

    You want to come to, don't you?

    I'm not really sure I do…


    I am up, you blind bat!

    I'm rather more of a goat.

    I thought it you were a horse!

    –And to that, I say “Ney”

    Great .

    Listen. If you can get all of the Golden Girls and all of the beatles lined up in a row, I'll give you a bucket.

    What's in the bucket.

    Nothing, that's the fun of it.


    Sir Paul McCartney?

    Uh, I guess.

    Sir Paul McCartney, you must never die.

    –I feel like i've heard this somewhere before…

    Perhaps somewhere before; But here, now.

    Very well, then.

    On you go.

    You know–you look familiar.

    No, I don't.

    Are you sure we don't know eachother?

    I'm not sure of anything, really–and neither should you be.

    Words to remember, my dear friend.


    So you've been knighted.

    I'd think it so. but the ceremony were in the morning.


    Notes Dump II:

    All those who seek to controll me
    Will therefore be controlled by me
    Those who seek to contain me
    Shall therefore be contained by me


    wtf characters is this.

    idk , it just says “John Slattery”
    The fuck, man.

    She doesn't listen.

    She'll listen to me

    You think so

    I know so.

    Forget it. If she doesn't obey me–
    She's not going to obey anybody–
    Especially you;
    Whoever it is you think you are.

    Whatever, a*****e.

    That's right;
    I'm an a*****e.
    So that's Captain A*****e
    To you, motherfucker!

    [There's a Surf Club in Brooklyn]

    Mister Cellophane

    {The Printing Press} - pop Up Club

    Toot it and boot it

    “The telepathic deadmau5”

    Whatever that is

    Ooh shit, here we go again with this motherfucker

    [The 4th Dimensional Jimmy Fallon's telepathy becomes extremely keenly developed, with the more time he spends intentionally looking into the eye of the many cameras used to film the shows h appears on, exponentially increasing over the expanse of his career–as he soon finds out, his peers have also developed this seemingly unique ability, however, each person who has gained this ability has also developed an individual; intrinsic and respectively specific skill within his or herself which allows each person who possess this telepathy to limit/inhibit this at his or her own will or desire



    I'm not a rat! I'm a weasel! AH!






    That's readily apparent–BUT WHY?

    [The mobster lunges for Jimmy]


    [He lunges for Jimmy again]

    Oh damn. So he really can shapeshift into.

    Just about

    –Just about anything.
    Fuck you.

    [The syndicate crime organization which Patrick has become involved with has become mistrustful and uncertain of his straightforward and clean-cut demeanor; He is forcibly injected with a combination of heroin and cocaine to ensure that he is trustworthy to continue within the organization, and his reputation is put into jeopardy as his occasional recreational use curtails into a habit, which he hides, as his new promotion to Head of Programming, in addition to his continuing role as the host of a primetime late night talk show are both put at stake. Patrick , a young and eager writer and performer, begins his career as a remarkably clean-cut and good-hearted young man, with an almost heroic sensibility of naivety, besides his impressively professional tolerance for high volumes of alcohol, and primarily hidden vice for cigarettes.]

    What is that.

    Heh. “what's that?”

    [Patrick shrugs, and grimaces, as if to say “whatever, then”]

    It's just some ye-yo.


    [He suddenly becomes slightly more hostile, as if provoked by Patrick's nonchalance]
    You down for some ye?

    Hah, i'm straight.

    You sure?


    Come on! Don't be so stiff.


    • 32 min
    {Tales of A Superstar DJ}

    {Tales of A Superstar DJ}

    I thought surely the next presidential election was one or two years out, but the racial tensions which had been rising became even more pronounced, as I realized that November was theboncoming time—and that they hostility between the whites and the blacks had once again been a result as the oncoming war, fueled onward—that the hatred, disgust, and general aggression of the whites had been of course, in the midsts of yet another Trump-fueled political upheaval, and I wondered why and how at all I had been caught in such a world that existed in form of man, of course, now proven himself to be the weaker sex, and yet in that of dominance, as was arranged in such an unholy war, to be the helm of power by sheer greed— now it seemed that these attacks were indeed political terrorism, and that these motorcyclists, my placement close to the ground level, and my neighbor's clammorings were specific attacks, after my identity had been varied to be that of the same in which I had once held political ambition, now none of which I assumed mattered at all. Perhaps I needed something more certain than a 12 story jump or suicide by train, and wondered as to whether it would be easy enough to kill myself bh self inflicted gunshot—a sure thing for certain, as love has been lost in the way of money at all.

    At that party…or rather, kind of—after.

    That acid that never hit Beyoncé

    I don't feel it.

    Man, I'm a terrible influence(r)

    Just take it.

    Nah, I'm good—



    Give me three.


    —suddenly hits BEYONCÉ.


    …I got this.

    [BEYONCE] however, does not

    Ohh, shit.

    — “got this.”

    A very stranded, very sober Johnny depp stumbles upon what appears to be a college frat party, where the only thing they have is light beer, and nobody even recognizes him as a celebrity, because the attendees are all gen z

    What's even after gen z?

    The fucking apocalypse.


    The acid hits Beyoncé on her way to make coffee, which extends the trip from the living room to the kitchen infinitely.

    Multidimensional Anne Hathaway hulks the fuck out and saves the day by ruining everything, which actually fixes everything— and *spoiler* helps Jesus to remain as the king of kings at beer pong.


    In the late 90s in New York City, the keystone cast of Saturday night live learns of each other's formerly sexret psychic abilities, and uses the radio technologies of Rockefeller plaza to develop a research center for the telepathically gifted, eventually discovering and perfecting time travel.

    Supacree (the kid version) appears in and out of her ideal and desired realities, baffling ‘the Hollywood people' and later ‘the New York people', becoming the legendary central figure of the Illuminati, as the original timepiece — a pyramid shaped extra terrestrial vehicle which contains an ascended hyper conciousness, which

    I can't remember how it goes, did the supacree leave to find the Skrillex, or was it the other way around?

    I think it was both ways at some point, but the whole thing was this, just in case I never wrote it but just saw—

    These space god (humanoid evolved) are some kind of scientists/ doctors— there are four timepieces, each representing an era upon our planet; earth, which is distant but sacred— these four time pieces each depart their given “docs” in time to appear on earth at specific

    Fuck this is hard to explain

    Times in history, at which the first worlds, or previous human eras were known to have been destroyed— these time pieces travel through time space with the full record of these events in order to alert the current human era of its imminent doom, as an attempt to prevent such disasterous events, typically war, which will lead to the annihilation of the human species; these Gods, one male and one female, a king and queen, a married couple are the rules of the humankind, technically worshiped as a whole as one God, with whom the

    • 1 hr 6 min
    The Phenomenon of The Human Experience, Part I

    The Phenomenon of The Human Experience, Part I

    No sympathy
    For the empath, either
    It smells of either
    Mescaline, or ether
    It's just a dream, I mean
    I don't need referrals to therapy
    Serenity and peace
    Is all I'm screaming for
    The the fourth wall's broken
    The worlds up in arms
    I pretend to hold him in my arms,
    As I nod off,
    I forgot to block the thought watchers
    Got my VPN on, but
    An EMP is what we need
    To get the NPCs off
    Fuck then all, then
    Turn my phone off, tune out
    Or just doze off
    I need at lease a dose of Stone,
    You know,
    But won't bother
    It's awful/awesome
    I didn't wanna write it all,
    At all, but I got to
    Cause I been moving up
    Like the Jefferson's in Chicago
    Or was that New York?
    Imm unsure,
    Puzzles, importance and crosswords
    I can't run on no water and pasta
    So I'm awkward a short-stop
    Or stoped stored of breath, tripped over a cross a t the crosswalk,
    For once I'm iconic,
    The Beatles I'm all four of them
    Need some soft porn,
    Or a needle in side my arm
    This dude is harming me
    I need some f****n armor from
    The opposite of God
    It's just obnoxious,
    He won't stop fucking up my block
    I guess nobody loves him
    Not even his mom
    Guess it's my son
    It's just another song it sonnet,
    If you're reading or watching it
    It's the opposite of love,
    Not hate,
    It's poverty

    Baby's all right Brooklyn

    Pretty little palace of disaster
    Pretty little patterns of —
    Tantrums, smashing Jack o lanterns
    Hands that attach to the strings
    Allowing them to dance into dreams
    It seems these sacred places
    Have been ravaged
    I have not been running
    But I don't have any money
    Wise than that
    It's less than zero
    I want to kill myself again
    Honestly, I see a way out it just
    Requires being tortured
    By people coughing.
    And motorcycles
    I might have seen my son for the last time
    At age five
    It's finally warm outside
    And everything's just
    Reminding me
    I'm struggling with poverty
    Nothing really matters cause I don't belong here
    Everything is wrong
    I just want blonde hair,
    Hurry up, God
    Assist me with a suicide
    I can take pride in
    Not an attempt, but
    The only success I'll ever have
    At anything
    At all
    -El Al
    Nothing moves the same
    After an unrequited love becomes a tragedy
    Or just a movie scene
    I want to scream for needing to be needed
    Then again
    Could die just to be dead
    Could go back
    To just be blacklisted
    Or a crackhead
    Doing magic tricks


    I couldn't have ever imagined
    This fascination as of late
    Or making trance
    But anything can happen
    With the light switches on and off
    As the kite catches headwinds
    Or hedwig is getting bigger by the minute
    That just grows out of his head,
    But I wish it was a wig
    Like Kristen



    Breathe deep into my lungs,
    These scenes of things
    So evil seeming, even to me
    Lucidity becomes as dreamily
    Eerie, intermittently meaningless,
    And then suddenly,
    However much later,
    Maddeningly attractive,
    As I am, in fact
    Attached to this project
    As menacingly handsome and devilish as he is
    I've decided, it's manageable, but clashes with my
    Moral standards and clasps with fabrications
    Lay hands on me and see what happens!




    I asked to be a rockstar and showrunner
    On the same blood soaked candles
    I took blood oaths
    Dancing in front of the fountain
    At rockafeller plaza, to no applause,
    Of course,
    Drinking monsters nonstop,
    Ontop of my skateboard
    I came back late to Boston
    And took a plane to Vegas early the next morning
    But somewhere deep in my Google Drive or documents
    Is me under a neon sign,
    Which reads a name I resigned from saying
    Until maybe I get signed
    I hate him, but hey,
    The name of the game is Mating Season,
    And lately I've been craving eggs and
    Mayonnaise instead of protein shakes and

    Wax on, wax off…

    Pass, but that last sentence didn't make sense

    It did.::
    Yes, it did.

    You do some stupid shit.

    Okay, so I do stupid shit.


    • 50 min

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