34 min

Oops! Fall Druids Crappy Castles

    • Improv

OH MY GOURD. Travis and Ian nestle in to share cider recipes and the best way to stay cozy while adventuring and covered in pumpkin guts. Or demon guts. Either way, its natural and so we support it.


To all Royals and Royals team-members—

The employee refrigerator in the break room is there for you all to use, but we have to establish a few rules. Please add your name to your food so when Travis steals food from it, he will know who has good stuff. Also please label whether or not it includes GMO fruits, vegetables, etc. GMO stands for Guidanced Magical Organism. I know it will give you a extra d4 to get your work done, but some people prefer to not consume them
Thank you for your cooperation.
— R&R Humanoid Resources

OH MY GOURD. Travis and Ian nestle in to share cider recipes and the best way to stay cozy while adventuring and covered in pumpkin guts. Or demon guts. Either way, its natural and so we support it.


To all Royals and Royals team-members—

The employee refrigerator in the break room is there for you all to use, but we have to establish a few rules. Please add your name to your food so when Travis steals food from it, he will know who has good stuff. Also please label whether or not it includes GMO fruits, vegetables, etc. GMO stands for Guidanced Magical Organism. I know it will give you a extra d4 to get your work done, but some people prefer to not consume them
Thank you for your cooperation.
— R&R Humanoid Resources

34 min