1 hr 14 min

Filipe Tiago Stankovic, CEO at LinguaeMundi, on the Toyota Way, Leadership, Burnout, Learning... and more memoQ talks

    • Management

Filipe Tiago Stankovic is a young and very motivated CEO who has been working in this position for the past 3 years. He originally started by getting his hands dirty and being involved in every possible step imaginable of the company. Now he is a bit more focused on (just) management. He loves learning and has been truly blessed by the opportunity – and the burden, of being in charge and being able to actually try his new ideas from all the books he reads. This is an opportunity that not many young people get.
In this episode we explore many different topics in the form of a jamming session: anything from his favorite food, books – and how he applies knowledge acquired through reading in his everyday business, why he prefers non-fiction, although his father, Dejan Tiago Stankovic, is an acclaimed novelist, music (Filipe does rap music), dancing, all the way to his everyday business responsibilities and, ultimately, how having too many irons in the fire may lead to burnout, what the main culprits of it may be, and how to tackle it. We touch upon the topic of psychology, the perceptions of persons being either extroverts or introverts – or, as Filipe explains, outgoing introverts vs. shy extroverts as well. Finally, we cover the topic of learning, personally and as an organization.

Things we mentioned:
LinguaeMundi: https://www.linguaemundi.pt/
Francesinha: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesinha
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU: http://cdt.europa.eu/en
memoQ talks episode with Ildikó Horváth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSOlKQbECgM 
The Socratic Method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method
memoQfest: https://www.memoqfest.com/ 
The Toyota Way, by Jeffrey K. Liker: https://www.amazon.it/Toyota-Way-Second-Management-Manufacturer/dp/1260468518/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+toyota+way&qid=1651139580&sprefix=the+toyota%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-1
The Leadership Map: Gritty Guide Strategy, by Ian Windle: https://www.ebay.com/p/18050396764
The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses: https://www.amazon.it/Lean-Startup-Innovation-Successful-Businesses/dp/0670921602/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YV66OCVNKQF7&keywords=the+lean+startup&qid=1651139799&sprefix=the+lean+s%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-1
Estoril, by Dejan Tiago Stanković: https://www.laguna.rs/n5409_knjiga_estoril_ratni_roman_laguna.html
Odakle sam bila, više nisam, by Dejan Tiago Stanković: https://www.delfi.rs/knjige/10593_odakle_sam_bila_vise_nisam_knjiga_delfi_knjizare.html

Filipe Tiago Stankovic is a young and very motivated CEO who has been working in this position for the past 3 years. He originally started by getting his hands dirty and being involved in every possible step imaginable of the company. Now he is a bit more focused on (just) management. He loves learning and has been truly blessed by the opportunity – and the burden, of being in charge and being able to actually try his new ideas from all the books he reads. This is an opportunity that not many young people get.
In this episode we explore many different topics in the form of a jamming session: anything from his favorite food, books – and how he applies knowledge acquired through reading in his everyday business, why he prefers non-fiction, although his father, Dejan Tiago Stankovic, is an acclaimed novelist, music (Filipe does rap music), dancing, all the way to his everyday business responsibilities and, ultimately, how having too many irons in the fire may lead to burnout, what the main culprits of it may be, and how to tackle it. We touch upon the topic of psychology, the perceptions of persons being either extroverts or introverts – or, as Filipe explains, outgoing introverts vs. shy extroverts as well. Finally, we cover the topic of learning, personally and as an organization.

Things we mentioned:
LinguaeMundi: https://www.linguaemundi.pt/
Francesinha: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francesinha
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the EU: http://cdt.europa.eu/en
memoQ talks episode with Ildikó Horváth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSOlKQbECgM 
The Socratic Method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socratic_method
memoQfest: https://www.memoqfest.com/ 
The Toyota Way, by Jeffrey K. Liker: https://www.amazon.it/Toyota-Way-Second-Management-Manufacturer/dp/1260468518/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+toyota+way&qid=1651139580&sprefix=the+toyota%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-1
The Leadership Map: Gritty Guide Strategy, by Ian Windle: https://www.ebay.com/p/18050396764
The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses: https://www.amazon.it/Lean-Startup-Innovation-Successful-Businesses/dp/0670921602/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2YV66OCVNKQF7&keywords=the+lean+startup&qid=1651139799&sprefix=the+lean+s%2Caps%2C185&sr=8-1
Estoril, by Dejan Tiago Stanković: https://www.laguna.rs/n5409_knjiga_estoril_ratni_roman_laguna.html
Odakle sam bila, više nisam, by Dejan Tiago Stanković: https://www.delfi.rs/knjige/10593_odakle_sam_bila_vise_nisam_knjiga_delfi_knjizare.html

1 hr 14 min