1 hr 21 min

Sporcle Spectacular: Forging the Five IV Isle Of Faces

    • Books

It is true. After much gib-gab and mucking about, I actually managed to get back in front of a mic and talk some bollocks. And what bollocks it was! There's mumbling, stumbling, and more than a fair share of crumbling (in terms of ASOIAF knowledge, not spines...so far)
In case you forgot: These episodes are based around the Quiz website sporcle and their ASOIAF category. I click on the random button and try to beat the average score FIVE TIMES IN A ROW. Do I do it first time? You look at the episode length and tell me. Do I forget simple, basic, first-day ASOIAF knowledge? You fucking bet I do. Is this a good way of showing myself up and perhaps beginning to make amends for my absence? Well I sure hope so.
It's a bit of fun, a bit of a laugh, and hopefully a way to ease our way back onto the shores. 
Even more importantly, HAVE A GO YOURSELF. And lemme know your amazingly high scores! I'd love to get some dialogue and conversation going, and this is always a good place to start.

Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at



Thanks as always!


It is true. After much gib-gab and mucking about, I actually managed to get back in front of a mic and talk some bollocks. And what bollocks it was! There's mumbling, stumbling, and more than a fair share of crumbling (in terms of ASOIAF knowledge, not spines...so far)
In case you forgot: These episodes are based around the Quiz website sporcle and their ASOIAF category. I click on the random button and try to beat the average score FIVE TIMES IN A ROW. Do I do it first time? You look at the episode length and tell me. Do I forget simple, basic, first-day ASOIAF knowledge? You fucking bet I do. Is this a good way of showing myself up and perhaps beginning to make amends for my absence? Well I sure hope so.
It's a bit of fun, a bit of a laugh, and hopefully a way to ease our way back onto the shores. 
Even more importantly, HAVE A GO YOURSELF. And lemme know your amazingly high scores! I'd love to get some dialogue and conversation going, and this is always a good place to start.

Please do consider giving us a rating or review if you can, and find more of the Isle of Faces and other projects at



Thanks as always!


1 hr 21 min