👑Monica Yates: How to Harness Feminine Energy for Quantum Leaps & Manifestation Magic🌶️

The Mind School

👑Introducing the QUEEN of feminine energy, manifestation, business growth & abundance. ⁠

Tune in to hear about:⁠

✨How Monica built a million-dollar brand by the age of 23.⁠
✨What it ACTUALLY means to harness 'feminine energy'.⁠
✨How to tap into your TRUE desires in life and business. ⁠
✨Why embracing your feminine energy is critical for alignment & growth.⁠
✨Why you need to release sexual & sensual shame to manifest with ease. ⁠
✨How to achieve goals FAST with quantum leaping.⁠
✨How healing your trauma enables EPIC manifesting. ⁠

💦And so much more. This was JUICY. 💦⁠

You can find Monica @monicayateshealth⁠

As always, please don't forget to hit Subscribe! xxx

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